450 2 2018-11-11
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Flight distance : 528097 ft
United Kingdom

Hi all I have a phantom 4 and just got a spark for portability, was having a play with gesture control no phone or remote connected

Was working fine then seemed to stop tracking me and was too high to palm land

Started to worry and went to get remote out then when I looked back had lowere enough to land, how do I resolve this if it happens Again?
Was just testing the wave to send away and getting few selfies of me my little boy and the dogs!
Any advice?
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First Officer
Flight distance : 6018255 ft
United States

I only fly with the remote.
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Oliver B.
Flight distance : 106102 ft

i would also recommend to have always a remote or a phone connected while flying in gesture mode, so you have in case of any surprises control available.

As per documentation (manual v1.6) Spark will always descent after a while if if lost you, which seemed to happen in your described case.

"In Gesture mode, the aircraft will descend automatically if there is no subject detected or the subject has been lost for more than one minute. Avoid using gesture control over water or drastically uneven ground."

If nothing helps you could also wait until the battery is empty an return to home is activated and the aircraft is flying back to the home point and landing by itself. Ensure that the start point is always set correctly to avoid that Spark won't land somewhere else :-)

Hope this helps a little bit.
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