Lens Distortion - Quick Fix (Adobe Premiere Pro CC)
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20820 66 2018-9-7
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By now many of you have probably heard about some of the 'LENS DISTORTION' within the Mavic 2 Pro.  In summary, there is some barrel distortion in the footage when shooting in 4K Full FOV 'DLOG-M' color profile and within the 'Hybrid Log-Gamma' (HLG) color mode.  You'll notice the distortion on the upper far left and far right corners of landscape footage as well as some other shots as well.  This is has not been identified within the 'Normal' color profile mode.

Quick Fix within Adobe Premiere Pro CC:  In EFFECTS PANEL,  LENS DISTORTION

P.S.  Yes, I'm aware there are several other threads out there on this issue.  I just didn't want this getting burried in those threads as it seems like an easy fix for those with the proper editing software.  I'm not familiar with the correction within Final Cut Pro but I'm sure it has a simliar fix.  Hopefully, this is helpful to others.  

If you're not familar with the 'Barrel Distortion' problem just do a quick search in the forum and you'll find more information and there are already plenty of YouTube videos posted which identify this problem in more detail.  Also, DJI ADMIN's have indicated in the forums that they're aware of the problem and I've seen multiple responses from DJI ADMIN.  One statement saying "....the problem can be fixed in post-processing" & in another response saying "...engineers (at DJI) are currently working on a fix".  So, this may only need to be an interum solution.  

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DJI Natalia

Hello there. Thank you for sharing this helpful tips regarding on the distortion on the Mavic 2 Pro. Actually, It's a normal phenomenon. The video captured in the DLOG-M and HLG color modes is uniformly encoded using 10bits H.265 for greater post-processing space. But 10bits video cannot complete distortion correction in the aircraft directly, it needs to be post-processed. There is much software that supports distortion correction, therefore, we recommend customers to solve it by themselves. If users want an image that is not distorted too much, recommend users use the normal color mode for video shooting.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1535679 ft

DJI Natalia Posted at 2018-9-7 09:20
Hello there. Thank you for sharing this helpful tips regarding on the distortion on the Mavic 2 Pro. Actually, It's a normal phenomenon. The video captured in the DLOG-M and HLG color modes is uniformly encoded using 10bits H.265 for greater post-processing space. But 10bits video cannot complete distortion correction in the aircraft directly, it needs to be post-processed. There is much software that supports distortion correction, therefore, we recommend customers to solve it by themselves. If users want an image that is not distorted too much, recommend users use the normal color mode for video shooting.

Excuse me??? SOLVE IT BY THEMSELVES??? What kind of stance is that to take with your customers???

"We put out something half-baked, and can't be bothered to correct it, so go fix it yourself"


DJI staff here have already stated engineers are aware of this and working to correct, and the chip used in this camera has the capacity to correct this on-the-fly...

Here's a suggestion for you... If you're going to release a product that requires additional steps NONE of your other drones need to obtain the results shown on your MOST HEAVILY MARKETED FEATURE of this new drone, then TELL PEOPLE "Results shown after image post-processing and lens correction", and don't just tell them FIX IT YOURSELF!!!

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First Officer
Flight distance : 233757 ft
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DJI Natalia Posted at 2018-9-7 09:20
Hello there. Thank you for sharing this helpful tips regarding on the distortion on the Mavic 2 Pro. Actually, It's a normal phenomenon. The video captured in the DLOG-M and HLG color modes is uniformly encoded using 10bits H.265 for greater post-processing space. But 10bits video cannot complete distortion correction in the aircraft directly, it needs to be post-processed. There is much software that supports distortion correction, therefore, we recommend customers to solve it by themselves. If users want an image that is not distorted too much, recommend users use the normal color mode for video shooting.

Please let me clarify.  I was simply offering a simple solution to a concern many users were having.  However, your response appears to contradict previous statements made by other DJI ADMIN's on this forum.  Would you mind sync'ing up (and fully clarifying) with other DJI Staff & DJI Techs and provide a clear, and uniform, statement of DJI's position on this issue.  It would clarify the confusion.........

