No fly zone
9458 33 2018-12-19
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Flight distance : 1148 ft
United States

Ok who are the idiots that made a no fly zone out of a 20 year old decommissioned heli port ? Now I cant fly where I flew many many of times , and I spoke to the forest rangers who I know personally and they also said it's not been in use for a long time , so again I ask who are the idiots who sit around looking at  google earth or what ever and say hey I'll make it so nobody can fly here !!!! Without doing research or what not ? Is it dji or faa ?
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First Officer
Flight distance : 5381368 ft
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United States

ya, its poorly implemented system that doesn't take into account decommissioned areas.  if they are on a list they go into the software.. its stupid
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First Officer
Flight distance : 73209 ft

You can always delete your NFZ off your mavic pro and follow just your country rules
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First Officer
Flight distance : 5381368 ft
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United States

MavSpa_user Posted at 12-19 08:10
You can always delete your NFZ off your mavic pro and follow just your country rules

the problem is DJi is automatically super intrusive.  and their concept is good idea in general.. but their implementation really needs some refining..

if DJI wants to be this intrusive, that is fine, but only if they are also willing to spend more time and effort and money on also verifying active vs inactive/decommissioned locations as well as properly zone areas and just zoning correct areas..correctly.  etc etc ..    otherwise DJI needs to reduce intrusiveness a bit more..

because i  even encountered it a few times..  old old airfield i was near once.. hasn't been used in so long that overgrown to hell... still NFZ/authorization required.. like who am i going to call..not even a tower there....just someone's backyard hobby they must registered it forever ago and they been dead for decades now or something.... because nothing left of it.. hanger was half collapsed
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Bob Brown
Second Officer
Flight distance : 4209662 ft
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United States

I fly where I want, when I want and as high as I want with no wind warnings. Mavic Pro / NLD mod. Have a great day!

Note: I do follow the laws for my area and have written permission to fly near a Class G airport that should not be a NFZ anyways.
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DJI Tony


Hi, we do apologize for the troubles that it caused. I would recommend unlocking the zone for this kind scenario for you to possibly unlock the restricted area. You may refer to the email below. Thank you for the support.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 138310 ft
United States

Bob Brown Posted at 12-19 11:13
I fly where I want, when I want and as high as I want with no wind warnings. Mavic Pro / NLD mod. Have a great day!

Note: I do follow the laws for my area and have written permission to fly near a Class G airport that should not be a NFZ anyways.

Do what Bob says here.

When are people going to quit buying new birds and not knowing what comes with them? If NLD doesn't work with your bird, your fault. People need to see what GEOS they have near before purchasing a drone FFS
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Bob Brown
Second Officer
Flight distance : 4209662 ft
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United States

DJI Tony Posted at 12-19 12:39
Hi, we do apologize for the troubles that it caused. I would recommend unlocking the zone for this kind scenario for you to possibly unlock the restricted area. You may refer to the email below. Thank you for the support.

The self unlock is a joke. I do not think DJI Tony has to ever use it or else he would not recommend it. You have to unlock every 3 days and if your internet is not accessible your screwed.  In some areas it simply will not unlock if there is a solid no fly. (I would not recommend you fly these areas anyways / illegal and you can be fined heavily/drone confiscated; BUT that should be YOUR choice not DJI's. Be a grown up and make good choices!)

You can also get a 3 month unlock as well; this I would recommend but it is quite painful if you have the unlock enabled and you want to fly outside of your unlock zone you have to disable it before you fly. Overall DJI has made the NFZ and geofencing very troublesome and problematic.  $34.95 / NLD / 5 minutes later DJI has zero say in where I fly. Best investment I HAD TO make for my  bird. LOVE IT.
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Flight distance : 1148 ft
United States

MavSpa_user Posted at 12-19 08:10
You can always delete your NFZ off your mavic pro and follow just your country rules

how about do I go about that?
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Flight distance : 1148 ft
United States

DJI Tony Posted at 12-19 12:39
Hi, we do apologize for the troubles that it caused. I would recommend unlocking the zone for this kind scenario for you to possibly unlock the restricted area. You may refer to the email below. Thank you for the support.

Ok your link is complete garbage unusable both way's to unlock 1. there is no internet connection there  2. why do I need a credit card or phone number to unlock fly zone I know its just for identification , and I tried to unlock on the map for the three days thing and it say's   ( restricted zone unlock unavailable ) nice going DJI or who ever does the geo fencing or no fly zone , still nobody has answered my question as to WHO sets these rules ???? DJI or FAA ?  hey DJI useless rep watch this video it is how I feel exactly ,,,    this video is not me but the guy is on point.  
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Flight distance : 1148 ft
United States

Bob Brown Posted at 12-19 11:13
I fly where I want, when I want and as high as I want with no wind warnings. Mavic Pro / NLD mod. Have a great day!

