 First Officer
LordoftheFlies Posted at 2018-8-23 08:31
Oh yeah for sure. I am just used to the optics market retaining value. Company's like Zeiss, Leica, Hasselblad, & their are a few others have stayed relevant by making photography equipment that holds value. I guess its a testament to our times, technology is moving so fast. It's hard to find a position worth investing in.
Optics is another story... especially with the companies whose equipment was on the Moon and working there. (hasselblad camera with zeiss lens). I am fairly sure that even if M2 is delivered somehow to the Moon it would not manage to take off, lol. And speaking of reselling values in optics there are also some very drastic examples of rapid fall in value... large format cameras.... ppl today don't want to move around heavy and big equipment, finely adjust standards, learn about some serious science, they rather get tilt and shift lens for their mirrorless... |