Flight distance : 39695 ft
United States
Right - the .DAT files are not encrypted, they are simply stream-written binary data. I have the parsing definitions for some of the fields (xyz velocity, gps lat/lon, timecode...) and can take a .DAT file and: get the count of data points written for the data types (timestamped position, velocity) but you must understand that when you perform a flying session, the P3 is dumping huge amounts of data at a pretty fast rate, even when you are hovering. To somehow allow the lay-pilot a way to see or review this data in a meaningful way is not trivial to say the least. DJI has done a fine job with the Pilot app flight log playback which contains data I do not have the specs for yet: throttle and attitude positions with timecodes. A lot of this angst about waypoints, ground station is due to the fact that DJI is rolling all of that into the Pilot app and their development team is to be commended for what they have done, given app AND firmware updates as well as adding new features - I bet that team has to work 7 days a week right now. If DJI had rescheduled the P3 to coincide with the completion (90%) of the software, we'd still be flying P2s for at least another 9-12 mo. IMO. |