Flight distance : 323455 ft
United States
I have had an issue with a Phantom 4 Advanced that I have been trying to fix for the past week or so. Two of my previous threads can be found here: (Thread 1), (Thread 2).
The main problem is with the gimbal not responding. But recently, an "Air Encoder Error" has popped up.
There is a red triangle with a "!" in the middle, with the warning "Air Encoder Error (0x2800020). Below this error, it has a small wrench that says "Restart Airctaft. Contact DJI Support if it persists after restart." An image of this is attached to this thread.
Before anyone asks, YES I did restart the drone multiple times and YES the error still persists. I figured I would see if anyone on the forum knew what this error code meant, and if it is the cause of my problem.
If anyone could help me out with this, it would be great!
Thank you so much,
Drew Hoover
Error Code