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New Mavic Pro Firmware Released(2018.09.03)
61574 162 2018-9-3
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Picanoc Jack
First Officer
Flight distance : 11056424 ft

retry and retry and retry   well i'm fed up with it , tried to download but just will not download.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 27489951 ft
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Updated my Mavic Pro from v01.03.0514 to  v01.04.0500.  Took two attempts.  Updating was much longer than 5 minutes.  Only did the update so that I could take spherical panoramas.  Test flight went well, panorama was way over exposed though and the Go4 app crashed each time it tried to stitch the pano.
Manually stitched it in ICE.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 436171 ft

Picanoc Jack Posted at 2018-9-5 09:13
retry and retry and retry   well i'm fed up with it , tried to download but just will not download.

Are you trying to update via your phone/tablet, or have you tried the DJI Assistant app on your PC/Mac?
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No problems updating either the bird (MP) or the controller here via DJI Assistant on a Win 10 PC via USB.  Took about 15 minutes for both devices. And I'm on a SLOOOWWW Internet link.
Firmware seems problem-free so far.
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Thanks for the post
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Flight distance : 9377 ft

It looks like i'm the only one who can't update. So i've tried updating via the android app but it failed due to rc battery dropping below 40%. I tried everything more times than i can remember, including using the dji assistant on the pc. At one point i had no firmwair in the ac, but i managed to get the 0.5 in now. The rc is still at 0.4 and it always fails to install. It downloads to 99% then says it failed.
If i check in the app or the assistant the firmware for the ac is 0.500 and rc 0.400 and it says it can't take off and needs to update the ac firmware!! I get error 200 and 201 sometimes, something about rc connection to the aircraft. I had no issuses whatsover with it, including other firmware updates. Any ideeas? I don t get an error code when failing, it just says it failed.
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Why is Crystalsky not on this list??? It’s your own monitor!!
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Picanoc Jack
First Officer
Flight distance : 11056424 ft

theothernt Posted at 2018-9-6 04:48
Are you trying to update via your phone/tablet, or have you tried the DJI Assistant app on your PC/Mac?

no I have been trying on my laptop my controller has been successful to down load but not the mp
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DJI Susan

حاتم الزغيبي Posted at 2018-9-4 04:06
Right I tried and the same mistake sorry I used the translator to connect

Thanks for getting back to us. If the issue remains after several times of firmware refresh, I'm sorry that you may consider sending the unit in for diagnosis: Sorry about this.
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DJI Susan

Ulysses Paiva Posted at 2018-9-4 05:16
Hi, Susan!

Well, it is compatible in terms of being able to connect (via USB), but it's not a full compatibility. A lot of functions are not available using the goggles, like it doesnt show all the frame rate options (and some other settings on the software side that are already available inside Go4 app). You cant use both goggles and smartphone at the same time, you have to disconnect/unplug one to conect the other so you even dont have a button within the app to switch between them. When you disconnect the goggles, it always change the Go4 app wifi setting to 2.4Ghz (I mostly use 5.8ghz) even though its connected via USB cable. You have to first take off with the phone then unplug it, plug the goggle and only then you can use it. And some other functions not present inside the goggles which are present in the Go4 app (battery level bar with RTH estimation and others). It's not fully compatible, it only "works".

May I know what's the current aircraft firmware and Goggles firmware do you use? I'd like to forward to our engineers to check whether there are better suggestions.
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DJI Susan

scottyboy12911 Posted at 2018-9-4 17:16
I just have a quick question, i had a dji pro and sold it to get the mavic 2. The one thing i am noticing is that the "follow me mode, terrain tracking, gestures control" just to name a few are not there... WHY is that DJI? will it be in a future update? If i am paying for a pro I WANT IT ALL lol- can anyone elaborate on that?

Sorry for the inconvenience. The intelligent flight modes of the drones are different, you may refer to the
consumer drones comparison: understand your frustration and will forward this to our engineers, hope they will consider it in the future.
Intelligent Flight Modes.png
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DJI Susan

LeafPeeper Posted at 2018-9-5 02:31
Yes - it's the error I mentioned in this thread.   Happens with this firmware too.

Received with thanks! I'll check the exact status later and keep you updated in your own post.
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DJI Susan

fans1a30b3d1 Posted at 2018-9-5 07:16
5 times I have tried updating the RC - Mavic worked 1st time but RC fails every time!

working of a dedicated supreme desktop so this should be a walk in the park.

Sir, is there any error message when the RC update failed? May I have the screenshot for better assistance?
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DJI Susan

Picanoc Jack Posted at 2018-9-6 17:44
no I have been trying on my laptop my controller has been successful to down load but not the mp

Hello Jack, may I know what's the current firmware of the Mavic Pro? Could you upload the screenshot of the failed update? We'd like to check the exact status and see whether it can be figured out remotely.
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Hatem m
Second Officer
Flight distance : 3430463 ft
Saudi Arabia

DJI Susan Posted at 2018-9-6 18:45
Thanks for getting back to us. If the issue remains after several times of firmware refresh, I'm sorry that you may consider sending the unit in for diagnosis: Sorry about this.