Cut/Paste from other DJI ADMIN Responses:

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DJI Natalia

EdisonW1979 Posted at 2018-9-7 10:07
Excuse me??? SOLVE IT BY THEMSELVES??? What kind of stance is that to take with your customers???

"We put out something half-baked, and can't be bothered to correct it, so go fix it yourself"

Hi. We're sorry for the confusion that this caused. We already have the update from our R&D department and as I mentioned above, distortion is a normal phenomenon. The only way to correct this is to use a software that supports distortion correction. Thanks for your understanding.
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DJI Natalia

RGMGFitness Posted at 2018-9-7 10:16
Please let me clarify.  I was simply offering a simple solution to a concern many users were having.  However, your response appears to contradict previous statements made by other DJI ADMIN's on this forum.  Would you mind sync'ing up (and fully clarifying) with other DJI Staff & DJI Techs and provide a clear, and uniform, statement of DJI's position on this issue.  It would clarify the confusion.........

Cut/Paste from other DJI ADMIN Responses:

Hi. We're sorry for the confusion that this caused. We already coordinate this issue to our engineering team and the update is that this is a normal phenomenon for Mavic 2. The only way to correct this is to use a software that supports distortion correction. Thanks for your understanding.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 233757 ft
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United States

DJI Natalia Posted at 2018-9-7 10:40
Hi. We're sorry for the confusion that this caused. We already coordinate this issue to our engineering team and the update is that this is a normal phenomenon for Mavic 2. The only way to correct this is to use a software that supports distortion correction. Thanks for your understanding.

Thank you for the clarification.  
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1535679 ft

DJI Natalia Posted at 2018-9-7 10:39
Hi. We're sorry for the confusion that this caused. We already have the update from our R&D department and as I mentioned above, distortion is a normal phenomenon. The only way to correct this is to use a software that supports distortion correction. Thanks for your understanding.

This is NOT acceptable, because even the DJI Spark and hobbled Mavic Air, and the older Mavic Pro / Platinum, didn't have this issue!

And not all M2's are experiencing barrel lens distortion when capturing 4k in HLG / DLOG-M, so I believe DJI Wanda more here than you.

Screen Shot 2018-09-07 at 16.57.41.png
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DJI Natalia Posted at 2018-9-7 09:20
Hello there. Thank you for sharing this helpful tips regarding on the distortion on the Mavic 2 Pro. Actually, It's a normal phenomenon. The video captured in the DLOG-M and HLG color modes is uniformly encoded using 10bits H.265 for greater post-processing space. But 10bits video cannot complete distortion correction in the aircraft directly, it needs to be post-processed. There is much software that supports distortion correction, therefore, we recommend customers to solve it by themselves. If users want an image that is not distorted too much, recommend users use the normal color mode for video shooting.

Okay ... let's have a look at your explaination:

Actually, It's a normal phenomenon
The lens itself has a curvature and that's all what's normal here. Something to accept if you use RAW footage not if it's processed before saving.

The video captured in the DLOG-M and HLG color modes is uniformly encoded using 10bits H.265 for greater post-processing space.
That has nothing to do with the distortion.

But 10bits video cannot complete distortion correction in the aircraft directly, it needs to be post-processed.
The 10Bit color-space also has nothing to do with the distortion. You make up a connection that isn't there on it's own.

There is much software that supports distortion correction, therefore, we recommend customers to solve it by themselves.
That is an epic fail. I made so many posts on this and why this can't be done easily depending on your needs for image quality and production workflow that i am speechless after 5 days of discussions.

If users want an image that is not distorted too much, recommend users use the normal color mode for video shooting.
First, footage on normal mode isn't distorted at all. And second ... you advertised a hasselblad camera with superior quality and now you recommend us to choose between less quality and distortion (or the problem to remove it properly).

I am feeling fooled right now and i have no understanding.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1535679 ft

HCL Posted at 2018-9-7 10:58
Okay ... let's have a look at your explaination:

Actually, It's a normal phenomenon

If I could upvote your post x1000 I would!

