United States
Yes, I can imagine. I was wondering about before things went sideways.
Of course at take off, everything was normal. At the inception of the failure, your best recollection of what failed, and in what order would be helpful.
If we lose the transmitter link, we are simply holding a paperweight, and depending upon the GPS to bring the AC back.
If we lose the on board IMU or Compass, we rely on Atti to manually bring it back. So a failure such as yours would seem indicate a dual mode failure, which is certainly possible.
Over the years the radio link to the models I've flown has seldom been the problem, but the Inspire is the first DJI radio I've owned. But I've never had any trouble, even with some really cheap HobbyKing radios. So I am inclined to look at the other on board systems.
Based on what you saw, since you didn't have on board video, is it possible that in the switch to Atti mode you might have been mistaken as to the orientation of the AC. So perhaps you thought it was pointing away from you, but actually it was point towards you? I know I struggle with the orientation of quads far more than an airplane or even a helicopter. In fact for me, struggle is an understatement.
I can understand the pressures of the moment, but those same pressures make it easy to make an orientation mistake, which would feel a lot like a fly away to me. |