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2595 29 2015-5-31
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United Kingdom

hi all
i am in UK

well after 24 flights it happened  lost signal and i1 flew away no control
i switch to atti mode and thought i had recovered but lost it again
by now it was a fair way  away  and desendeing  hit rth and no responce  
hit the ground (grass) and did a roll we went to recover it and found the camera and battery had come
off plus two props broken  but on closer inspection a crack on starboard rear boom (small section) picture below

app 1.1.2  and the latest firmware

i had had 3 flight before this all ok when we check the log on ipad it showed  the i1 at home position but no flight tracking even though
it had flown 100m away. so  off home to sync log so i could email DJI as i believe the lost of connection cause a flyawy and hence the crash
got home sync the log but the last flight just vanished got the txt log via i tunes but it only had the last 3 flights from that day

all of this was witnessed by a fellow inspire owner

now my options

self repare  it is over three month old

return to DJI germany  ( could any one give me an idea of  cost for this repair )

or sell inspire as is and put money towards a new inspire

thanks in advance for any help

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 5611893 ft
  • >>>
United States

I would at least get the flight logs reviewed by DJI.  There still on the craft if you havent powered it up any after the flight.  
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United Kingdom

yes had to power up to recover log in iTunes
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 343848 ft
United Kingdom

So worrying and disturbing to read of Fly Aways.

Lets hope DJI will address these in the next firmware update, thats if they ever find out what is causing them.
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Correct me if I am wrong ...

3 month warranty is for the batteries ... The other equipment is 1 year.
You could have this repaired under warranty if you can proof that it was not pilot error.

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United Kingdom


i have email dji support  but unless there is another log separate to the ones we can see i don't think there
is any way to back this up other than the person who was there as-well
Use props
Second Officer
Flight distance : 2605 ft
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United States

nala Posted at 2015-5-31 21:59

i have email dji support  but unless there is another log separate to the ones we can see i  ...

Please call them.  It is more efficient and will lead to a better outcome.  I would direct you to DJI LA but that will only delay the process.
Use props
United Kingdom

hi tahoe-ed

thanks for that i live in uk so phoneing USA is not an option
i will look in to phoning germany tomorrow if it  possible

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United States

I'm sorry this happened to you.

When you say the signal was lost, was that the video feed, the remote control, or the GPS signal?

Could you video the flight recorder play back in you app with the stick positions displayed, and post it here?
Use props
United Kingdom


lost control would not respond to sticks or to rth

as i said above we viewed flight at  flight location and  inspire did
not leave home location and showed no stick input  but it was flying away in an ark fashion

when we synced  flight log the  log vanished  and did not show on iPad

i have downloaded flight dat from inspire it show the first three flights on that day
but not the fourth

and now my synced log have gone down from 24 flight to 14  so lost last ten

something serious wrong with DJI server system

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Hong Kong

nala Posted at 2015-6-1 14:26

lost control would not respond to sticks or to rth

hello Nala
Sorry about all than happened. From your location shows. I personally suggest you contact our EU support center(The nearest DJI support center away from you)

You could email them:
Use props
Hong Kong

nala Posted at 2015-6-1 14:26

lost control would not respond to sticks or to rth

hello Nala
Sorry about all than happened. From your location shows. I personally suggest you contact our EU support center(The nearest DJI support center away from you) You could email them:
Use props
United Kingdom

I have sent my I1 off to Germany for a similar arm repair. They have had it for three weeks now without any response from them.
So if you want it back soon don't hold your breath.

I wish now I had repaired it myself.
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United States

Tahoe_Ed Posted at 2015-6-1 01:31
Please call them.  It is more efficient and will lead to a better outcome.  I would direct you to  ...


We all appreciate your assistance in the Inspire 1 forum. Not just this thread but all threads you participate in.  However, I think you can easily see a theme when it comes to sending a drone to DJI Support.  People are looking for workarounds and self repair. The last thing they want to do is to send it to DJI Support for 5, 6, or more weeks without ANY communication. We are even told not to call DJI Support because it would only slow down the process.