DJI's "revised" stance on this is mind-boggling, and insulting! Here they advertise their latest, best-in-class drone with Hasselblad, and it generates images with distortion rivalling a GOPRO???

And then tell us go fix it ourselves!!! I'm sorry, this was a slap in the face!!!

And Natalia's explanation was analyzed and deconstructed by you brilliantly!

They should be ashamed of themselves...
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After weeks of hyped anticipation and 6 days of ignored anger and complaints i am finally done with this. This product is not an insurance contract ... it is about emotions and you lost mine (after spending so much money on advertising to arouse them).
The package goes back tommorrow.
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United States

There's already a Mavic 2 Pro correction preset available for free to Premiere Pro and FCPX users - https://geni.us/DistortionCorrection
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1535679 ft

fans980d1304 Posted at 2018-9-7 11:23
There's already a Mavic 2 Pro correction preset available for free to Premiere Pro and FCPX users - https://geni.us/DistortionCorrection

From reading other posts on the forum, it would appear DJI are comparing the HB camera on the M2 to the one on the Inspire 2 series, where those cameras don't contain lens correction in the ProRes colour profiles, which require post-production correction to be applied in some cases.

I know in pro camera gear this is sometimes needed, even in DSLR's, so I'm OK with this statement. However, the M2 is targeted as a consumer level product, so to expect consumers to have to go thru these extra steps to get the same style of footage every other consumer DJI drone has provided without these extra steps, is out of line IMHO.

The M2P, should've in this case, be classified as a Prosumer grade product, with the M2Z being the consumer grade model...
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12400594 ft
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HCL Posted at 2018-9-7 11:14
After weeks of hyped anticipation and 6 days of ignored anger and complaints i am finally done with this. This product is not an insurance contract ... it is about emotions and you lost mine (after spending so much money on advertising to arouse them).
The package goes back tommorrow.

It seems strange you would take this decision, for what simply takes seconds to correct in post, if your shooting in these profiles you have no choice to go to finish your work in post , it is also not uncommon for this to happen in Cameras and by that I mean much more expensive cameras. But if you looking for a drone at this price to do all you want you may have serious problems finding one.
I wish you luck but I would seriously rethink before sending back, we also don’t know for sure that it won’t be fixed in future FW, some mixed messages coming forward at the minute.
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hallmark007 Posted at 2018-9-7 12:25
It seems strange you would take this decision, for what simply takes seconds to correct in post, if your shooting in these profiles you have no choice to go to finish your work in post , it is also not uncommon for this to happen in Cameras and by that I mean much more expensive cameras. But if you looking for a drone at this price to do all you want you may have serious problems finding one.
I wish you luck but I would seriously rethink before sending back, we also don’t know for sure that it won’t be fixed in future FW, some mixed messages coming forward at the minute.

Okay, i posted several times why it isn't done in seconds in my workflow but i will do it one last time AGAIN.

I use after effects for extended compositing. Yes, i could use the premiere correction profile the YT guy offered us days ago. But to use it in after effects i would have to render it out (at least in a high profile codec with 10bit which would result in a much higher file-size  to avoid another compression stage with quality loss) or use dynamic link which would result in a significant performance loss (i won't get in detail here ... it is experience). The inbuild optical compensation in after effects is not good enough to match the quality of the desired footage and is only a rough approximation. There are third party plugins like RevisionFX Lens with much more control and better quality but without a specific lens profile (which is common for many lenses on the market) you will have to make one on your own. If you take it serious (and that's why we bought a hasselblad camera incl. 10bit color-space, right?) you will have to take a grid-image and tweak it until it's almost perfect ... and that's not done in seconds. Besides i have to buy an additional software for a feature i expected out of this drone.

My problem in the end is not the post-processing itself as i do this all the time and more than just grading but it is the kind of support and communication we get on this issue. And for almost 2,5K i want to be taken serious on this issues and not get explainations like today.
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No Man's Drone
Flight distance : 301545 ft
United States

fans980d1304 Posted at 2018-9-7 11:23
There's already a Mavic 2 Pro correction preset available for free to Premiere Pro and FCPX users - https://geni.us/DistortionCorrection

I believe that's for the FOV. I applied that in HQ and the barrel distortion is still apparent (as expected - because it is for a FOV distortion fix) and more noticeable when llthe camera looks up.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12400594 ft
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HCL Posted at 2018-9-7 13:08
Okay, i posted several times why it isn't done in seconds in my workflow but i will do it one last time AGAIN.

