DJI seems to be evil like Apple
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12630 49 2019-1-6
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I used to use iPhone and iPad a long time ago. Hated how Apple treats its customers. I remember that annoying feeling that Apple could do whatever it wanted and there is nothing you can do about it.   
Make everything incompatible and force you to buy outrageously expensive accessories. Disable software functions and even though you paid for the hardware. Oh, and that famous “Artificially slow down devices to force upgrade".

There was nothing you could do as there were no comparable alternatives available.   

I switched to android phones when it caught up. I switched to windows tablets when that matured. Could not be happier. Have you seen the price of the iPad Pro? Why would you buy that when a windows tablet can do so much more?

I got this same frustrated feeling when I started buying DJI products.  

Spark OTG support debacle

Artificially limit software functions of Spark on simple things like custom yawing rate  
Artificially limit connections to DJI’s own alternative software like DJI Pilot app and refuse warranty if you tried to use it.  
Mavic 2 series released incomplete. A lot of functions are missing compared to Mavic Pro.
Took 3 months to get precision landing.   
Waypoint mode still missing.   
Terrain tracking still missing. (What else are missing? Please add below.) At this rate, when Mavic 2 are finally done, Mavic 3 will be released incomplete and the whole cycle will start again.

The much lauded Omnidirectional Obstacle Sensing actually does not work sideways in normal GPS Position mode, i.e. most of your actual flying time.  
DJI Pilot App do work with Mavic 2 Pro and Mavic 2 Zoom and has proper offline waypoint mission mode. However, DJI would not provide official support and would apparently refuse warranty if anything goes wrong.  

DJI basically force users to use third party software such as Litchi to provide functions that should be easily available in official DJI Go 4 app. DJI however would also refuse warranty if anything goes wrong while using third party softwares.  

Anyhow, this is just a rant. There are unfortunately no comparable alternatives right now in the market. DJI can therefore do whatever it wants.  

However, competitors are catching up. When something better shows up, I will be jumping ship.
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Not sure about competitors, Autel with 5% market share nearest competitors, they say demand for new tech is the driving force putting pressure on tech companies to continually release new products, not finished, we see it with most camera companies, it seems like consumer is the tail wagging the dog, will we ever be satisfied.
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Second Officer
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You're so much right Alex, but hallmark is right as well - they behave like an Apple until real competitor will arrive. So now we are in pre-Android era with them - will buy all stuff offered
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hallmark007 Posted at 1-6 15:22
Not sure about competitors, Autel with 5% market share nearest competitors, they say demand for new tech is the driving force putting pressure on tech companies to continually release new products, not finished, we see it with most camera companies, it seems like consumer is the tail wagging the dog, will we ever be satisfied.

Like I said, there is just no comparable alternatives right now.

Apparently Autel EVO is very close to the original Mavic Pro now. Have you seen the Skydio R1? I know it's expensive and the camera is apparently terrible. However, the 3D tracking and obstacle avoidance looks amazing.

I used to use Canon cameras and then switch to Sony mirrorless. None of cameras I have ever used are released so incomplete. There are a lot of close competitors in the camera markets. If any companies try to pull shenanigans like this, people will just switch.
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nixuspix Posted at 1-6 15:32
You're so much right Alex, but hallmark is right as well - they behave like an Apple until real competitor will arrive. So now we are in pre-Android era with them - will buy all stuff offered

Hopefully a competitor catches up soon. It would really be so much better for us users.

Apple apparently started putting USB C port on iPad Pro. Cannot believed I lived to see the day.
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AlexSW Posted at 1-6 15:43
Like I said, there is just no comparable alternatives right now.

Apparently Autel EVO is very close to the original Mavic Pro now. Have you seen the Skydio R1? I know it's expensive and the camera is apparently terrible. However, the 3D tracking and obstacle avoidance looks amazing.

