Prachat Posted at 12-23 20:52
I had a discussion with DGCA officer and they want drone manufacturer to abide by compliance.
Also they said that they will check with the site developer why drop down is not showing up for drone type.
I got this reply from the Deputy Director of DGCA:
"Reference is made to your grievance lodged in CPGRAMS (link removed).
The matter has been examined by this office. Regulations/ procedures regarding operation of RPAS (including import) are available in DGCA website (link removed) under tab “Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS)” alternatively you may use this weblink (link removed) . It is requested to read the documents specified in the above link and to comply with the regulations/ procedures mentioned above.
Further, it is advised to approach your drone’s OEM/manufacturer and ask them to comply with equipment requirements/ minimum standards especially NPNT requirement. Once, the manufacturer shows compliance to DGCA that their RPAS/ drone meets the above equipment requirements/ minimum standards especially NPNT requirement, that particular model will populated in the selection. Then, you will be able to apply for Import Permission, UIN and/or UAOP as the case may be.
This issues with approval of competent authority.
Best Regards,
K. Thulasiraman
Deputy Director (Aircraft Engineering)"
What this means is unless we get the drone approved by DGCA, it won't show up on that list. Since no one has been able to successfully get a drone approved, the list is empty. The form to get the drone approved is (link removed). The onus is on us to fill this and send it to WPC Wing, Department of Telecommunication. Insane!