Good question. Well first of all, when outdoors I do shoot 30fps more frequently because the slight slomo effect you get when interpreting footage at 25fps, I think looks good. A softer feeling in my opinion. I recently shot some footage indoors in a factory at 25fps to be able to sync to the flourecent lights at any shutter speed. So, for me, it is sometimes a choice of style and sometimes a limitation due to the artificial light in the location. I try not to not think In terms of TV systems, rather think what do I want the footage to be and how do I want It to look. But sure, If your intentions is to portray reality and are recording 25fps for 30fps TV system, you might be in for a wonderful conversion challenge.
H264 is not rocket science, small hardware H264 encoders exist in most digital equipment today , smartphones, action cameras and other small units. This is not a big thing really but DJI did not do their homework with the settings in the camera, they messed it up. Im OK with that, but what I am not OK with Is the complete silence from them, ignoring the problem and still selling the unit as their aerial flagship so I can create the unforgettable.
The argument that they are only making quads, not cameras Is not holding up. Look at the marketing campaign for the Inspire 1, what does it say?
-We have built a great flying machine, awesome in almost every aspect. Though we had to make the camera interchangeable because right now, ehhh, it sucks. But hey, we only build quads, not cameras. Please go and by It now anyway, we might fix the camera later, just might.
Im still hoping for a firmware tweak, fixing this. DJI just have to realise, most of us are not interested in YouTube streaming. Just "fix" the camera and we go from there.