I have seen Skydio it’s very much a niche drone it’s 3d sensors are pretty impressive, the problems  with the drone market is, if your looking to companies like Autel to challenge or compete with dji, they also need to get their house in order, released Evo known it had tilted horizon , Evo was also released with beta app supported very few devices and still does , the promised multi battery charger still has not arrived,
They promised so much with the X Star and delivered nothing for users, we think dji is bad but that’s because when you have 80% market share you have proportionaly much more problems.
You spoke earlier regarding Mavic Pro and it’s features, the truth is Mavic Pro features were delivered over a period of 18 months, as someone who owned M1 from the beginning I’m glad that all features were spread over time, if every feature was on M2 from the beginning and any one of these features caused problems then many many more would complain about having too many features, it’s a bit of a catch 22 situation.
It’s is abundantly clear that M2 has been the dji craft that has by a mile the fewest problems and 10 times less problems than Mavic Pro when it was released, so real progress has actually been made, we live in a world where we want everything out of the box to work 100% or we start to throw the toys out of the Pram, but all things tech have their problems, simply because it’s new and while beta testing will sort out some problems before release, it never sorts out everything.
We forget that consumer drone technology has been around for a very short time, 99% of the time its amazing.
And yes if features dont arrive, then complain, but I haven’t seen it happen yet, Spark and the OTG problem was caused simply by the users, it was never initially promised but some found they could use it to their advantage so pressure was put on engineers to make it compatible with Spark, so I’m not sure why the big fiasco, dji continually said for 12 months that Spark was not supported by OTG , and this is why I said earlier that sometimes as consumers we tend to be the tail wagging the dog.
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First Officer
United States

Hard to believe, but with Steve Jobs passing, Apple has gotten more arrogant.  Do wonder if Apple's up until recently large profits has more to do with what Steve Jobs put in place, than Tim Cook's guidance.  Tim Cook appears to be driving Apple away from serious computer systems, towards cellphones, tablets, watches (aka eye-candy).  Along with Cook using his position to push his beliefs and politics.
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Brett Brandon
United States

The new CAPTCHA crap is the last straw.
Im tired of DJIs crap and am removing my posts and will be on my way.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1148937 ft
United States

AlexSW Posted at 1-6 16:12
Hopefully a competitor catches up soon. It would really be so much better for us users.

Apple apparently started putting USB C port on iPad Pro. Cannot believed I lived to see the day.

That’s awesome ! I never new why they couldn’t put a USB port in. Makes no sense
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Brett Brandon Posted at 1-6 16:54
There are a few out there. Maybe not quite as good yet... but still very useable.
One example.

Yeah it is one, it’s a pity that parrot have decided to scale down there consumer drone business.
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hallmark007 Posted at 1-6 16:34
I have seen Skydio it’s very much a niche drone it’s 3d sensors are pretty impressive, the problems  with the drone market is, if your looking to companies like Autel to challenge or compete with dji, they also need to get their house in order, released Evo known it had tilted horizon , Evo was also released with beta app supported very few devices and still does , the promised multi battery charger still has not arrived,
They promised so much with the X Star and delivered nothing for users, we think dji is bad but that’s because when you have 80% market share you have proportionaly much more problems.
You spoke earlier regarding Mavic Pro and it’s features, the truth is Mavic Pro features were delivered over a period of 18 months, as someone who owned M1 from the beginning I’m glad that all features were spread over time, if every feature was on M2 from the beginning and any one of these features caused problems then many many more would complain about having too many features, it’s a bit of a catch 22 situation.

So to sum up. Companies are evil and do evil things. If you don’t complain as consumers you will be treated like crap.

Spark can support OTG but didn’t. If no one complained now we still won’t have it now. Can you give me any reason why DJI would disable Spark OTG function; even though the hardware perfectly supports it; besides to squeeze more money out of us to upgrade? It’s actually safer to use compared to wifi connection.

Because you did not complain enough with original Mavic Pro, Mavic 2 were released in the same incomplete state. If you don’t complain now, you will have to buy Mavic 3 in the same incomplete state at release.

It’s not really a catch 22. All DJI has to do is to spend a bit more and release a proper product. Mavic 2 price actually increased after launch. Spend a bit more profit.

I cannot imagined how you would just take that much problems from Mavic Pro and still don’t feel bad about DJI.

You are right. I saw review of Autel EVO which apparently was terrible at release. So I currently still have to buy DJI and not Autel.

It’s more than 4 months since release. Litchi managed to support Mavic 2 waypoints in less than a month. What is DJI doing? Alternatively, DJI can stopping refusing warranty claim while using Litchi and be done with it. Or does DJI need to wait for class action suits like Apple be start honouring warranties? Another user said that DJI even refused warranty for using DJI Pilot app. Can someone get a lawyer to do a search through forums and contact all users who were refused warranty?

