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Hidden chips in the Mavic Air?
2720 21 2018-10-7
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United States

After seeing on the news over the past week that China has hidden chips in many products, I wonder if the Mavic Air has such a chip installed that we don't know about.  When I fly, I wonder if data is being sent to China without me knowing it.
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DJI Natalia

Hello there, thanks for bringing this topic to us. As of the moment, we still don't have any information regarding this matter. I'll forward this concern to the right department for clarification. You may also follow us on our Social Media accounts to check our future updates. Thanks for your support.

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Tooter Turtle
Second Officer
United States

It only works when Diane Feinstein's driver is around LOL
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First Officer
Flight distance : 5381368 ft
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United States

no, however, data is being sent back to china via the app if you sync the records.  but nothing built into the aircraft doing anything nefarious when you arent looking...
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First Officer
Flight distance : 384432 ft
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"When I fly, I wonder if data is being sent to China without me knowing it."

I know exactly what is being sent to China when I fly; nothing, not a sausage, because I use no wifi or cell connection when flying.

I think the chip implants referred to in one news source applied to computer servers manufactured in China. A story which Apple & Amazon have denied, and said newspaper has not responded to requests for further clarification.
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Flight distance : 426850 ft

Well, stuff is being sent to china, the app is syncing behind your back. DJI sends the data from the drone to your phone and when you are back online, it syncs it to its servers, even if you do not sync your flight data apparently. All cameras on the drone i.e. all 7 of them are active whenever a battery is in the drone.
You probable know that DJI does not like the modders as they have added functions to spark and have removed some of the limits, however those same modders have checked the app and found it is doing some stuff we let google and facebook to do to our data all the time.
But really, stop being petty, next you ll complain that Alexa records you unaware and sends it to everyone in your contactlist....
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First Officer
Flight distance : 384432 ft
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DJI have published statements to cover what data they might collect:- ... d-privacy-practices ... ernet-data-transfer ... s-new-privacy-mode/
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Flight distance : 3866470 ft
United States

Lets all just take a step back and think. If I was a country that was in economic war with another and I made a device that takes 4K or 1080p video and caches it to the user device. Hell ya im going to take every single bit of data I can get. IE: Videos of everything, images of anything I can get! People seem to think this world is all happy happy joy joy but in the real world it's war 24/7 we just don't get to see it since its mostly electronic warfare these days.
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First Officer
United States

Aardvark Posted at 2018-10-7 14:46
"When I fly, I wonder if data is being sent to China without me knowing it."

I know exactly what is being sent to China when I fly; nothing, not a sausage, because I use no wifi or cell connection when flying.

I know exactly what is being sent to China when I fly; nothing, not a sausage, because I use no wifi or cell connection when flying.

What about when you are not flying?  Say like when you are doing a App (GO-4) or Firmware update.

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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12400594 ft
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Strobing_NYC Posted at 2018-10-7 16:03
Lets all just take a step back and think. If I was a country that was in economic war with another and I made a device that takes 4K or 1080p video and caches it to the user device. Hell ya im going to take every single bit of data I can get. IE: Videos of everything, images of anything I can get! People seem to think this world is all happy happy joy joy but in the real world it's war 24/7 we just don't get to see it since its mostly electronic warfare these days.

Do you not think google earth google maps etc , would give them everything they need, or is google spying on the world as we know it.
I somehow don’t beleive dji needs your photos or videos and you also have the option to opt out of syncing your activity.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 232306 ft
United Kingdom

HedgeTrimmer Posted at 2018-10-7 19:58
I know exactly what is being sent to China when I fly; nothing, not a sausage, because I use no wifi or cell connection when flying.

What about when you are not flying?  Say like when you are doing a App (GO-4) or Firmware update.

once you're activated you no longer have any need to be online; DJI Go can be used completely in offline mode.
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R&L Aerial photography
First Officer
Flight distance : 298100 ft
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United States

If information is being sent to China while I fly the Chinese are going to be very disappointed because my life is painfully boring so be my guest, spy away....
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Tooter Turtle
Second Officer
United States

R&L Aerial photography Posted at 2018-10-8 02:30
If information is being sent to China while I fly the Chinese are going to be very disappointed because my life is painfully boring so be my guest, spy away....

