Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 13811834 ft
Kolvi_1 Posted at 12-10 05:10
Many thanks for you analysis - I will not dispute to facts (and of course own piloting errors), however this is against my impression and indications I got.
I fully agree to the drone stopping as approaching the trees and reflections on the the water, by than I saw on the controller the message "safety landing" or Sicherheitslandung or similar wording - creating some surprise in my brain ("oh no, F*** - it cannot just land now on the water") and I immediately tried to push the lever upward while I saw my drone turning to the left and lowering + ditching...
Hi Kolvi,
You may dispute, but i see only the data readout form your flightlog, see this chart again for the last part of the flightlog.
I don`t know what you saw on your mobile device, its not always the same as in the flightlog.
Guess it said "Landing". In the log no Up stick is recorded, only 100% down.
At the end 3,5 seconds of data writing is missing, mayby in that part the Up stick took place.You saw the craft lowering and turning left, yawing left en down is logged in the log.
As long as there is a down link connection Drone > RC > Mobile Device, every 0.1 of a second is logged.
The normal delay in signal back to the RC > Device is there, normally with a good connection delay time in milli-seconds.
I always fly with a screen recorder active, very usefull to see the flight back (what did i miss looking in the sky instead of the screen) and usefull in situations like yours.
There is a difference between an autolanding and a forced landing; autolanding follows a RTH procedure or swipe to the right in the app, forced landing is when craft hovers low and user apply manual down stick. After short time drone starts to land, no need to have the stick 100% down, at no input craft will finish the forced landing.
PS i am not sure if you can cancel a Forced Landing by a Up stick command, once the software understands that the user want to have a Forced landing the drone starts one....i will check this out on my drones, nice to know!