I use after effects for extended compositing. Yes, i could use the premiere correction profile the YT guy offered us days ago. But to use it in after effects i would have to render it out (at least in a high profile codec with 10bit which would result in a much higher file-size  to avoid another compression stage with quality loss) or use dynamic link which would result in a significant performance loss (i won't get in detail here ... it is experience). The inbuild optical compensation in after effects is not good enough to match the quality of the desired footage and is only a rough approximation. There are third party plugins like RevisionFX Lens with much more control and better quality but without a specific lens profile (which is common for many lenses on the market) you will have to make one on your own. If you take it serious (and that's why we bought a hasselblad camera incl. 10bit color-space, right?) you will have to take a grid-image and tweak it until it's almost perfect ... and that's not done in seconds. Besides i have to buy an additional software for a feature i expected out of this drone.

I’m not to sure if your familiar with dealing with dji, but it can be quite frustrating, as regards giving out information for fixes whether trough FW SW, they will always remain tight lipped and believe me this has been exactly the same for the last 5 years and I don’t see it changing anytime soon, so getting frustrated and banging your head off the wall will not Chang anything.
Yes debate here and show your disappointment but don’t expect anything until it happens, I’m sure they are aware of the situation and if it can be fixed it will. Most dji aircraft and cameras have always taken time to bed in and contrary to what you might read around here , improve greatly over time, it’s just the way is , I’m not saying it should be that way but it is.
The Mavic Pro was a dog of a drone and camera when first released but today it is much improved, and I expect the M2 to also improve with time.
I’m not to sure if it will change anything for you by sending it in, if you have some simpler way around the problem I would stick it out, everything else about this aircraft and camera has been for me one of the best dji drones I have used and I have used most of them. But sometimes you may have to work with what you have until they decide to improve things.
I wish you luck whatever you decide to do.
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United States

No Man's Drone Posted at 2018-9-7 13:23
I believe that's for the FOV. I applied that in HQ and the barrel distortion is still apparent (as expected - because it is for a FOV distortion fix) and more noticeable when llthe camera looks up.

Yes Full FOV only but there is an HQ correction update coming
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No Man's Drone
Flight distance : 301545 ft
United States

fans980d1304 Posted at 2018-9-7 13:37
Yes Full FOV only but there is an HQ correction update coming

Nice! I can't wait since I just ordered PolarPro's Cinematographer series filters.
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That was a good answer! It's my first time  dealing with dji and i will take your words in consideration and see what my belly says tommorrow morning ;-)
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1638323 ft
United States

Had this thing in my cart & just cancelled that! I’m not doing this again with DJI. The first Mavic was enough for me. That took 3 of those to get a properly operating one. And months & months. And broken promises.

DJI have great marketing, but horrible execution.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 5712575 ft
United Kingdom

fans980d1304 Posted at 2018-9-7 13:37
Yes Full FOV only but there is an HQ correction update coming

They;re working on a HQ one.

Ideally DJI would just release an official one (and a LUT) and thats it, problem is all gone.

Fix it in post because 100% of dlog clips require post.
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CineView Media
Second Officer
Flight distance : 5365522 ft
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Its horrible all the inaccurate info that is spread around here on the forum by the admins.
How about getting things confirmed before you throw out random info?
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Flight distance : 638911 ft

DJI Natalia Posted at 2018-9-7 10:39
Hi. We're sorry for the confusion that this caused. We already have the update from our R&D department and as I mentioned above, distortion is a normal phenomenon. The only way to correct this is to use a software that supports distortion correction. Thanks for your understanding.

Huge distorsion is a normal phenomenon for a fish-eye lens only, not for a properly designed lens
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 872694 ft
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United States

EdisonW1979 Posted at 2018-9-7 10:07
Excuse me??? SOLVE IT BY THEMSELVES??? What kind of stance is that to take with your customers???