I keep staying on an older version or waiting for a beta or a newer version can fix the update problem and that's my mail I could send me a beta version
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DJI Susan

Mavicmehigh Posted at 2018-9-6 09:38
It looks like i'm the only one who can't update. So i've tried updating via the android app but it failed due to rc battery dropping below 40%. I tried everything more times than i can remember, including using the dji assistant on the pc. At one point i had no firmwair in the ac, but i managed to get the 0.5 in now. The rc is still at 0.4 and it always fails to install. It downloads to 99% then says it failed.
If i check in the app or the assistant the firmware for the ac is 0.500 and rc 0.400 and it says it can't take off and needs to update the ac firmware!! I get error 200 and 201 sometimes, something about rc connection to the aircraft. I had no issuses whatsover with it, including other firmware updates. Any ideeas? I don t get an error code when failing, it just says it failed.

Hi Mavicmehigh, please make sure the RC is fully charged, then connect the RC with DJI GO 4/DJI Assistant 2 to see whether it helps. If still no luck, please kindly export the upgrade log for better assistance, thanks so much!
Assistant 2(Windows) C: /Users/XXXXXX/AppData/Roaming/DJI Assistant 2/upgrade_log
Assistant 2(MAC): ~/Library/Application Support/DJI Assistant 2/upgrade_log
APP(IOS): Click the DJI logo on the left upper corner more than 10 times, you will see the log and copy it to us
APP(Android): dji/dji.go.v4/log/cache/up_new_all
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Picanoc Jack
First Officer
Flight distance : 11056424 ft

DJI Susan Posted at 2018-9-6 19:32
Hello Jack, may I know what's the current firmware of the Mavic Pro? Could you upload the screenshot of the failed update? We'd like to check the exact status and see whether it can be figured out remotely.

will do later on today,  already went through 3 batteries,  it says 100% but then shows failed and error but I have to go back again later on
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DJI Susan

Hatem m Posted at 2018-9-6 19:34
I keep staying on an older version or waiting for a beta or a newer version can fix the update problem and that's my mail I could send me a beta version

Hi Hatem, do you refer to the Mavic Pro, right? May I know what's your current firmware and the error code when the firmware update failed?
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Picanoc Jack
First Officer
Flight distance : 11056424 ft

Picanoc Jack Posted at 2018-9-6 22:36
will do later on today,  already went through 3 batteries,  it says 100% but then shows failed and error but I have to go back again later on

well Susan the best I can do is tell you what is on the photo,  at the top of the screen there is a big exclamation mark and under it   Update failed.  upload Error log  V01.04.0500  and under that it shows 100% then bottom left corner  shows . undefined 0X032800 then shows note to restart the DJI device before updating the firmware
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Hatem m
Second Officer
Flight distance : 3430463 ft
Saudi Arabia

DJI Susan Posted at 2018-9-6 23:19
Hi Hatem, do you refer to the Mavic Pro, right? May I know what's your current firmware and the error code when the firmware update failed?

The version is now 01.04.0602 and the version you want to update has 01.05.0600 and error is code 0x02a803
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Hatem m
Second Officer
Flight distance : 3430463 ft
Saudi Arabia

The picture is too much to talk about
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Picanoc Jack
First Officer
Flight distance : 11056424 ft

trying to upgrade with the mp connected to controller I am just waiting while it's upgrading hopefully that will work,
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Ulysses Paiva
Flight distance : 692792 ft

DJI Susan Posted at 2018-9-6 18:56
May I know what's the current aircraft firmware and Goggles firmware do you use? I'd like to forward to our engineers to check whether there are better suggestions.

Hi, Susan!
The latest on all. .400 on the Mavic Air and .400 on the Goggles and already updated to .500 and everything is the same.
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Picanoc Jack
First Officer
Flight distance : 11056424 ft

Ulysses Paiva Posted at 2018-9-7 03:10
Hi, Susan!
The latest on all. .400 on the Mavic Air and .400 on the Goggles and already updated to .500 and everything is the same.

don't tell me I've been trying all this time for nothing and wasting my battery lifes
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Picanoc Jack
First Officer
Flight distance : 11056424 ft

it finally worked, and that's after I reset the whole thing to factory, then downloaded another DJI assistant,  the next time there is an update I will feel very uncomfortable however with this being said I was looking for help since early morning, say around 2am.
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Flight distance : 450075 ft
  • >>>
United States

DJI Susan Posted at 2018-9-6 19:13
Received with thanks! I'll check the exact status later and keep you updated in your own post.

