Motor Overload Warnings
10064 25 2018-11-17
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Aero-Drone Imagery
Flight distance : 1048652 ft
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United States

Not really sure what is going on, but I dusted off the Inspire 1 today, topped off the batteries, and upon taking off I received a “motor overload” warning which prompted a landing. It’s been a little while since I have flown the I1, only thing that I have done differently was to install the quick release kit. Any ideas?

Looked at the notification data in AirDataUAV, and it stated "[url=]Not Enough Force/ESC Error. Warning:Motor Overloaded. Aircraft will decelerate to ensure safety."[/url]I would really appreciate any input.

Jason Quickel
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Caspers driver
Second Officer
Flight distance : 4540515 ft
United States

Sounds like you have some part of the quick release binding?

That is a release that works with the landing motor, yes ?
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Aero-Drone Imagery
Flight distance : 1048652 ft
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United States

Caspers driver Posted at 11-17 17:10
Sounds like you have some part of the quick release binding?

That is a release that works with the landing motor, yes ?

I do not believe there is anything that is binding. I can run the motors without props and I receive no warning, even when throttling up to 100%. What are your thoughts on it being a power issue?
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DJI Stephen
DJI team

Hello and good day. Aero-Drone Imagery. I am sorry to know what happened to your previous flight with your DJI Inspire 1. May I know if the DJI Inspire 1's firmware is up to date and if you have also calibrated the drone? For reference I will post the latest firmware version for the DJI Inspire 1. Thank you.

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Flight distance : 15095994 ft
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United Kingdom

I have got that warning a couple of times - just ease off the sticks and it disappears - usually happens when my TB47 is under 30% and I'm in full pitch/throttle but has never popped up with a TB48 in the drone. That said, never had to land and no crashes. And yes, I'm on the latest FW.
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Caspers driver
Second Officer
Flight distance : 4540515 ft
United States

Aero-Drone Imagery Posted at 11-17 19:39
I do not believe there is anything that is binding. I can run the motors without props and I receive no warning, even when throttling up to 100%. What are your thoughts on it being a power issue?

I think I missed the terminology of your first post ? I thought the “quick release kit” was an add on device for dropping lines, etc, that mounts on the legs. Thought your motor that controls it was binding and throwing a code.

I will add one thing. Sometimes what we do- doesn’t have a thing to do with a sudden problem. Just a coincidence.
On something that hasn’t been used in awhile, it’s always better to check all systems before making any changes. Good luck.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 182057 ft
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United States

Actually I have proven that in my case, as I get that warning regularly since the last app update, it is a bug in the app. I get the warning yet the bird continues to fly normally and the warning promptly disappears . Warnings seem to be DJI's pastime  these days, It is incredibly annoying and I know one day it might bite me in the a** but  I've learned to fly through the warnings and constant disconnects and screen freezes green screns etc, otherwise I' might as well just give up flying DJI.
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Caspers driver
Second Officer
Flight distance : 4540515 ft
United States

"Flying through the disconnects, etc"

Well said and sadly how true.

I told my wife this morning, after a frustrating time getting the inspire Pro to connect + loosing video in flight several times, that it was a good thing I had mellowed out some in my "golden " years.
A few years back I would have shot the $*#*#! And set it on fire!
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Aero-Drone Imagery
Flight distance : 1048652 ft
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United States

A CW Posted at 11-18 10:54
I have got that warning a couple of times - just ease off the sticks and it disappears - usually happens when my TB47 is under 30% and I'm in full pitch/throttle but has never popped up with a TB48 in the drone. That said, never had to land and no crashes. And yes, I'm on the latest FW.

I try never to go full stick, unless I am just playing around with my Spark, not to mention that I have the power curves de-tuned. The landings seem to be a forced landing in which I still have some control, I can not fly through the landing once it decides that is it's next move. I haven't tried flying it again since deep-cycling the batteries, I'm hopeful that it was a power issue and that re-vamping the batteries solve the problem...
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Aero-Drone Imagery
Flight distance : 1048652 ft
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United States

Caspers driver Posted at 11-18 12:47
I think I missed the terminology of your first post ? I thought the “quick release kit” was an add on device for dropping lines, etc, that mounts on the legs. Thought your motor that controls it was binding and throwing a code.

I will add one thing. Sometimes what we do- doesn’t have a thing to do with a sudden problem. Just a coincidence.

