 Second Officer
Flight distance : 1535679 ft
garbun629 Posted at 1-9 21:10
I just read the new law and it's just ridiculous.
A lot of us are recreational drone users. If we have to take all those exams or flight review test (for advance license), who will want to go through this?
$5 for online exam. no alcohol is permitted 12 hrs prior to drone flying. They treat us like 747 pilots...WTF
I’m not thrilled about the registration and associated fee, but guess what, I just went thru it with my drone, and was relatively painless and fast.
I TOTALLY support licensing and mandatory training, this is LONG overdue! Too many people go out and buy these things, and then don’t even bother to read the manual, go do the stupidest crap with them.
The Advanced level is meant more for people who wish to start performing flights for commercial purposes, so this is not something the average Joe or hobbyist will be looking to get.
Your response of wanting to sell your Mavic cause of this, I think, is premature, so I’m going with the premise it was sarcasm for now  |