My Inspire 1 is at the LA facility, just checked in last week. I know it will be there for 5-6 weeks, possibly more. It's prime flying time in Ohio now and I don't have my drone. I'm seriously thinking of buying another drone as a spare.  However, due to DJI Support I just can't bring myself to by another DJI product. Even though I think the Inspire 1 is the best drone out there.

My point to all of this....I guess just venting some frustration. Again, I and others appreciate your feedback and assistance in this forum. What we would like hear is DJI Supports plan to provide better communication and decreased repair times.

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Flight distance : 793041 ft
New Zealand

Tahoe_Ed Posted at 2015-6-1 01:31
Please call them.  It is more efficient and will lead to a better outcome.  I would direct you to  ...

Hi Ed,

I have not had any Flyaways - touch wood. However I am directing this at you, since you seem to be very knowlegable and willing to discuss issues.

With all these reports I am starting to wonder, whether for some reason the Inspires go into full manual mode under some circumstances. Is this technically possible with the FC of the Inspire?
I have been involved for 4 years with building and flying drones, and these reports always make me think of a system in manual mode - or at least going in and out of it. On NAZA, WOOKONG and other FC's this is triggered by a signal level on a channel. Now, if for some reason this threshold was reached or transgressed the flying would become very erratic. Do you think this could be a possible reason?
Use props
United States

nala Posted at 2015-6-1 14:26

lost control would not respond to sticks or to rth

Yes, sorry I missed the missing flight log in your earlier comments.

It sounds like you are saying you lost the control signal - is that correct?  Did you still have the video feed?

Also, was the map/icon working normally during the flight?
Use props
United Kingdom

to be honest did not look at iPad at all to busy watching inspire and trying to get control back
Use props
United States

Yes, I can imagine.  I was wondering about before things went sideways.

Of course at take off, everything was normal.  At the inception of the failure, your best recollection of what failed, and in what order would be helpful.

If we lose the transmitter link, we are simply holding a paperweight, and depending upon the GPS to bring the AC back.

If we lose the on board IMU or Compass, we rely on Atti to manually bring it back. So a failure such as yours would seem indicate a dual mode failure, which is certainly possible.

Over the years the radio link to the models I've flown has seldom been the problem, but the Inspire is the first DJI radio I've owned.  But I've never had any trouble, even with some really cheap HobbyKing radios.  So I am inclined to look at the other on board systems.  

Based on what you saw, since you didn't have on board video, is it possible that in the switch to Atti mode you might have been mistaken as to the orientation of the AC.  So perhaps you thought it was pointing away from you, but actually it was point towards you?  I know I struggle with the orientation of quads far more than an airplane or even a helicopter.  In fact for me, struggle is an understatement.

I can understand the pressures of the moment, but those same pressures make it easy to make an orientation mistake, which would feel a lot like a fly away to me.
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United States

cziakas@gmail.c Posted at 2015-6-1 15:48
What we would like hear is DJI Supports plan to provide better communication and decreased repair times.

In another thread, Tahoe_Ed revealed that in July, DJI is moving its repair facilities to a building formerly used by Boeing, which is about nine times larger than their current facility.  Until then, they cannot hire more repair staff because there is no place to put them.  So there IS a plan to decrease repair time.

My own perspective, which I have shared, is that instead of a single enormous repair facility in one place, they would do far better with several regional facilities to reduce check-in and shipping bottlenecks as well as transit times (I would much rather ship from Florida or Maine to the greater NYC area rather than to LA).  But DJI has decided, for whatever reason, that they want one behemoth repair center in LA - which is great if you live in California but sucks if you're pretty much anywhere else.  But at least with a dramatically larger center, the repair turnaround times should go down.

I don't know what their plans are in other countries.
Use props
United Kingdom

no was in gps mode  always tke off in gps  and hover about 1.5 m  to ensure all is ok it was nose away
i fly as well in nose in as i do nose out

it just started to rotate on it own and fly away on its own in an ark and rotating i turned it to atti mode to gain control back but this
did not happen still arking and rotated it was at this stage gps  selected and hit rth on. tx beeped but no response  after about 1 min it descended
and hit the ground i was luck only a small crack in starboard boom

Use props
United Kingdom

we need a dji repair centre in UK
come DJI
Use props
Second Officer
Flight distance : 2605 ft
  • >>>
United States
Offline Posted at 2015-6-1 17:03
Hi Ed,

I have not had any Flyaways - touch wood. However I am directing this at you, since you see ...