Though I do not subscribe to coincidence, I do trust there are firmware / hardware issues (glitches) in systems, they do fail from time to time. I will say that the prop quick release add-on took place and worked flawlessly previously. I didn't add it, then just take it for a spin. One thing that I have noticed about the quick release system is that the only tension provided to the props are little foam inserts. I can't believe that was the best that DJI could come up with to abstain from wobbly props that spin at thousands of RPM's. I almost wonder if the props are imbalanced causing some resistance which is monitored by the ESC's?
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Aero-Drone Imagery
Flight distance : 1048652 ft
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United States

mixchief Posted at 11-18 20:44
Actually I have proven that in my case, as I get that warning regularly since the last app update, it is a bug in the app. I get the warning yet the bird continues to fly normally and the warning promptly disappears . Warnings seem to be DJI's pastime  these days, It is incredibly annoying and I know one day it might bite me in the a** but  I've learned to fly through the warnings and constant disconnects and screen freezes green screns etc, otherwise I' might as well just give up flying DJI.

Upon receiving the motor overload warning, the landings seem to be a forced landing in which I still have some control. However, I can not fly through the landing once it decides that is it's next move (rarely never more than a few meters away form home).I haven't tried flying it again since deep-cycling the batteries, I'm hopeful that it was a power issue and that re-vamping the batteries solve the problem.

I am also a bit curious about the quick release prop add-on. There isn't as much prop stability as with the Inspire 2's quick release prop system. The I1 system relies on foam inserts to provide tension between the prop and motor once installed versus the old spring metal attachments that provided tension. Consequently, the props seem a bit wobbly. That being said, I can easily visualize some bad feedback to the ESC's if there is a prop imbalance while spinning up to thousands of RPM's.
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Aero-Drone Imagery
Flight distance : 1048652 ft
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United States

DJI Stephen Posted at 11-18 06:49
Hello and good day. Aero-Drone Imagery. I am sorry to know what happened to your previous flight with your DJI Inspire 1. May I know if the DJI Inspire 1's firmware is up to date and if you have also calibrated the drone? For reference I will post the latest firmware version for the DJI Inspire 1. Thank you.


Upon receiving the motor overload warning, the landings seem to be a forced landing in which I still have some control. However, I can not fly through the landing once it decides that is it's next move (rarely never more than a few meters away form home). I haven't tried flying it again since deep-cycling the batteries, I'm hopeful that it was a power issue and that re-vamping the batteries solve the problem.

I am also a bit curious about the quick release prop add-on. There isn't as much prop stability as with the Inspire 2's quick release prop system. The I1 system relies on foam inserts to provide tension between the prop and motor once installed versus the old spring metal attachments that provided tension. Consequently, the props seem a bit wobbly. That being said, I can easily visualize some bad feedback to the ESC's if there is a prop imbalance while spinning up to several thousand  RPM's. Did the DJI engineers think this through, or were little foam inserts the best solution that they could think up?
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Flight distance : 15095994 ft
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United Kingdom

Aero-Drone Imagery Posted at 11-19 17:56
I try never to go full stick, unless I am just playing around with my Spark, not to mention that I have the power curves de-tuned. The landings seem to be a forced landing in which I still have some control, I can not fly through the landing once it decides that is it's next move. I haven't tried flying it again since deep-cycling the batteries, I'm hopeful that it was a power issue and that re-vamping the batteries solve the problem...

Fingers crossed.
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Caspers driver
Second Officer
Flight distance : 4540515 ft
United States

Aero-Drone Imagery Posted at 11-19 18:01
Though I do not subscribe to coincidence, I do trust there are firmware / hardware issues (glitches) in systems, they do fail from time to time. I will say that the prop quick release add-on took place and worked flawlessly previously. I didn't add it, then just take it for a spin. One thing that I have noticed about the quick release system is that the only tension provided to the props are little foam inserts. I can't believe that was the best that DJI could come up with to abstain from wobbly props that spin at thousands of RPM's. I almost wonder if the props are imbalanced causing some resistance which is monitored by the ESC's?

I agree 100%.

“The I1 system relies on foam inserts to provide tension between the prop and motor once installed versus the old spring metal attachments that provided tension. Consequently, the props seem a bit wobbly. “

Quite a bit has been written about this issue here and other places. There is several shim “fixes that work. Some better than others. Bottom line is , a thin shim makes an enormous difference!

As far as your overload issue- I don’t think that is it. But ????

