Flight distance : 197054 ft
United States
Hi all,
I have a Phantom 4 v.2.0 that I've been flying since June 2018. The problem that I am going to describe started around August. I am running the most recent firmware.
When I get ready to fly, my typical practice is to turn on the UAV, let it sit for about 5 seconds (until it makes it's noise), and then I'll turn on the remote and hope that I get the green light indicating a successful link/connection.
However, the vast majority of the time, the remote light stays red. I then reset power on the UAV, and hope for a green light. This used to work the first time (usually), but now it seems that I have to turn on/off the UAV and/or controller 5+ times before the link is established.
I have tried the command to relink the two devices using the small button on the UAV. That worked the first time that I tried it, but now even that doesn't work (the remote keeps beeping after I press the UAV's button).
Once the link is established, I've had no issues with range or anything else. It just seems to be really struggling with making that first connection.
Any ideas/suggestions or anyone seeing similar behavior? Is this just something I'm going to have to "get used to"?