 First Officer
United States
Punchbuggy Posted at 11-16 13:10
I actually doubt that such stats exist. Why would DJI bother to track that?.
Anyway, DJI Susan's response was very helpful and clear, given the number of times this has been asked before. This thread should be pinned IMHO.
Why would DJI bother to track that?
In regards to DJI's GO-4; always good to know how your software is doing. Is GO-4 major / minor source of problems (aka crash, lost drone, inducing user mistakes)? Is reliability of GO-4 improving, stagnent, degrading.
In regards to Litchi, my understanding is Litchi uses DJI's SDK. Similarily you want to know if your SDK is cause of issues or not, and is SDK better, no-change, worst. With SDK being of importance for partnerships and increasing market share of DJI's drones.