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Only 1000 feet distance?
3629 12 2018-10-1
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Flight distance : 151 ft
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United States

I can only get 1000 feet distance flying around 200 feet with my Pro 2. Is this normal? I would really like to go further and get better shots, but such limited distance is holding me back. There are only trees between controller and drone. Are the trees blocking from having a good enough signal? Very disappointing if a 5mile distance line of sight drone can only get 1000 feet with some trees inbetween. Mavic Pro 2 is advertised saying "up to 8 km 1080p video transmission". Do I need to purchase extra/special hardware to get over 1000 feet distance without the video dropping out? Right now just using GPS mode with ipad Air 2. Controller, batteries, drone all using latest firmware from updating using DJI's Assistant app.

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DJI Tony

Hi, Sorry for the troubles that it caused. Did you manage to do the IMU and compass calibration prior to your flight? Did you check if the GPS is strong enough? You can also practice the position of your antenna for you to gain further distance. Please see our video tutorial. Thank you for the support.

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Flight distance : 7710233 ft
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United States

I’ve seen several posts of flights longer than 15,000 feet.  So, this is either a location or hardware issue you’re experiencing.  With no obstructions between you and the Mavic how far can you get? No tree… Nothing….

I upgraded to a Mavic 2 Pro when the product was released.  The performance and operation of the Mavic has been flawless so far.  I’ve got 53 flights with 199 miles over 12 hours of flying.

That being said, there was another post recently which had the same concerns.  Once that person moved to another location the distance issue did not appear.  So, there might be an interference issue which is contributing to the limited distance.  
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Flight distance : 151 ft
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United States

Interference you mean as in high powered lines or something? I'll have to watch the remote control antenna video and then try some testing cause 1000 feet, even with just trees to me seems like a big problem. I did calibrate the IMU when I first got it, and that was it. Then I just calibrate the compass on every flight. Man, I really hope there is a hardware issue. Hey, if I have to send it in for repair or for DJI to look at, I will. Now time to find a field with line of sight with a long distance for testing that method too.

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Bing Err
Flight distance : 9249964 ft
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United States

Trees can affect your transmission distance. Try line of site.
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R&L Aerial photography
First Officer
Flight distance : 298100 ft
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United States

Trees will block signal, before it can be properly diagnosed fly out in a open field. I fly among the trees with similar results..
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Flight distance : 15283773 ft
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United Kingdom

Clear LOS between the AC and RC at all times. Any obstructions will obviously block the signal leading to signal loss...
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Flight distance : 151 ft
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United States

I'll try to find a long open field with no obstacles for a distance test. Anyone in the Central/South Jersey area that can recommend a spot to test this in? Thanks.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1848182 ft
United States

I am in lots of trees. I normally get around 3/4 mile out (4000' or so) at 400' up before the live stream breaks up, closer to 3/8 mile at 200'. Just flew at a local lake 2 miles out and back at 300', no trees or obstructions, live stream was great. Any obstructions will affect distance radically. Areas that are loaded with WiFi can affect distance also. I am way out in the country so WiFi interference is not an issue...
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1272723 ft
United States

Trees will affect range but unless you're in a rain forest you should get better than 1000'. Does your controller still have strong connection and only lose the video?
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Flight distance : 151 ft
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United States

Controller still has signal, still in GPS mode. I'll have to navigate to that one page where it shows 5.8 and 2.4 modes. I believe there is a signal strength

I was able to take off on some farm land,  no trees, nothing around for about 2.5 miles. So I calibrated the IMU, compass, made sure everything was charged up and took off. Standard mode, no feature turned on, nothing special. Then around a mile out the video disconnects started to happen. This is only 5000 feet line of sight. No warnings, nothing. It stays right in GPS mode and when the video does re-connect ( yea, it re-connects and just starts displaying video again pretty much where the drone left disconnected ), so I always try to turn around and close the gap to eliminate anymore disconnects. At this point, what should I exactly be looking at and record down on paper so I have some numbers to report back to DJI. If I have to send it back for warranty purposes then I will, no big deal. I just want to get some distance out of it and not have to worry about disconnections all the time with video. I tried another data cable from the remote to my iPad. Uninstalled, reinstalled DJI app. Tried another SD card. I did watch the video on keeping the antenna not "pointing" at the drone but perpendicular to it for best reception. Makes me somewhat sad this happens to my drone, but for all I know maybe there is a lose antenna cable inside which we don't have access to that popped off or something?

So, DJI admins, what would be my next step? Willing to do any troubleshooting recommended, just as long it doesn't drag on for months. I would have loved to have another Mavic Pro2 pilot there with his/her drone and see how far they can take it in the same exact conditions. What distance would I expect line of sight with no electrical lines,  no trees, no water, just clear sunny day. Is it recommended to factory default all my hardware and test again? I made sure I had authorization and permission from property owner before flying over/on his land. Just knocked on door and asked if I can perform a quick test with my drone. If anyone knows any area in New Jersey with at least 2 miles of direct line of sight , let us know.

Thank you.

p.s.  My account issue is resolved. My girlfriend opened up another account with my other email address and was posting on my behalf. I will ask admins to delete that account ( unless we can do it ourselves ) to delete the confusion.

Thanks for the help- making a little progress. I won't even introduce the RE goggles until this issue is fixed....but by the time this issue is fixed or being looked at by DJI, there may be a newer set of goggles out anyway. This is just my opinion. No reason to perfect an original V1 hardware goggles when you can make mega bucks on V2's that are sleek, lighter, and not bulky. Remember, these are just my opinions. Thanks!
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Alex B.
Second Officer
Flight distance : 25361788 ft


I also use iPad Air 2 to fly my spark.
I took it 3 km one way more than once
I have a suggestion,
Maybe your iPad is full of apps games and stuff.
Try to do a fresh install of DJI go 4 after you do a factory reset on the iPad.
I think that it’s recommended to have only the DJI go 4 app on the device,
And have the device exclusively to fly the drone.
Because I remember that I also was experiencing some issues when I installed a lot of other stuff on the iPad.

Fly safely
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1167008 ft
United States

I have an iPad 2018 128gb with a lot of stuff on it.  A little over 12,000 feet is as far as I have pushed it above woods.  Signal started to drop at that distance probably could have climbed to get further.
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