"We put out something half-baked, and can't be bothered to correct it, so go fix it yourself"

They are using all available bandwidth for 10bit color depth. You do realize dlog-m requires post? Lens correction is just another step in your post workflow..

I2 ProRes has the same limitation.. Wouldn't you rather have 10bit color depth than in camera lens correction? I know most people that care for IQ would rather have 10bit.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 872694 ft
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United States

CineView Media Posted at 2018-9-7 14:55
Its horrible all the inaccurate info that is spread around here on the forum by the admins.
How about getting things confirmed before you throw out random info?

We do apologize , please read my above post! Please also remember our support staff are still learning this product.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 872694 ft
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United States

HCL Posted at 2018-9-7 10:58
Okay ... let's have a look at your explaination:

Actually, It's a normal phenomenon

You're correct that color space has nothing to do with len distortion.. But it does take additional processing.. SO let’s think about this...

We have 10bit color depth encoding to a very demanding codec (h.265). This alone take up most processing in this profile and unfortunately there's just not enough overhead for the additional onboard lens correction.

As I’ve already tried to explain the i2 while shooting in ProRes also has this limitation ... People need to remember if you are going to be shooting in a flat/raw type profile, it will require post processing.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 405102 ft

DJI-BladeStrike Posted at 2018-9-7 18:39
You're correct that color space has nothing to do with len distortion.. But it does take additional processing.. SO let’s think about this...

We have 10bit color depth encoding to a very demanding codec (h.265). This alone take up most processing in this profile and unfortunately there's just not enough overhead for the additional onboard lens correction.

It's not just 10bit color profile messed up, 8bit shows distortion as well (4K, 2,7K)
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Flight distance : 638911 ft

DJI-BladeStrike Posted at 2018-9-7 18:39
You're correct that color space has nothing to do with len distortion.. But it does take additional processing.. SO let’s think about this...

We have 10bit color depth encoding to a very demanding codec (h.265). This alone take up most processing in this profile and unfortunately there's just not enough overhead for the additional onboard lens correction.

The issue is not the distorsion correction, the issue is the lens design...
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DJI-BladeStrike Posted at 2018-9-7 18:39
You're correct that color space has nothing to do with len distortion.. But it does take additional processing.. SO let’s think about this...

We have 10bit color depth encoding to a very demanding codec (h.265). This alone take up most processing in this profile and unfortunately there's just not enough overhead for the additional onboard lens correction.

When i woke up this morning i decided to not send it back because of what hallmark said. In the end my anger is not about the issue itself ... it's the way the company reacts on it and that includes your posts (i read all of them) as a representative. You still don't get the point and I will explain why.

1.) You advertised the hell out of this product making it look like we get nearly professional image qualitiy on a prosumer level drone. The 10bit color-space was the main selling point for me. But color-space and resultion is not the only aspect of IQ ... the quality of the lens and the overall stability of the image is also important. Shooting RAW-footage on a cheap lens is quite useless as well as using 8Bit 4:2:0 with a zeiss cinema lens. All parts have to fit together on the same level and after reading hasselblad i assumed they are which brings me to my second point.

2.) You didn't tell anybody about it and your statement shows you know it from the beginning because it wasn't a bug it was a design choice connected to the main selling point ... image quality. You could have seen this coming but instead you kept it under the desk and don't even train your stuff how to react on it properly. That is one thing many customers don't like because it is a matter of trust and appreciation.

3.) The blabla about "you need post processing anyway and it's only one additional step". Please don't tread us like complete noobs and please take the time to follow the discussion before you post. There is no single footage i will not intensely post process and composite. Lens correction would be a tiny fraction of it. But the amount of extra work depends on the host application you are working with and the results you want to achieve. It's not something to generalize but you guys do it all day long. That brings me to my last point.