Note: I do follow the laws for my area and have written permission to fly near a Class G airport that should not be a NFZ anyways.

can you send me a link to the mod page ? thanks
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First Officer
Flight distance : 73209 ft

fansebc54862 Posted at 12-24 04:08
can you send me a link to the mod page ? thanks

check your PM
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Bob Brown
Second Officer
Flight distance : 4209662 ft
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United States

fansebc54862 Posted at 12-24 04:08
can you send me a link to the mod page ? thanks

Just google No Limit Dronez and you will have the best solution. I suggest using firmware V01.03.0700 for the most stable and NFZ free experience. Not sure what it is about this version... mainly NFZ database is not supported so I NEVER have issues with NFZ and DJI's geofencing bs.  I click cancel on any update prompts or unlock requests... I even mutter "F.U." as I click cancel in the latest DJI Go software on my iPad mini as I am about to fly. NEVER an issue other than the nag prompts coming up at all. NLD is my Hero; they saved DJI products from sucking themselves into the trash can. Like many DJI pilots out there would agree... DJI took the fun out of their drone products and NLD just gave the fun back by force.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 823163 ft
United Kingdom

I can confirm this NLD software is legit and has restored my drone photography enjoyment. If DJI had just shown the NFZs on the map and allowed the user to fly sensibly, i would still support DJI. It isn't as though the unlock process prevents flying, but the pointless time wasting to work through it.
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Bob Brown
Second Officer
Flight distance : 4209662 ft
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United States

AlansDronePics Posted at 12-28 01:13
I can confirm this NLD software is legit and has restored my drone photography enjoyment. If DJI had just shown the NFZs on the map and allowed the user to fly sensibly, i would still support DJI. It isn't as though the unlock process prevents flying, but the pointless time wasting to work through it.

It does and has prevented flight in my case too many times. The 3 month unlock for a specific area prevents you from flying at all in other areas. (outside of the unlock radius)  I once wandered outside of my unlock area and the drone force landed in the middle of a corn field for no good reason. (I was outside of the NFZ!) DJI has much work to do on the geofence and NFZ and I will not use my expensive DJI drone to beta test the software for them at my expense. NLD fixed what DJI screwed up. I and many other NLD users have no criminal intentions; we just want to fly without DJI software destroying our property.

Note: I had to go get permission from the farmer to go get my drone from his field... there was no other way to recover. VERY happy it was not a lake or body of water! The farmer was slightly irritated and for me that was the last straw. I parked my drone for months out of fear, until NLD saved the day.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 138310 ft
United States

Bob Brown Posted at 12-28 06:36
It does and has prevented flight in my case too many times. The 3 month unlock for a specific area prevents you from flying at all in other areas. (outside of the unlock radius)  I once wandered outside of my unlock area and the drone force landed in the middle of a corn field for no good reason. (I was outside of the NFZ!) DJI has much work to do on the geofence and NFZ and I will not use my expensive DJI drone to beta test the software for them at my expense. NLD fixed what DJI screwed up. I and many other NLD users have no criminal intentions; we just want to fly without DJI software destroying our property.

Note: I had to go get permission from the farmer to go get my drone from his field... there was no other way to recover. VERY happy it was not a lake or body of water! The farmer was slightly irritated and for me that was the last straw. I parked my drone for months out of fear, until NLD saved the day.

Me? I'm just as happy as @Bob Brown and maybe happier
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Flight distance : 304744 ft
United States

Will modding the drone work if everything is on the latest firmware and I thought they implemented software so you couldn’t roll back anymore? Also what do you loose by doing so? I seriously thought about it, but changed my mind when I read no refunds so if you can’t get it to work  you are SOL.
Also an important note about NLD is that it’s pointless if you have more than one drone and you want to have one modded and one on current firmware. As in my case I have  both mavic pros and I want to mod just the original one Incase I run into a bad NFZ  as I can still get the footage I need.  IOS users are required to downgrade to an earlier go app so if I do that I loose functionality with the new mavic 2 pro that requires the latest app to work correctly.  Just too complicated to justify  spending that amount of money  if you have more than one drone.
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Bob Brown
Second Officer
Flight distance : 4209662 ft
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United States

Cmartin3977 Posted at 12-28 13:34
Will modding the drone work if everything is on the latest firmware and I thought they implemented software so you couldn’t roll back anymore? Also what do you loose by doing so? I seriously thought about it, but changed my mind when I read no refunds so if you can’t get it to work  you are SOL.
Also an important note about NLD is that it’s pointless if you have more than one drone and you want to have one modded and one on current firmware. As in my case I have  both mavic pros and I want to mod just the original one Incase I run into a bad NFZ  as I can still get the footage I need.  IOS users are required to downgrade to an earlier go app so if I do that I loose functionality with the new mavic 2 pro that requires the latest app to work correctly.  Just too complicated to justify  spending that amount of money  if you have more than one drone.

