United States
DJI Diana Posted at 2-25 09:46
Hi Yobe, shaky video footage varies. Firstly, weather conditions like strong gusty winds may severely affect video footage. Second is the gimbal issues. If the wind is fairly normal, gimbal issues certainly affect video footage as this is the main source when problems arise when taking footages. Missing screws may also be a deterrent in taking shots may it be a video or photo as this holds the mainframe of the aircraft. However, if the issues still persist after basic troubleshooting, we suggest sending in the aircraft for assessment by our highly trained technicians. Should there be any concerns, please do not hesitate to reach us. We're here to help. Thank you.
I've been recording video with the same or with even stronger winds but don't get any bouncing video footage so I guess it's my gimbal. That being said, I might need to bring it in for assessments. Do you have one in the San Francisco area? If so, how much for the assessment, parts and labor? Too bad my DJI care plan expired and forgot to renew it. |