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3675 15 2018-9-14
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Flight distance : 16759 ft
United Kingdom

DJI What do you think your doing, do you really need to increase the price of accessories, ive been waiting on my dji credits since i received my Mavic 2, so i could put it towards a second battery which is already overpriced, now just before everyone gets there dji credits you decide to increase the price of everything, so we are not saving anything really and you get back what you have given us, great marketing DJI, but bad customer relations. not happy
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Picanoc Jack
First Officer
Flight distance : 11876106 ft

good info bomberuk thanks for sharing, now let's see what others think.
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I ve the same problem. prices increased!!! yesterday i ve an order but it was cancelled because the price increased... after buying my mavic 2 pro i ve many problem, DJI select not usefull in my country but buying, DJI coupon doesn't work, .... and tax for change of currency ( price are in € in the store and in my country it s the CHF thats why the bank put some taxes.... very bad
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Flight distance : 16759 ft
United Kingdom

i would have rather had no dji credits then i would have made the decision to just buy a second battery anyway as soon as stock was available, it seems like they knew most people would be looking for extras after receiving there mavics then holding back until credits was available, which takes a ridiculous amount of time anyway, perfect timing DJI raise the prices just before credits arrive in peoples accounts, i feel gutted !! that dji have taken my credits away with this ridiculous price increase.......gutted !! trouble is that i still need a battery and i will have to get it from dji, they have you by the balls and there is nothing you can do about it    
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exact! I found right now via a dji official resseller the DJI mavic combo kit at 349 CHF = 304 €.
on the dji store : 379 €.
sorry dji i moved to another shop and bye bye my credits
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DJI Tony

Hi, Thanks for your inquiry. Together with channel partners, DJI evaluates the aircraft’s, handheld gimbal products’ as well as accessories’ product strategies and pricing system on a regular basis. This reasonable price adjustment will provide customers with a sustainable quality experience.
After the price adjustment, if you want to purchase extra batteries, propellers, chargers, and portable bags, the Fly More Kit is still the ideal budget choice.

For more information about the Mavic 2 products and accessories information, please go to
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 23 ft
United States

I seen a vendor on ebay selling them for 160. I ordered one soon as they came in stock and had old credits applied, but held in LA customs.

Still not a bad deal considering what the pro is putting out. People with the zoom are zooming in mens windows too, they need their batteries!
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12400594 ft
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It’s a bit disappointing to say the least.
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Flight distance : 15283773 ft
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United Kingdom

It seems they increased the cost of the batteries by 20 quid and props by a quid. £129 for a M2 battery...
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Alex B.
Second Officer
Flight distance : 25361788 ft


Yes, the price increase sucks big time!
But what can we do about it? Nothing...

Fly safe all
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1636286 ft

Perhaps this is the point of turning the face towards other providers. You will not get big and powerful without support, and DJI would never have reached their heights without ours. Not only have we bought their expensive products, but we have also helped to develop them as the small crash test dummies we are. I think maybe it's time to support someone else.
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Flight distance : 16759 ft
United Kingdom

FlyDK Posted at 2018-9-14 15:14
Perhaps this is the point of turning the face towards other providers. You will not get big and powerful without support, and DJI would never have reached their heights without ours. Not only have we bought their expensive products, but we have also helped to develop them as the small crash test dummies we are. I think maybe it's time to support someone else.

AUTEL are shaping up really well with the evo at least the has 4k 60fps and no nfz restrictions
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 4212949 ft
  • >>>

First,Nobody wants a price increase, but I like to put things into perspective, years ago I bought a Sony HD camcorder at a eye watering £1500 ! I just bought a 4k flying camera for £1299 M2P. When I bought the Sony I was paid probably half of what I am paid now. So from my prospective its a reasonable price, even with the coming price increase. The Sony never gave as much fun as the M2P can and is doing.
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United States

DJI Tony Posted at 2018-9-14 08:50
Hi, Thanks for your inquiry. Together with channel partners, DJI evaluates the aircraft’s, handheld gimbal products’ as well as accessories’ product strategies and pricing system on a regular basis. This reasonable price adjustment will provide customers with a sustainable quality experience.
After the price adjustment, if you want to purchase extra batteries, propellers, chargers, and portable bags, the Fly More Kit is still the ideal budget choice.

Hi, Thanks for your inquiry. Together with channel partners, DJI evaluates the aircraft’s, handheld gimbal products’ as well as accessories’ product strategies and pricing system on a regular basis. This reasonable price adjustment will provide customers with a sustainable quality experience.

The above statement is the answer you get from a politician. He/She spews it, it makes no sense to anyone at all, and we as the consumers ignore it because is rhetoric. Blah, blah, blah

DJI makes billions. They don't give a sh_t about the consumer because they've already invested your money. They haven't raised the prices on anything in years until now and they only do it for the Mavic 2 Pro.

Totally agree with FlyDK. If you believe that consumers can't bring DJI to a halt then why bother voting?

There are better drone companies out there, most of us except for "Mavic57pro2" don't have money coming out of our azz so we can afford any price increase made to products and Jaguars.

Being that I own a drone cinematography business, I always keep an eye on the better built, more expensive drone manufacturers. DJI does mostly consumer drones, but it'll only last so long until Amazon builds their own drones or takes over another grocery store chain.

And lets not forget the tariff's that will soon add 10 - 20% to the cost of our imports.

DJI Tony - Your customer service sucks about as bad as your little sister or so I've heard.
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Flight distance : 2710732 ft
United States

Hello all!  I want to weigh in on the prices of these products.  I lost my Spark in October 2019 and I have been waiting to hopefully buy a refurbished model from DJI.  Not only have I have not been notified from DJI when they have one in stock but the price of a new Spark has went up 15% which I know supply and demand controls the world for consumers.
I have probably $300 in accessories for the Spark so this keeps me from upgrading to maybe the Mavic Air but am stuck because of the accessories I have and cannot get 50% of the value!!!
I was hoping the release of the Mavic Mini would help lower the price of the Spark but NOOOO!  It has increased?  I love the DJI products but I hope some of the other Drone Companies can compete with DJI on prices for all of us.  Been thinking of going with Yuneec.  My fly buddy has three Yuneec Drones and they are pretty dang close to the DJI products!   The Q model that is simular to the Spark is a far better product.
We have flown the two together to see which drone is better?  The Q beat the Spark in photo quality, speed, and the biggie is battery. The Yuneec Q battery has almost twice the battery life and also is more portable than the Spark.  If I can’t get a Spark soon I’m going to go with Yuneec!
This deal with the Spark has almost done me in with DJI!

Thanks and safe & happy Flying to you all,
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Flight distance : 16759 ft
United Kingdom

TCDrone Posted at 1-11 09:22
Hello all!  I want to weigh in on the prices of these products.  I lost my Spark in October 2019 and I have been waiting to hopefully buy a refurbished model from DJI.  Not only have I have not been notified from DJI when they have one in stock but the price of a new Spark has went up 15% which I know supply and demand controls the world for consumers.
I have probably $300 in accessories for the Spark so this keeps me from upgrading to maybe the Mavic Air but am stuck because of the accessories I have and cannot get 50% of the value!!!
I was hoping the release of the Mavic Mini would help lower the price of the Spark but NOOOO!  It has increased?  I love the DJI products but I hope some of the other Drone Companies can compete with DJI on prices for all of us.  Been thinking of going with Yuneec.  My fly buddy has three Yuneec Drones and they are pretty dang close to the DJI products!   The Q model that is simular to the Spark is a far better product.

take a look at the new upcoming Autel Evo 2 you will be impressed on how close or even better the feature are on this drone.
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