If we are really the tail wagging the dog, DJI would not pull any of tricks similar to Apple. Why, for example, would DJI Pilot app not support Mavic 2 Pro/Zoom?

It’s just frustrating to deal with company like this.
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hallmark007 Posted at 1-6 17:05
Yeah it is one, it’s a pity that parrot have decided to scale down there consumer drone business.

I know right. Such a shame.

Anafi is apparently very quiet. I wonder how quiet it would be to put Anafi shaped propellers on Mavic 2.
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Brett Brandon
United States

The new CAPTCHA crap is the last straw.
Im tired of DJIs crap and am removing my posts and will be on my way.
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AlexSW Posted at 1-6 17:18
So to sum up. Companies are evil and do evil things. If you don’t complain as consumers you will be treated like crap.

Spark can support OTG but didn’t. If no one complained now we still won’t have it now. Can you give me any reason why DJI would disable Spark OTG function; even though the hardware perfectly supports it; besides to squeeze more money out of us to upgrade? It’s actually safer to use compared to wifi connection.

I’ll take it from the bottom. Pilot App was designed for enterprise users and professional users, the app is extremely basic, again it was never intended for djis consumer drones, and you didn’t buy the M2 thinking that pilot app would be available to you, but again trying to be the tail wagging the dog you think you should have it because it’s there. It’s like buying an iPhone 7 and expecting face detection .

Litchi are a British company who develop apps specifically for waypoints it’s their field of expertise so I would expect their app to be completed and much better than anything dji can or will produce, if I pay 2k for a drone €20 for the best waypoint app should not be a problem.
Many use other bags designed better than dji bags and cheaper, why because they design bags.
Regarding the warranty it’s very clear and simple and IMO correct, if litchi app or any other app except the recommended app causes your craft to crash then your warranty is void, would you use lawnmower oil in your car and expect car company to warrant your car .

Complaining , yes people should complain about time delay around features promised not implemented on M2, but you can’t complain because it doesn’t have every feature the Mavic Pro has, that’s just whinging, if you don’t know what you invested in then take responsibility for that.

With regards to spark, it was never intended that it would be compatible with OTG and users who purchased knew this, if they didn’t the take responsibility. Yes initially is was compatible for some devices not all, and when new FW arrived it became incompatible for some devices, but take the position of engineers developing FW they know whatever they are developing does not include a compatible OTG for spark , so they develop FW according to the mission set down for Spark, it’s ridiculous to think dji decided to throw a spanner in the works of some workaround for OTG just so people would buy more expensive drones, in fact it’s laughable, why would they design market and sell a drone they don’t want users to use, that’s just crazy logic, they release a drone but they want people not to buy that drone they want them to buy a more expensive drone, it just makes no sense.
In the first 18 months of spark only some devices could work with OTG not all, I think what happens is people buy a Spark but think it should be a Mavic etc etc.

Complaining is one thing, whinging is a totally different thing, I hear people continually whinging the M2 should have this it should have that why did we not get that, it would be simple to add this , I was well aware of what I was buying into and I’m well aware of what was promised and I have no problems voicing my opinion to keep the company on their toes and to deliver what they promised in a timely manner.

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Brett Brandon Posted at 1-6 17:31
That would void your warranty... LOL

LOL..... Yeah, forgot about that.

Didn't put manufacturer branded tyres on your car? BAM, no warranty for you!
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hallmark007 Posted at 1-6 18:00
I’ll take it from the bottom. Pilot App was designed for enterprise users and professional users, the app is extremely basic, again it was never intended for djis consumer drones, and you didn’t buy the M2 thinking that pilot app would be available to you, but again trying to be the tail wagging the dog you think you should have it because it’s there. It’s like buying an iPhone 7 and expecting face detection .

Litchi are a British company who develop apps specifically for waypoints it’s their field of expertise so I would expect their app to be completed and much better than anything dji can or will produce, if I pay 2k for a drone €20 for the best waypoint app should not be a problem.

The difference is this.

You pay more for Mavic Pro than Spark.
Mavic Pro has better physical motors, so it’s faster. Mavic Pro has better physical antennas, so it has longer range. It makes sense.

It makes sense that iPhone 7 doesn’t have facial recognition because it has no infrared dot projector module.