4.) Missing support for lens correction in post. If i wan't to achieve professional looking footage and therefore use 10bit D-Log H.265 i also want a spot on lens correction not some kind of approximation. Inbuild optical compensation from after effects is something for a GoPro not for this level of IQ.
Plugins like RevisionFX Lens have mulitiple settings but if you are not an expert on lenses and don't know the source lens it is more try and error.  As you know the exact specs of your lens you could have provided optimized profiles for several established plug-ins or host applications. That would have been a much better support and as it was a design choice you had enough time the last months to deliver. But instead you wait and let customers like one guy on youtube come up with fixes. After all the complaints in the last days you could have at least announced some profiles in the future ... but no ... in another post you told us we have to use normal mode if we can't deal with the required post processing for professional color-profiles.  Considering the above it's somewhat arrogant.  

At the end it wasn't you that made me remain a customer ... it was another customer. And that's somewhat disstressing.
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CineView Media
Second Officer
Flight distance : 5365522 ft
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HCL Posted at 2018-9-8 01:27
When i woke up this morning i decided to not send it back because of what hallmark said. In the end my anger is not about the issue itself ... it's the way the company reacts on it and that includes your posts (i read all of them) as a representative. You still don't get the point and I will explain why.

1.) You advertised the hell out of this product making it look like we get nearly professional image qualitiy on a prosumer level drone. The 10bit color-space was the main selling point for me. But color-space and resultion is not the only aspect of IQ ... the quality of the lens and the overall stability of the image is also important. Shooting RAW-footage on a cheap lens is quite useless as well as using 8Bit 4:2:0 with a zeiss cinema lens. All parts have to fit together on the same level and after reading hasselblad i assumed they are which brings me to my second point.

I have to agree!
Another thing, is that a 28mm lens shouldnt have this much distortion anyway, its not that extreme wide angle.
Lens elements itself should have been made better, cheap or not, its engineering...
Lens correction also degrades the quality of the picture by stretching it.
I think the camera looks okay for this price, and better than the P4P, at least on the stills, but the "Hasselblad camera" reference is just false marketing, and an embarrassment to the famous Hasselblad brand, in terms of high end quality cameras.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 5712575 ft
United Kingdom

castormalin Posted at 2018-9-7 15:16
Huge distorsion is a normal phenomenon for a fish-eye lens only, not for a properly designed lens

Really?  Didn't realise Canon L series and Sigma ART lenses weren't properly designed.
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"Huge" is a relative term ... every lens as a curvature which mainly depends on the FOV. If it's low and you have no clear straight lines in the outer range of the frame you may not notice it ... but it's there. Many feel it's huge because they expected it not to be this visible on 28mm. In drone footage it's more obvious because you often got a clear view on the horizon which goes along the whole frame.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 23 ft
United States

HCL Posted at 2018-9-8 01:27
When i woke up this morning i decided to not send it back because of what hallmark said. In the end my anger is not about the issue itself ... it's the way the company reacts on it and that includes your posts (i read all of them) as a representative. You still don't get the point and I will explain why.

1.) You advertised the hell out of this product making it look like we get nearly professional image qualitiy on a prosumer level drone. The 10bit color-space was the main selling point for me. But color-space and resultion is not the only aspect of IQ ... the quality of the lens and the overall stability of the image is also important. Shooting RAW-footage on a cheap lens is quite useless as well as using 8Bit 4:2:0 with a zeiss cinema lens. All parts have to fit together on the same level and after reading hasselblad i assumed they are which brings me to my second point.

The ad department was slick. I think the mods weren't being deceptive, just my opinion. That first post, the mod had to ask because she thought they were working on it. Then they came back and said it's not going to happen. Then speculation that the h3 chip could handle it, but we have really don't know. Maybe a cooling issue where they underclock, or bad coding, we just don't know.

Like when I was writing c to assembly, there was so many ways I could do the same thing with the chip I was writing for. The most efficient way was usually the best. Bit shifting, understanding the interrupts, but you could lose cycles/space by simply not knowing a better way.

This could what's happening. They have gandolf designing it, but the software department is full of muggles. I'm just saying, I dunno. Please don't update my drone with Tommys code.. I was kidding- I kid!
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Flight distance : 638911 ft

gnirtS Posted at 2018-9-8 02:16
Really?  Didn't realise Canon L series and Sigma ART lenses weren't properly designed.

