hallmark007 Posted at 2018-9-17 12:23
It doesn’t look like much planning went into this AT, you were 100% expecting your craft to avoid the obstacle which was pretty thin .
You can clearly see you moving right, in order for tracking you in the centre craft must move to the left, so now craft is at an angle to obstacle, yes there are sensors on the back but not on the diagonal, so this looks like to me this is why it clipped the obstacle. There are no diagonal sensors. The envoirment you chose was never going to be easy for what you were trying to do, and I’m afraid that’s your responsibility.
This was my daughter I used as the target. So it was not her who was piloting, and there wasn't much planning, because I was trying out the active track and the only obstacles were the poles. So lesson learned, the pole isn't thick enough. |