Second Officer
Flight distance : 1535679 ft
Count me amongst the people who are now encountering this issue...
For me, it's occurring in Sport mode, at full speed in forward direction. I never noticed it before since getting my replacement M2P because I never use Sport mode for the most part, so it's disconcerting to say the least.
Checking my drone attitude gauge during flight, I see that when it's at full speed forward, the attitude of the drone is at an extreme pitch, so I'm wondering if this isn't either A) a physical limitation of the gimbal tilt angle at this attack angle, or B) a software "feature" meant to tilt the gimbal down in order to keep the props or nose piece out of the camera view whilst at full throttle.
Also, this occurs for me in ZERO wind, AND windy conditions; the tilt down amount is always between -7 to -8 degrees, regardless of wind.
I have re-calibrated the gimbal a few times, and re-flashed the FW, no effect. |