Goldenseal Posted at 2018-10-9 19:11
My mobile device being full has only affected my video loading up. I have always had good response with no lag with my IPad as this message has come up many times. I just start dumping videos etc. off my I Pad. Maybe it's me, but I have a problem with the one statement about landing before 29% by experience pilots. I think that is more of an opinion on your part, not fact. I don't want to get into listing names, but I know multiple experienced flyers that land lower than 29%. I'm not totally a neophyte with more then 900,000 mi. flown.
The message indicates that the mobile device is running out of processor resources. It is not uncommon, as the demands of the DGI Go app have increased in recent times, placing more stress on the devices. I don't believe it has anything to do with the Autoland, but it might explain why you did not see the message.
Experienced flyers take note of where they are flying and the associated risks. If the flying location is risky, then they tend to err on the conservative side. The displayed battery capacity is not an absolute, you cannot bank on it. The aircraft is constantly evaluating battery status, and if it thinks the battery does not have the reserve needed to fly back to the take-off point, it will, quite spontaneously, decide to land in an effort to save the aircraft. The only trouble with this action, is that it has no idea what is underneath the aircraft.