Good luck and please post update if you get it sorted out.
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Flight distance : 1806125 ft
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United States

No big deal, Where you at full throttle? Just back off on the control sticks a bit. I might be wrong but I believe the motor overload is actually kicked off due to high or fast drain on the battery. Drain might be the wrong word. lets say Demand
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 182057 ft
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United States

LIVNXXL Posted at 11-20 12:20
No big deal, Where you at full throttle? Just back off on the control sticks a bit. I might be wrong but I believe the motor overload is actually kicked off due to high or fast drain on the battery. Drain might be the wrong word. lets say Demand

My warning comes on no matter where the stick is, just does it random and states that throttle will be lowered, never tries to land or makes mention of landing, just engine speed will be lowered, but no such thing happens, thats why I fly through it, if it tried to land I'd be screwed as most of my flying is over water, pretty deep water.Ive flown over a mile after warning presents it self almost at takeoff.and I mean a mile each way or basically 2 miles and a half 14,000 feet.
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rwynant V1
Second Officer
Flight distance : 4842277 ft
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United States

Aero-Drone Imagery Posted at 11-17 19:39
I do not believe there is anything that is binding. I can run the motors without props and I receive no warning, even when throttling up to 100%. What are your thoughts on it being a power issue?

You said "Dusted off"

How old are your batteries?   Next time you take off, check your cell voltages.

As you accelerate, you may be trying to pull more power than the batteries can give causing the warning.

With a full battery, in the first minute the cells should not drop below 3.95vdc/cell    Again I am assuming your batteries are more than 1 to 2 years old.  If this is the case, you could end up hitting CRITICAL LOW BATTERY long before you expect it.   This means if you are far away, you will most likely be forced to land.

Use caution with older batteries.....

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Aero-Drone Imagery
Flight distance : 1048652 ft
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United States

rwynant V1 Posted at 11-22 11:08
You said "Dusted off"

How old are your batteries?   Next time you take off, check your cell voltages.

I really appreciate your input, that’s kind of why I was inquiring about it being a power issue. The batteries are kind of dated. I’ll update once i send it back up with deep cycled batteries...

Thanks again for your input...
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Caspers driver
Second Officer
Flight distance : 4540515 ft
United States

You said "Dusted off"

That was what caught my attention right off. That’s why I mentioned testing before making changes to anything that has been sitting idol for a spell. Exercise is good for most everything.
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Aero-Drone Imagery
Flight distance : 1048652 ft
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United States

**** UPDATE ****

Finally took it out for some maintenance flights after charging the batteries. On two of the batteries (man date 2015, 2016), taking off with 70% charge, I received "motor overload" warnings. It definitely appears to be a power issue. The voltage and subsequent current output does not seem to be enough to ensure proper power to the ESC's in order to run the motors. The remaining two batteries (also charged to 80%) had zero warnings during flight. I have run all batteries to less than 10%, and will fully charge them tomorrow ("deep cycle"), then will test fly and gather data. My guess, the older batteries are done and will need to be dead-lined.

I appreciate everyone's input!

Jason Quickel
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Flight distance : 15095994 ft
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United Kingdom

Aero-Drone Imagery Posted at 11-30 19:59
**** UPDATE ****

Finally took it out for some maintenance flights after charging the batteries. On two of the batteries (man date 2015, 2016), taking off with 70% charge, I received "motor overload" warnings. It definitely appears to be a power issue. The voltage and subsequent current output does not seem to be enough to ensure proper power to the ESC's in order to run the motors. The remaining two batteries (also charged to 80%) had zero warnings during flight. I have run all batteries to less than 10%, and will fully charge them tomorrow ("deep cycle"), then will test fly and gather data. My guess, the older batteries are done and will need to be dead-lined.

You're welcome
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R&L Aerial photography
First Officer
Flight distance : 298100 ft
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I receive the same warning  ever time I fly, more so when full throttle up and times of strong winds, I think the setting that triggers the warning is over sensitive..
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 182057 ft
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United States

Aero-Drone Imagery Posted at 11-30 19:59
**** UPDATE ****

Finally took it out for some maintenance flights after charging the batteries. On two of the batteries (man date 2015, 2016), taking off with 70% charge, I received "motor overload" warnings. It definitely appears to be a power issue. The voltage and subsequent current output does not seem to be enough to ensure proper power to the ESC's in order to run the motors. The remaining two batteries (also charged to 80%) had zero warnings during flight. I have run all batteries to less than 10%, and will fully charge them tomorrow ("deep cycle"), then will test fly and gather data. My guess, the older batteries are done and will need to be dead-lined.

In my case it didn't matter which battery I used, but if I took off with less than 90% I got multiple warnings.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 3394731 ft
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United States

I get motor overload warnings when it first takes off.
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scruffs dad
Second Officer
Flight distance : 1071604 ft
United Kingdom

I had the same warning, followed by critically low voltage checking on airdata the voltage dropped from 22 to 19  battery was at 54% the inspire came down very quick lucky it landed on grass. never had any problems before. Could it be the battery as had it?
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Flight distance : 23146 ft

United Kingdom

A poor battery can cause this as it can no longer deliver the current it's being asked for so the drone assumes a motor is pulling too much current.
The battery can also just turn off due to severe voltage drop
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