I think you have not done much research on NLD. Go read their site / forums and get a better understanding of how it works and what is possible. You may be surprised what it can do!   The modded Android GO app is only needed for FCC mode stuff... if you are in the USA it wont apply to you. Licensing is per drone and you can easily have a mix of NLD birds and NFZ bricks. You would need to roll back to V01.04.0300 to have no NFZ and the latest features which can be done with NLD application in less than 10-15 minutes.

Good luck and remember to fly safe and obey your federal (FAA) laws. NLD does not remove the consequences!
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First Officer
Flight distance : 138310 ft
United States

Cmartin3977 Posted at 12-28 13:34
Will modding the drone work if everything is on the latest firmware and I thought they implemented software so you couldn’t roll back anymore? Also what do you loose by doing so? I seriously thought about it, but changed my mind when I read no refunds so if you can’t get it to work  you are SOL.
Also an important note about NLD is that it’s pointless if you have more than one drone and you want to have one modded and one on current firmware. As in my case I have  both mavic pros and I want to mod just the original one Incase I run into a bad NFZ  as I can still get the footage I need.  IOS users are required to downgrade to an earlier go app so if I do that I loose functionality with the new mavic 2 pro that requires the latest app to work correctly.  Just too complicated to justify  spending that amount of money  if you have more than one drone.

Look at the Bird Map on the NLD site. It will show you all the options with the drones they support.
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Flight distance : 304744 ft
United States

So your saying that I can  have the mavic pro 1 on the mod , and still use the latest go 4 app that my pro 2 requires to function correctly? I’ve been looking at the site and it seems like it’s just a recipe for disaster. You have to step down from the latest firmware thru certain steps which have been problematic for many, then you have to pray that everything else loads and goes correctly for it to work properly and if your drone is after such and such date then you have to open it up and access the sd card inside the drone.... it certainly sounds like a big hassle and not a 15 minute program install, especially when something doesn’t take correctly and your stuck with a bricked drone. And all for a non refundable 35.00  Also I don’t have a windows computer, only Mac which as of right now is not supported.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 927927 ft
United States

fansebc54862 Posted at 12-24 04:04
Ok your link is complete garbage unusable both way's to unlock 1. there is no internet connection there  2. why do I need a credit card or phone number to unlock fly zone I know its just for identification , and I tried to unlock on the map for the three days thing and it say's   ( restricted zone unlock unavailable ) nice going DJI or who ever does the geo fencing or no fly zone , still nobody has answered my question as to WHO sets these rules ???? DJI or FAA ?  hey DJI useless rep watch this video it is how I feel exactly ,,,    this video is not me but the guy is on point.

Thanks for the video. "5 Reasons Why I Hate DJI Drones"
I thought it was to the point.
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Brett Brandon
United States

The new CAPTCHA crap is the last straw.
Im tired of DJIs crap and am removing my posts and will be on my way.
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Bob Brown
Second Officer
Flight distance : 4209662 ft
  • >>>
United States

Cmartin3977 Posted at 12-29 11:02
So your saying that I can  have the mavic pro 1 on the mod , and still use the latest go 4 app that my pro 2 requires to function correctly? I’ve been looking at the site and it seems like it’s just a recipe for disaster. You have to step down from the latest firmware thru certain steps which have been problematic for many, then you have to pray that everything else loads and goes correctly for it to work properly and if your drone is after such and such date then you have to open it up and access the sd card inside the drone.... it certainly sounds like a big hassle and not a 15 minute program install, especially when something doesn’t take correctly and your stuck with a bricked drone. And all for a non refundable 35.00  Also I don’t have a windows computer, only Mac which as of right now is not supported.

"It's dangerous outside. Better stay inside where it is safe!"

I am not an NLD sales guy. lol .. I only replied because you asked for info. There it is.
Your worry and concerns are real but all empty and lacking.

Good luck!

