 First Officer
Flight distance : 46325 ft
In Germany there are some rules to obey.
For all drones:
- Every drone needs to be marked (fireproof sticker) with your name and address. You can do that yourself.
- Maximum altitude is 100m above ground
- No flying in control zones or near airports
- Only fly in visual range
- No flying near main roads, hospitals, government building, people, inhabitated houses, national parks.
Additional rule for drones with a takeoff weight of 2 kg or more:
- Pilot needs to do a course and a test (forget it for foreigners)
Additional rule for drones with a takeoff weight of 5 kg or more:
- Flying only possible with a specific allowance ("Aufstiegsgenehmigung")
So if you fly a Spark or a Mavic, you're fine with just marking it.
Wolferl |