What's the purpose of this ?
You cannot make the difference between 0.5% and 10% ?
Do you see the difference between 5mm and 100mm focal ?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4137720 ft
United States

EdisonW1979 Posted at 2018-9-7 10:07
Excuse me??? SOLVE IT BY THEMSELVES??? What kind of stance is that to take with your customers???

"We put out something half-baked, and can't be bothered to correct it, so go fix it yourself"

Correct it yourselves.....THAT is FREAKING UNBELIEVABLE !!!!!
AFTER SHELLING OUT BIG $$$ for this new drone, that's what you gonna tell your customer?
DJI, is this your new company policy......FIX IT YOURSELVES!!!
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Eagle_Eye Posted at 2018-9-8 03:32
Correct it yourselves.....THAT is FREAKING UNBELIEVABLE !!!!!
AFTER SHELLING OUT BIG $$$ for this new drone, that's what you gonna tell your customer?

I have no real problem with fixing it in post itself which i also would have to do with RAW-Footage on a full Red Monstro 8K System. But i have a problem with the communication and support on that like i described in Post #33.
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Cloud Surfer
Flight distance : 436391 ft

DJI-BladeStrike Posted at 2018-9-7 18:39
You're correct that color space has nothing to do with len distortion.. But it does take additional processing.. SO let’s think about this...

We have 10bit color depth encoding to a very demanding codec (h.265). This alone take up most processing in this profile and unfortunately there's just not enough overhead for the additional onboard lens correction.

Thanks for your thorough replies. I'm hoping you could also provide an idea of how likely it is that DJI will provide an accurate LUT as well as an accurate fix for the distortions in HQ and FOV that we can apply in post via FCPX? At this juncture these are the most important factors and really all that matters.... Will DJI provide the fixes for us to apply to HQ and FOV in post as well as an accurate LUT??? we need these, they are vital and we need transparent, honest answer and explanation. thank for your time and assistance.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 872694 ft
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United States

Cloud Surfer Posted at 2018-9-8 05:54
Thanks for your thorough replies. I'm hoping you could also provide an idea of how likely it is that DJI will provide an accurate LUT as well as an accurate fix for the distortions in HQ and FOV that we can apply in post via FCPX? At this juncture these are the most important factors and really all that matters.... Will DJI provide the fixes for us to apply to HQ and FOV in post as well as an accurate LUT??? we need these, they are vital and we need transparent, honest answer and explanation. thank for your time and assistance.

Correct LUT and proper directions are incoming..

I would like to thank you for your post as well.. There's a correct and incorrect way to voice frustration that are productive. Unfortunately most on here are from people that pretend to understand things but clearly don't just from their replies. Then the engage with personal attacks.

I will say that this will be handled very swiftly and people will be shielded and or banned for this continued type behavior.  

They will also not be engage by staff, if they would like an answer to their question they can ask in a productive type manner.

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DJI-BladeStrike Posted at 2018-9-8 06:51
Correct LUT and proper directions are incoming..

I would like to thank you for your post as well.. There's a correct and incorrect way to voice frustration that are productive. Unfortunately most on here are from people that pretend to understand things but clearly don't just from their replies. Then the engage with personal attacks.

Correct LUT and proper directions are incoming..

That sounds positve ... thanks for the update!

I would like to thank you for your post as well.. There's a correct and incorrect way to voice frustration that are productive. Unfortunately most on here are from people that pretend to understand things but clearly don't just from their replies. Then the engage with personal attacks.

I assume that includes my post #33. If so i would like to know. In the last days i spent much time following the discussion and pointing out what my specific concerns and questions are (cause english is not my native language it's even harder to express it correctly).
But i always got the same answers and it felt like wasted time and not been taken serious. That's were "my" frustration comes from but it's a "perception" that can be completly wrong. If so i am sorry for that. I have no interest in attacking anybody or sitting in front of the pc discussing issues ... i want to have a good time with my long awaited product. As for this discussion all informations needed are on the table now and i will wait for the things to come.
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