Spark controller design is derivative of Mavic Pro controller. OTG worked with Mavic Pro. Codes existed for OTG function. Like you said. OTG actually initially worked, i.e. both the software and hardware functions existed.

Why was it decided in the design phase of Spark that OTG should not be supported? Wouldn’t it be simpler to copy and paste the same code to Spark?

Why was exponential yaw speed setting removed? Wouldn’t it take more effort to design a different DJI GO 4 interface for Spark? This function actually existed in DJI Assistant debug mode. But of course, using it voids warranty…..

This is called artificially limiting hardware function with software to differentiate products.

The only purpose of this tactic is to push customers to pay more. Why would you give a poorer product to customers when it costs the same to manufacture?

DJI should not limit functions when it’s as simple as changing one line of codes.

I am fine with paying for Litchi. But of course, using it voids warranty….. If a crash is caused by Litchi of course warranty is voided. However, DJI might apparently refuse to even look at a log if the drone crashed while using unsupported software.

I mistakenly thought that Mavic 2 should have a lot more functions before I bought it. Is it reasonable to expect a customer to read through every single page of the manual before buying anything? Is it reasonable to ask a customer to read through the forum to find out for example waypoint mode is still not available before purchase?

It’s just frustrating to realise so much are not working after I bought it.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 5381368 ft
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United States

as an owner of both Apple and DJi products, i agree with the general thing...

the issue with post steve jobs Apple and DJi fundamentally is the same things..

1. steep premium pricings.. you know at the scale both these companies operate at they could could charge end users a lot less...just market control.

2. dont listen to customers..they pretend they know better than us..we cry for a feature obviously possible falls square on deaf ears.

3. Too controlling.. they tell you do it their way or do it no way...period

4. really bad customer service once the issue is deeper than surface level...says you are the problem not the device..the device fails because some bullsh*t you did...holding it wrong. or the aircraft of coarse falls out of the sky or lands in water when near authorized zone (but not NFZ) and at random...pilot error..user error...its a feature! etc etc..  

good news is Apple recently been called out for their anti-consumer practices and they are in beginning stages of suffering for it..stock value dropped like rock, people and influencers trolling them knowing how apple will respond over simple fixes,  just to make videos on youtube.  even the news and media started to play around with it, planting fake issues to see if Apple will properly diagnose the issue or falsely claim its logic board failure and demand $1000+ to fix it (just so seems better deal to buy another mac instead).   
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Second Officer

It would be nice if Apple actually paid tax in Australia.
Nope, pay it in Ireland at a lesser rate, mark up the product  and sell it in Australia (and other countries) at minimum profit.
Apple Tax Au
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Flight distance : 15095994 ft
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United Kingdom

Brett Brandon Posted at 1-6 16:54
There are a few out there. Maybe not quite as good yet... but still very useable.
One example.

This is what major You Tubers do when DJI don't send them their latest product to review on their channel LOL
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Luca Rubino
Second Officer
Flight distance : 711512 ft
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GroTToFlyeR Posted at 1-6 16:54
That’s awesome ! I never new why they couldn’t put a USB port in. Makes no sense

Simply! Because when they introduced lighting cables, USB mini was the standard in other devices.
Lighting was smaller (today it keeping to be smaller than USB-C) and reversible. Unlike USB Mini (back to 2012).
USB-C is messy right now. You buy a USB-C cable, discovering after purchasing it that it supports just USB 2.0. Or not complaint to DP. Or just USB 3.1 gen 1 and not gen 2. Or maybe you think it's compatible with TB3, while is not.
Now there are so many accessories using Lighting connectors. I prefer lighting sincerely. I wonder why USB-C, arrived after Lighting, it's bigger.
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AlexSW Posted at 1-6 19:21
The difference is this.

You pay more for Mavic Pro than Spark.

OTG initially only worked for a few devices, and dji clearly posted here and on their website that OTG was not supported, if you think you know how little or how much it would cost to implement it working for all devices, maybe your in the wrong job.

While you think it’s simple just to implement features from one craft to another and include all new features for no cost and no technical difficulty and you presume that something like CPU can handle all these features and as Mavic progresses it will continue to have more and more features including new ones without any effect on how the aircraft handles, then I bow to your superior knowledge.