Thanks Susan!
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I keep getting this error: undefined 0x020106 and stops at 44%. I've restarted my drone and PC countless of times. I even tried using a VPN. Uninstalled and reinstalled DJI Assitant 2 multiple times. I've tried using my phone and it gets stuck at 69% and just stops updating. I've used different batteries all at 90+%. Remote updated fine but the drone won't. Either that or it goes into an update loop where it just tries to update. Please help me fix this.
Use props
Flight distance : 674022 ft
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I make an update iPhone X with wlan and works without problems.
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So I've been trying to update the firmware on the pro 2 for around 6 hours now! I've not even flown it yet, I've took it out of the box/charged the batteries and gone to update the FW, completely fails on my android phone. Tried on the laptop with the latest assistant 2, get to 24% and fails! Tried on the iPad mini, gets to 20% and fails. I'm extremely annoyed at this and seriously thinking about returning it for a refund. I really don't know what else to do! Any advice would be appreciated
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Use props
Flight distance : 57372 ft

My update to v01.04.0500 on usb mavic pro, first it hung at 88%, then reset and it hung at 7%, error codes both times was 0*125800.
reverted back to ver v01.04.0400 which works fine for me, update to goggles was no problem.
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DJI Susan

Hatem m Posted at 2018-9-6 23:32
The version is now 01.04.0602 and the version you want to update has 01.05.0600 and error is code 0x02a803

Hatem, the previous beta is only available for the firmware before 01.04.0000. For your issue, you may try to connect with DJI Assistant 2 and refresh the firmware several times to see whether it helps. If still no luck, I'm afraid that you may consider sending the unit in, please kindly contact to start a case.
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DJI Susan

Picanoc Jack Posted at 2018-9-7 13:49
it finally worked, and that's after I reset the whole thing to factory, then downloaded another DJI assistant,  the next time there is an update I will feel very uncomfortable however with this being said I was looking for help since early morning, say around 2am.

Hi Jack, thanks for keeping us updated. You may check the version in About page to see whether it has got the latest firmware version number. If everything is the latest, and there is no error message, you may do a short flight to test. Fly safe!
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DJI Susan

Ulysses Paiva Posted at 2018-9-7 03:10
Hi, Susan!
The latest on all. .400 on the Mavic Air and .400 on the Goggles and already updated to .500 and everything is the same.

Received with thanks! All info has been forwarded to our engineers for check and analysis. We'll come back as long as there is an update.
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DJI Susan

Jollibee86 Posted at 2018-9-7 23:54
I keep getting this error: undefined 0x020106 and stops at 44%. I've restarted my drone and PC countless of times. I even tried using a VPN. Uninstalled and reinstalled DJI Assitant 2 multiple times. I've tried using my phone and it gets stuck at 69% and just stops updating. I've used different batteries all at 90+%. Remote updated fine but the drone won't. Either that or it goes into an update loop where it just tries to update. Please help me fix this. [view_image]

Hello Jollibee86, may I know what's the current version of the aircraft? If it is the firmware before V01.04.0000, there is a beta firmware which may help to figure this out. If the aircraft has been updated to V01.04.0000 or later version, I'm afraid that the beta will not work, you may start a case and send it in for diagnosis, please help us confirm, thanks so much!
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DJI Susan

fansa07eeadc Posted at 2018-9-8 07:51
So I've been trying to update the firmware on the pro 2 for around 6 hours now! I've not even flown it yet, I've took it out of the box/charged the batteries and gone to update the FW, completely fails on my android phone. Tried on the laptop with the latest assistant 2, get to 24% and fails! Tried on the iPad mini, gets to 20% and fails. I'm extremely annoyed at this and seriously thinking about returning it for a refund. I really don't know what else to do! Any advice would be appreciated

Sir, may I know what's the current version of the DJI Assistant 2? For Mavic 2, it is recommended to download the DJI Assistant 2 from the Mavic 2 page and check: If the issue remains, please kindly refer to 56# and export the upgrade log for analysis, thanks so much!
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DJI Susan

semc Posted at 2018-9-9 04:43
My update to v01.04.0500 on usb mavic pro, first it hung at 88%, then reset and it hung at 7%, error codes both times was 0*125800.
reverted back to ver v01.04.0400 which works fine for me, update to goggles was no problem.

Hi semc, may I have the screenshot of the error code? Please kindly refer to the 56# and export the upgrade log for analysis, we'd like to check the exact status, thanks so much!
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 3613307 ft
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i  d update my Mavic Pro Today via Dji go 4 APP . No Problems in the update
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Flight distance : 104396 ft

Hello all!!

I have a Mavic Pro, controlling it with a Samsung S9+. RTH configured to 50m and if RC signal is lost RTH enabled.
I upgraded it yesterday to this new firmware release from the DJi 4 GO app, without issues. After then, I went into a short flight of 300-400 meters from my home location, 80-100m high. After 6 min 30s flying without issues (no wind, sunny day...) I completelly lost connection from RC to the AC. I tried to point it, get a better (higher) location... it was completely impossible to recover it. I was expecting it to do RTH, but nothing happened. After 3 minutes I decided to restart RC, and inmediately it recovered the connection and AC started RTH, landing safely.

I wonder what could happened and why AC didn´t start RTH inmediately when losing RC connection. I have rechecked configuration and everything is properly set... I never found any issue like this before, so my gut feeling was something related to this new FW.

Does anyone from DJI has any possible explanation/suggestion to avoid this behaviour? Any extra before flight check to be done? I really felt I had lost my drone...
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Flight distance : 57372 ft

I finally got the update to work with my Samsung s7 connected, the pc version kept hanging, can I have google maps instead of that other rubbish.
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