Earlier this month I shot some nice videomaterial around and above the second largest fortress of the "Nieuwe Hollandse Waterlinie", it's a line of defense in the Netherlands were we used to burn farms and after that flood the entire area to withold the enemy from occupying our country.
During WWII it became obsolote with the massive production and usage of airplanes.
This defense line still exists and we hope it will be on the UNESCO list of world heritage. I'm in a project of my own (should last for maybe 1 or 2 years to finish it :-)) for filming all the fortresses and sites of this defense line.
A few I already filmed, but recently the fortress called "Fort bij Vechten". It houses the museum on this defense line and is really nice to visit and even more when you see it from above!
The people working at the museum already contacted me because they really like the video I shot. So I'm posting it also here, for all you pilots to enjoy this piece of history!