With regards third party apps like litchi, your warranty is pretty clear, unless third party apps cause the crash then your warranty will remain in place.
Truth is there are almost no cases of apps causing these craft to crash, I think you will find it very hard to come across any app that has caused any dji aircraft to fall from the sky.
Dji operate their conclusion of crashes on what customer has to offer as proof of a crash using any third party app will not effect the dat file in your aircraft.

I’m surprised that some want to use dji Pilot app it’s very basic has very little to offer hobbyists and most of the features you are complaining about don’t come or will not work with pilot app .

Regarding waypoints I knew before buying M2 that dji we’re still working on waypoints 2, but I have tried waypoints 1 and it’s pretty much useless, again how many videos have you seen posted here using dji waypoints, I can tell you, None, you said people should have complained about not having all features on M1, but the realities of M1 was many of the features were not promised they came as dji had developed these features and they were applied free to M1 and other safety features making M1 were introduced over the lifetime of this product which has made this craft the great craft it is today, and for me I would certainly prefer to avail of new features and better safety features to enhance M2 rather than complaining about older features.
I mean would you prefer to have the useless waypoints1 now or wait for better option of waypoints2, would you prefer all features of older craft or wait for New features.

What features are you missing, it seems a contradiction that you want more features but also want to use pilot app.
There is nothing not working on my M2 than when I purchased it, and it is clearly the best consumer drone dji has, so I’m not sure what’s not working for you.

While continued discussion will benefit all of us and is wholly important for both us as users and dji as manufacturers a bit of savvy goes a long way.
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HereForTheBeer Posted at 1-6 20:01
as an owner of both Apple and DJi products, i agree with the general thing...

the issue with post steve jobs Apple and DJi fundamentally is the same things..

The points you made are quite true.

It felt so weird using iPhone previously. I remember everything was so restrictive. I suppose it should be used as a piece of jewelry, not a phone.
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hallmark007 Posted at 1-7 03:07
OTG initially only worked for a few devices, and dji clearly posted here and on their website that OTG was not supported, if you think you know how little or how much it would cost to implement it working for all devices, maybe your in the wrong job.

While you think it’s simple just to implement features from one craft to another and include all new features for no cost and no technical difficulty and you presume that something like CPU can handle all these features and as Mavic progresses it will continue to have more and more features including new ones without any effect on how the aircraft handles, then I bow to your superior knowledge.

I don’t know. Even though the hardware and software both existed for Spark OTG. Do you honest believe that it was extremely costly to implement?

Even though exponential saw setting for Spark already exists in debug mode of DJI Assistant. You want me to believe that it is extremely costly to implement.

On a balance of probability, do you honestly believe that it was not done for product differentiation?

Well, fine. I already bought Litchi. If my Mavic 2 does malfunction and crash (of course, not including human error or caused by Litchi itself), and DJI refuse to look at the log, how about you buy me a new drone. ;)

Why can you not use DJI Pilot for waypoints missions, and use DJI GO 4 for normal flying………… It’s not like you cannot install both app…………..

It’s more than 4 months now. How long are we supposed to wait? We still cannot complain after 4 months? You can see people asking in forum where the waypoint mode is every few days.

It has been sort of disappointing getting Spark and the Mavic 2 Zoom. I was surprised when I could not find the exponential saw setting for Spark. I recall seeing it online but it was apparently only for Mavic. A nice gentleman called Wolferl then posted on how to adjust yaw exponential setting as this actually already exists in DJI Assistant debug mode. But then I found out that debug mode voids warranty. You simply cannot yaw smoothly with Spark.

I then thought why not just get a Mavic 2 Zoom. I can also try the waypoint mode. I then found out it’s not ready. But wait, DJI Pilot app works for Mavic 2 waypoints. Then again, it voids warranty…. But wait again, Litchi works well for waypoints. Then again, it could void warranty….

It’s just frustrating that’s all. Product released incomplete. Threats of voided warranty whatever you do.

Like I said, it’s a rant. But do call a company out for what it is. Do you honestly believe all these were done not for artificial product differentiation? Between Spark and Mavic, and Mavic 2 Zoom/Pro and Mavic 2 Enterprise?
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AlexSW Posted at 1-7 04:27
I don’t know. Even though the hardware and software both existed for Spark OTG. Do you honest believe that it was extremely costly to implement?

Even though exponential saw setting for Spark already exists in debug mode of DJI Assistant. You want me to believe that it is extremely costly to implement.

