Alex B.
Second Officer
Flight distance : 25361788 ft
djiuser_LjJW9fSAWJe5 Posted at 12-15 15:10
I have a samsung j3 I think. Its an older phone. The DJI GO4 app. I havent double checked the SD card yet. I am working nights so didnt have time today. I am going to upgrade to a tablet for flying as soon as the attachment comes. I am beginning to think it is my equipment holding me back and not the aircraft. which is good. I can fix my problems!!
I’m sorry to say this, but Samsung j3 is not compatible with the versions of the app that run the mavic 2
Your only solution is to get a much better device.
Take note, if it’s android, then you should have a device with at least 4gb of ram,
It’s different for iOS.
For example, I have an iPad air2 and it runs the latest app versions perfectly.
Alex |