Flight distance : 2717274 ft
United States
I got one of the first Sparks. I hit the buy button before the presentation was over. I knew it would be awesome. a fun little racer that would be easy to whip around and fly with the goggles. Boy was I wrong. On my first day out the spark was running down the first base line toward homeplate when it hit the fence. Little did I know that I had a several second video lag. I bought a cable. not much better. I sent it in for repair... still laggy. sometimes a second, sometimes 4 or more.
I'm running an iphone 7+.
Do they all have lag? of a second or more? if I look at the drone and the screen and turn it, it turns instantly, but the camera is always playing catch up. is it a setup issue? a right and wrong way to bind it?
no way I can use this after flying every other dji product.
so it sits on my shelf with 18 "test" flights less than an hour total. I feel utterly dissappointed.
does yours lag too???