All companies are entitled to differentiate products, I’m sure if you purchased a M2 and then realised you could have had the same buying a spark, how you would feel, it cuts both ways.

Pilot app uses waypoints1 and I’ve said can you show me one video posted here where users has created anything using waypoints1, and the reason why is simple it’s useless and if you tried it you would realize best money you spent was buying litchi app.
As I have already said would you prefer waypoints1 now or wait until waypoints are improved and made more user friendly, as you will know new waypoints promises to allow user to plan routes before flying, old waypoints required user to fly mission setting waypoints a long the way, which was both time consuming allowed for no mistakes and as I said basically useless, I know I would be prepared to wait.

Regarding Sparked , OTG etc has been hashed to death, using Spark in EU I never found any benefit in using OTG , in fact it just took longer to set up and I noticed no improvement in performance .

One thing you leave out is when Spark was released there were many FW updates with features never promised for spark and the same can be said for all dji craft and I don’t think M2 will be any different, but this seems to go unnoticed.

I never said people shouldn’t or couldn’t complain about promised features and if it helps hurry up the process that’s great, remember this is a dji forum set up by dji for dji product users, so I don’t think their running away from the problem.

I’m not sure if there is apart from waypoints2 missing from M2 any other promised features, certainly none I’m looking for, I would prefer that dji get everything working for users better before they start adding features , and I would prefer that dji design waypoints2 that works well and will be a working asset to M2.

I hope you get what it is your looking for soon.
Good Luck.

Your warranty is as it says , it’s not for changing to suit dji, I have never in my 5 years around here seen dji refusing to honour warranty because someone used litchi app, on the contrary I have seen the opposite, so what your portraying is just a myth, it has never happened and I don’t think it will.

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First Officer
Flight distance : 5381368 ft
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United States

AlexSW Posted at 1-7 03:09
The points you made are quite true.

It felt so weird using iPhone previously. I remember everything was so restrictive. I suppose it should be used as a piece of jewelry, not a phone.

i use iPhones, everytime i get android devices they slow down to a crawl or battery life takes a dump after a while.    also my iPhone just works with my car, with android i have to remind it to connect when i get in..

add to that most part apps always work better on iOS take the DJI go 4 app is more stable and operates more predictably and gets feature updates on iOS before android/crystalsky.

all that being said though, i am considering buying a Note 8 if the price is right and in good shape as a new primary device for flying.  the issue is its about $100-$150 to expensive for me to do that.  edging into used crystalsky pricing right now.
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Flight distance : 71060 ft

Sorry, off topic! I just have a simple question but DJI won‘t let me post until I have 10 credit points? DJI, this is highly unprofessional, not customer friendly and definitely not
My question: is there a separate serial number for the Mavic pro? If so, where can I find it? And please don’t go with „Why do you need it?“, ok? I simply need to know. Thanks.
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hallmark007 Posted at 1-7 05:06
All companies are entitled to differentiate products, I’m sure if you purchased a M2 and then realised you could have had the same buying a spark, how you would feel, it cuts both ways.

Pilot app uses waypoints1 and I’ve said can you show me one video posted here where users has created anything using waypoints1, and the reason why is simple it’s useless and if you tried it you would realize best money you spent was buying litchi app.

Of course companies can differentiate products. The point I kept making is that companies should not treat costumers like idiots by artificially limit product functions to force upgrade.

Pilot app can plan routes off-line now. I don’t know if it is the waypoints2 you mentioned.

OTG does help a bit with range. You cannot deny it is more stable. I only bought Spark a month ago so I honestly do not know about the launch. If DJI did add features that’s good of them.

Terrain follow mode is also missing. There also seems to be some other settings missing that I can’t recall right now.

I double checked what you said about warranty while using Litchi. You are really only half correct. If you can recover the craft, DJI can honour warranty after examining the log. If you cannot, DJI refuse to look at Litchi log. Litchi uses DJI’s SDK, why is the log refused? Why release the SDK in the first place if it is not official?

A user also replied to me in another thread that DJI refused to open a case because he was using DJI Pilot. Of course, DJI would probably only change this policy if someone actually sues them over this.
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AlexSW Posted at 1-7 06:23
Of course companies can differentiate products. The point I kept making is that companies should not treat costumers like idiots by artificially limit product functions to force upgrade.

Pilot app can plan routes off-line now. I don’t know if it is the waypoints2 you mentioned.