No there is no Manual mode in the Inspire.  Yes we are moving in July.  Yes we will be adding more staff in the process.  We will be in front of need finally.  Our service and support times will be the industry leader.  It has taken us a while to get there.  When we moved to the 15,000 square foot facility in Torrance it was thought that it would last us 2-3 years.  Not.  6 months.  If we outgrow over 100,000 square feet in the next year I would be surprised.  But you know stuff happens.  
Use props
United States

PeteGould Posted at 2015-6-2 00:01
In another thread, Tahoe_Ed revealed that in July, DJI is moving its repair facilities to a buildin ...

Great, I didn't see that post. can you post a link to the thread? Thanks.

I can understand DJI's reason for one large facility. Less overhead per square footage when consolidating in one building. You have to take into account all costs,not just the building.  Additionally LA has a large airport which is better for shipping/receiving. I live in Ohio and would like something closer, I can still understand the LA location.  

However, back to the communication.  Why not post that on the support site/forum as a global announcement?  "Hey Customer... We heard you loud and clear, we need to increase the level of support.. Here are the steps we are planning..... Look for decreased repair times and better communication in the months to come."

I've managed a large support team in the past... Users love communication and will be more forgiving when hiccups occur if they hear from the support team.

But at least they are moving in the right direction!
Use props
United States

PeteGould Posted at 2015-6-2 00:01
In another thread, Tahoe_Ed revealed that in July, DJI is moving its repair facilities to a buildin ...

Great, I didn't see that post. can you post a link to the thread? Thanks.

I can understand DJI's reason for one large facility. Less overhead per square footage when consolidating in one building. You have to take into account all costs,not just the building.  Additionally LA has a large airport which is better for shipping/receiving. I live in Ohio and would like something closer, I can still understand the LA location.  

However, back to the communication.  Why not post that on the support site/forum as a global announcement?  "Hey Customer... We heard you loud and clear, we need to increase the level of support.. Here are the steps we are planning..... Look for decreased repair times and better communication in the months to come."

I've managed a large support team in the past... Users love communication and will be more forgiving when hiccups occur if they hear from the support team.

But at least they are moving in the right direction!
Use props
United States

cziakas@gmail.c Posted at 2015-6-2 06:29
Great, I didn't see that post. can you post a link to the thread? Thanks.

I can understand DJI's  ...

I can't locate that particular thread anymore - but I see Ed has commented in THIS thread, confirming the move.
Use props
United States

Tahoe_Ed Posted at 2015-6-2 05:11
No there is no Manual mode in the Inspire.  Yes we are moving in July.  Yes we will be adding more ...

While DJI is going through some growing pains, its unfortunate the customers are feeling those pains. However, from a business view the growth DJI is experiencing is a nice pain to have.

Thanks for the feedback!
Use props
United States

I would think if the resources being put into this new building were put into figuring out why these things are having fly aways and crashes maybe the problems could be solved and their repair facilities wouldn't need to be any larger than my garage!
Heck of a deal having to move to a larger building just to cope with the amount of machines that need repair!  ;)
Use props
Second Officer
Flight distance : 2605 ft
  • >>>
United States

Ibflyen Posted at 2015-6-2 21:56
I would think if the resources being put into this new building were put into figuring out why these ...

DJI probably has the largest engineering staff of any drone company.  When issues are reported it is forwarded to DJI HQ for review.  This is an ongoing process.  The majority of the craft we repair is because of user error not hardware or firmware failure.  Guys fly them and they crash them.  Repairs is a small portion of what goes on in LA.  We warehouse products, ship them to dealers, our call center is located there for North America, along with our administrative offices.  The majority of the space right now is for the warehouse.  
Use props
Flight distance : 120784 ft
United Kingdom

nala Posted at 2015-6-2 00:54
no was in gps mode  always tke off in gps  and hover about 1.5 m  to ensure all is ok it was nose aw ...

When you did your pre-flight checklist, what were your specific mod values?

Did you calibrate the compass at your flight location? If you did, that may well be the problem!!
Use props
United Kingdom


had already done 3 flights
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