I totally Agree
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Flight distance : 763094 ft
United States

Strobing_NYC Posted at 2018-10-7 16:03
Lets all just take a step back and think. If I was a country that was in economic war with another and I made a device that takes 4K or 1080p video and caches it to the user device. Hell ya im going to take every single bit of data I can get. IE: Videos of everything, images of anything I can get! People seem to think this world is all happy happy joy joy but in the real world it's war 24/7 we just don't get to see it since its mostly electronic warfare these days.

you know, i don't care who/what is funding the r&d for this tiny autonomous aircraft jampacked with high tech sensors and long range communications equipment (that require more access to personal data/hardware than facebook ever did)... i'm just excited to be here (wherever that is).

i promise you this statement will age well
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Flight distance : 15283773 ft
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United Kingdom

I don't care either way - nothing to hide!
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Flight distance : 763094 ft
United States

A CW Posted at 2018-10-13 08:56
I don't care either way - nothing to hide! ... na-data-drones.html
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Flight distance : 763094 ft
United States

DJI Natalia Posted at 2018-10-7 13:20
Hello there, thanks for bringing this topic to us. As of the moment, we still don't have any information regarding this matter. I'll forward this concern to the right department for clarification. You may also follow us on our Social Media accounts to check our future updates. Thanks for your support.

i briefly flew near the vicinity of a powerplant the other day. can i get some DJi credit?
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Flight distance : 15283773 ft
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United Kingdom

BobDoLe Posted at 2018-10-13 09:02

Pure speculation.
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Flight distance : 1955154 ft
United States

dzony Posted at 2018-10-7 14:54
Well, stuff is being sent to china, the app is syncing behind your back. DJI sends the data from the drone to your phone and when you are back online, it syncs it to its servers, even if you do not sync your flight data apparently. All cameras on the drone i.e. all 7 of them are active whenever a battery is in the drone.
You probable know that DJI does not like the modders as they have added functions to spark and have removed some of the limits, however those same modders have checked the app and found it is doing some stuff we let google and facebook to do to our data all the time.
But really, stop being petty, next you ll complain that Alexa records you unaware and sends it to everyone in your contactlist....

|All cameras on the drone i.e. all 7 of them are active whenever a battery is in the drone.

Source for this? My understanding is that the battery isn't providing any current to the drone when it is switched off. Otherwise you'd notice a significant drain on the batteries when installed in the drone versus not installed.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1192231 ft
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Ah hello if dji want to collect my data they are going to be very bored with what they find..... nadda nothing zilch I lead a boring life.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 384432 ft
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An update from the companies themselves, sounds like the 'chip' story was pure fabrication (no pun intended) :-
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Flight distance : 763094 ft
United States

Aardvark Posted at 2018-10-20 14:18
An update from the companies themselves, sounds like the 'chip' story was pure fabrication (no pun intended) :-

yeah, a ceo wanting to retract a story about hardware spychips in their products is unheard of... because if it were actually true, it would be in apple's best interests to recall/replace every iphone and mac computer made in china (and make it somewhere else). right?

the real takeaway here is the ballsy comment by the news agency. this is them putting skin in the game and calling Apple's bluff, pretty much asking them to fire up a defamation lawsuit or just take them to court to retract the story.
""Bloomberg Businessweek's investigation is the result of more than a year of reporting, during which we conducted more than 100 interviews,” the publication said in a statement. “Seventeen individual sources, including government officials and insiders at the companies, confirmed the manipulation of hardware and other elements of the attacks. "We also published three companies’ full statements, as well as a statement from China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. "We stand by our story and are confident in our reporting and sources.”"

Tim Cook's stance is that they looked everywhere and couldn't find any evidence. As if absence of evidence is evidence of absence (it isn't). What you're actually seeing here is Apple covering its butt by showing that they did their due diligence... in other words, they're going on the defense for what could potentially become a class action lawsuit at some point.

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