It not that iPhones are terrible products. It's Apple's behaviours.

Are you happy that an iPhone card reader costing US$29? Apple disabling your third-party accessory with updates? USB drive with lightning costing 4x more? Did you like the fact that your iPhone artificially slow down by itself as battery gets older? I also remember each iOS upgrade slow down iDevices quite a bit.

In my experience android phones don’t really slow down that much unless a ton of apps are installed. Android apps allow a lot more background operations. If you install too many, battery life will suffer. Of course, android phones also don’t nearly get as many OS updates as iPhone.

Seems to be a bit wasteful to get a Note 8 just for flying. Why not get an iPad mini if you are also using iPhones?
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Evil5 Posted at 1-7 06:15
Sorry, off topic! I just have a simple question but DJI won‘t let me post until I have 10 credit points? DJI, this is highly unprofessional, not customer friendly and definitely not
My question: is there a separate serial number for the Mavic pro? If so, where can I find it? And please don’t go with „Why do you need it?“, ok? I simply need to know. Thanks.

Do you mean besides the one on the drone itself? It should be printed on a sticker on the box.
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Flight distance : 71060 ft

AlexSW Posted at 1-7 06:44
Do you mean besides the one on the drone itself? It should be printed on a sticker on the box.

Hey man. I forgot to mention I need a serial number for the camera. Officials in Sti Lanka are asking for it...
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Evil5 Posted at 1-7 06:50
Hey man. I forgot to mention I need a serial number for the camera. Officials in Sti Lanka are asking for it...

The camera on Mavic is not detachable. Some other drones have a separate camera unit. You can probably quote the same serial number for Mavic.
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Flight distance : 71060 ft

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AlexSW Posted at 1-7 06:23
Of course companies can differentiate products. The point I kept making is that companies should not treat costumers like idiots by artificially limit product functions to force upgrade.

Pilot app can plan routes off-line now. I don’t know if it is the waypoints2 you mentioned.

I don’t think dji treats customers like idiots, there were many customers who owned phantoms Mavic inspires that purchased Spark and I was one of them,but I bought it for what it was not what it could be and as far as I’m concerned it was well worth it, it is a great little drone, but for some the grass is always greener on the other side.

Terrain follow was not promised for M2, I’m much more interested in getting what was promised implemented.
Waypoints on pilot app is geared towards SAR and mapping again it was never promised that pilot app should or would be available for hobbyists or consumer drones, there are many features available on a P4Pro not available on a P4 and vice versa that’s life.

I think people get bogged down in what they wish for and forget about what was promised or try to lump all together to create a bit of hysteria.

I still don’t think you will find anyone who has their warranty voided for using litchi app, and many times dji have looked at litchi logs but if they don’t show confirmation that crash was caused by malfunction then warranty will be void, this is exactly the same as using dji go4 app.
How many crashes have you seen directly attributed to any app, how many times have you seen dji refusing warranty because somebody used third party app, I haven’t seen the case where somebody was refused warranty because they were using dji pilot app and aircraft malfunctioned , dji wouldn’t except responsibility because someone was using pilot app, this would mean according to your warranty that once you can prove crash was caused not by pilot error but malfunction of Aircraft, then dji would be acting outside the terms of its warranty. So I still say this app thing is a myth. Your warranty clearly states that crash must be caused as a direct result of using third party apps, dji however does make recommendations not to use third party apps just as your car manufacturers recommend you service your car and you use a certain type of oil, in fact a lot of car manufacturers insist that you service your car at regular intervals to maintain your warranty.

I have also never seen dji refuse to open a case whether drone is lost pilot was cause of crash pilot was flying with third party app etc and no matter what happens your craft moderators here will always recommend you start a case.
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Flight distance : 12151329 ft
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AlexSW Posted at 1-7 06:55
The camera on Mavic is not detachable. Some other drones have a separate camera unit. You can probably quote the same serial number for Mavic.

I see they moved your thread to service, I expect it has something to do with the header, pity enjoyed the banter.
Good Luck.
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Second Officer
United States

hallmark007 Posted at 1-7 07:11
I don’t think dji treats customers like idiots, there were many customers who owned phantoms Mavic inspires that purchased Spark and I was one of them,but I bought it for what it was not what it could be and as far as I’m concerned it was well worth it, it is a great little drone, but for some the grass is always greener on the other side.

