Flight distance : 50335 ft
rm708410 Posted at 11-24 12:19
Funny story. Some of it sounds odd, but this really happened. I was afraid to even post a question about it, because it was so bizarre. After charging three batteries, I put one in the drone on a table and the other two in my bag. Was just sitting there powered off and happy, waiting to be packed to go out and fly. Was on the phone in a completely different room about an hour later and heard the start-up tone. Go back to the drone, because of the easily recognized sound, and there it was, powered on, blinking its lights and ready to fly. Strangest thing I've ever had happen with a DJI drone. I can't imagine how it happened, as the power starts at the battery and the power up protection procedure is pretty good. The gimbal clamp was on, so that wasn't great. Now I usually keep the batteries out of the craft.
Anyway, it was that tone that let me know something was happening, so I appreciate it
This is really strange and scary at the same time, its either one of your family members pressed the power button or you have ghost living there lol.
The tone is too ugly and should be either changed or a choice to turn it on or off. |