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Flight distance : 6550331 ft
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United States

The same thing happened to me today. A place I have been flying at for 4 years now won't let me fire up my Mavic Platinum. Nothing has changed in my area, but approximately 6 weeks ago, my area was deemed a NFZ according to the controller and Go App. I found out today when I was not allowed to fly. Sometimes I used to get a message asking me to accept responsibly when flying in this area, but now no message appears except "cannot fly". I have not upgraded my Firmware since I got the Platinum, because I was afraid this might happen, so perhaps I need to upgrade, just not sure. I just placed an order for a Mavic 2 Zoom last week, now I may regret doing that if I can't fly here?
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First Officer
Flight distance : 823163 ft
United Kingdom

Cmartin3977 Posted at 2018-12-29 11:02
So your saying that I can  have the mavic pro 1 on the mod , and still use the latest go 4 app that my pro 2 requires to function correctly? I’ve been looking at the site and it seems like it’s just a recipe for disaster. You have to step down from the latest firmware thru certain steps which have been problematic for many, then you have to pray that everything else loads and goes correctly for it to work properly and if your drone is after such and such date then you have to open it up and access the sd card inside the drone.... it certainly sounds like a big hassle and not a 15 minute program install, especially when something doesn’t take correctly and your stuck with a bricked drone. And all for a non refundable 35.00  Also I don’t have a windows computer, only Mac which as of right now is not supported.

You have a choice, use it or not.
Your opinion is yours and is of no interest to me.
It is true, if you don't know what you are doing, as NLD point out, Best you don't adopt their software.
I am glad I did.
The latest updates contain little, if nothing at all for the old Mavic Pro and I feel free of the pointless chain of updates that seem to be just for the NFZ and newest drones. I use a stable version of DJI firmware. You may have noticed a surge in error reporting with certain versions of FW but very few for the one I use.
I can only report my experience. I was very wary of the NLD software and did a lot of flight testing before my confidence returned. Although I never crashed, Disconnects, lost GPS when there was no technical reason, flight instability and a near loss of control at 500 metre range, 30 metre altitude finished the DJI updates for me.
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Flight distance : 6550331 ft
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United States

Where can you get the different Firmwares for the Mavic?
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United States

Same here, I cant fly in my property anymore due to a private airstrip located in class G airspace that hasn't been active for 35 years.  Fed up with it, sold my dji and bought an evo.
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United States

DJI Tony Posted at 2018-12-19 12:39
Hi, we do apologize for the troubles that it caused. I would recommend unlocking the zone for this kind scenario for you to possibly unlock the restricted area. You may refer to the email below. Thank you for the support.

DJI Tony- you can't even summit request to unlock a NFZ. On your cell phone. I guess you have to do it from your home computer which really makes a lot of sense-(not). Should be able to do it from cell phone because of the fact you don't know when you need to use the thing to unlock!
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Brad Bilger
Second Officer
Flight distance : 14843274 ft
United States

What gets me is where I fly, there is a "Warning Zone" which according to DJI's Fly Safe Web site, states "This zone does not require unlocking.  Fly with caution in this area."  Ok, so I do not need an unlock to fly in this area.  So now, how do I get rid of this Yellow Warning zone so that I can SEE the map??  This zone is for a dirt strip airport that has not been in operation for YEARS.  Yes, I know that the FAA still has it listed as an airport (Fuller Field - TS00), but there is nothing there but a plowed field and trees.  FAA sectional Charts do not show this field on their maps.  Either way, DJI's site says it is permissible, so why can't I see it??

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MavSpa_user Posted at 2018-12-19 08:10
You can always delete your NFZ off your mavic pro and follow just your country rules

hi there, how to delete this data please
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United States

well, i just found out yesterday that i can no longer fly my mavic in my backyard. and unlocking does not work... error 1001! so i now have a $1500 brick Thanks DJI.

We need to start a petition for a lawsuit... get enough people to pledge , all go in together and take them to court. that is the only way. worst case scenario we get our money back for the paper weight.
and the time lost, events missed and memories we could not get recorded ...
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United States

HereForTheBeer Posted at 2018-12-19 08:24
the problem is DJi is automatically super intrusive.  and their concept is good idea in general.. but their implementation really needs some refining..

if DJI wants to be this intrusive, that is fine, but only if they are also willing to spend more time and effort and money on also verifying active vs inactive/decommissioned locations as well as properly zone areas and just zoning correct areas..correctly.  etc etc ..    otherwise DJI needs to reduce intrusiveness a bit more..

Explain the process. NoLimitDronez firmware is for PC only. Any Mac Firmwares?
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First Officer
Flight distance : 5381368 ft
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United States

djiuser_TmUKAVIGMmq8 Posted at 8-5 05:30
Explain the process. NoLimitDronez firmware is for PC only. Any Mac Firmwares?

google their website and check it out yourself.  im not sure if they offer a MacOS install solution however..
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Second Officer
United States

The NLD website says they don't have a Mac-compatible version, they want you to use a PC-emulator. Ick.

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