Terrain follow was not promised for M2, I’m much more interested in getting what was promised implemented.

I doubt DJI will warranty anything based on a data log written by another party.  Is Litchi app controlled by DJI so it has the same encoding to the data so it can't be tampered with by someone wanting a second drone to go with their first?  I have an app that writes flight log data in any way you want.  What do you want it to say?

If DJI is going to be giving away drone worth hundreds of dollars based on any random flight log that comes their way, they will soon be bankrupt.

I think the offline waypoint pre-programing is a lawsuit waiting to happen.  Letting pilots skip their duties and just launch drones to do their mission without anyone needing to be on the controller sounds irresponsible.  Drones flying across the nation's airspace without anyone in control of them?  DJI doesn't need that.  

I bet that DJI's current waypoint system requires the pilot to first fly the waypoints and then stay on the remote control while the drone follows what was previously flown during the same flight.  The OP wants to program the flight at his desk the night before for drone package delivery without him being anywhere near the flight.  Little to nothing to do with photography, or RC hobbyist flying, apparently.  
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hallmark007 Posted at 1-7 08:09
I see they moved your thread to service, I expect it has something to do with the header, pity enjoyed the banter.
Good Luck.

LOL. Boooo, censorship! Help, help, I'm being oppressed!!!
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hallmark007 Posted at 1-7 07:11
I don’t think dji treats customers like idiots, there were many customers who owned phantoms Mavic inspires that purchased Spark and I was one of them,but I bought it for what it was not what it could be and as far as I’m concerned it was well worth it, it is a great little drone, but for some the grass is always greener on the other side.

Terrain follow was not promised for M2, I’m much more interested in getting what was promised implemented.

So basically, customers asking for features is called hysteria.

Quick search on the subject can find a lot of cases where Litchi voids warrant. The funny thing is you even posted in the following thread.

Clearly what I stated was correct. DJI will refuse claim if the drone is lost whiling using Litchi.

djiuser_j4jzE8p36HLR replied to me that DJI refused to open a case for losing his drone while using Pilot App. I don’t know how you can ignore so much evidence.
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Gunship9 Posted at 1-7 08:15
I doubt DJI will warranty anything based on a data log written by another party.  Is Litchi app controlled by DJI so it has the same encoding to the data so it can't be tampered with by someone wanting a second drone to go with their first?  I have an app that writes flight log data in any way you want.  What do you want it to say?

If DJI is going to be giving away drone worth hundreds of dollars based on any random flight log that comes their way, they will soon be bankrupt.

Wow, that's amazing. What accusation are you trying to make? You are basically making this accusation against all Litchi users?

Why even release SDK if DJI would not honour warranty while using said SDK. Remote controller is supposed to hold a log but of course that's not good enough for DJI to honour warranty.

Anyway it's probably easier to continue this on non-official DJI forum. I am not so sure why customers like you will so willingly give up your rights in defense of a company.
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Flight distance : 12151329 ft
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AlexSW Posted at 1-7 14:52
So basically, customers asking for features is called hysteria.

Quick search on the subject can find a lot of cases where Litchi voids warrant. The funny thing is you even posted in the following thread.

Biggest problem with myths is those who at the drop of a hat give them credence, you will note from the photo below the forum administrator yes head honcho of this forum clearly explains djis policy in this thread, you will also know if you care to read That thread the OP completely refused to produce his litchi flight log, I wonder why, I thought this conversation was pretty civil, but I now see you are here to create more hysteria, the fact the you ignored most of that thread to post ridiculous comment shows you are not bothered about the truth, I understand why now your thread was removed, read administrator comments below.
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Flight distance : 12151329 ft
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AlexSW Posted at 1-7 14:52
So basically, customers asking for features is called hysteria.

Quick search on the subject can find a lot of cases where Litchi voids warrant. The funny thing is you even posted in the following thread.

Biggest problem with myths is those who at the drop of a hat give them credence, you will note from the photo below the forum administrator yes head honcho of this forum clearly explains djis policy in this thread, you will also know if you care to read That thread the OP completely refused to produce his litchi flight log, I wonder why, I thought this conversation was pretty civil, but I now see you are here to create more hysteria, the fact the you ignored most of that thread to post ridiculous comment shows you are not bothered about the truth, I understand why now your thread was removed, read administrator comments below.
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