Canada announces new UAV rules similar to UK
3381 27 2019-1-9
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1535679 ft

So looks like no sooner than the UK put forth their updated rules for UAV’s, Canada follows suit with similar regulations, according to this news article by the CBC:

Nothing in here is much of a surprise or different from the UK rules, except for this paragraph that instantly caught my attention:

“Registered owners of drones must be at least 14 years old and a citizen or permanent resident of Canada. Corporations and federal, municipal and provincial governments can also own drones.”

This basically states that foreigners coming to Canada with their drones, need not bring their drones here anymore, because as they are not citizens or permanent residents, they will not be allowed to register their drone, and now that all drones need to be registered, this will KILL the ability for any tourist to bring their drone into Canada!

Transport Canada also published their new official regulations here:

I’m going to go thru this with a fine-tooth comb, as I have a feeling other nasty surprises await here...
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The Otter
Flight distance : 1031240 ft

Foreigners will be able to apply for a certificate.

Foreign operators         Extra rules apply if you're a foreign operator (you are not  Canadian and you fly in Canadian airspace). You must have an approved  certificate to fly a drone for work or research.
         You must already be allowed to use the drone for the same  purpose in your home country. Include your country’s approval or  authorization with your application for the certificate.

Obviously, nobody is going to bother doing this. The people thinking those laws are really out of it sometimes... They totally forget most people just fly their drone to take pictures or video for themselves.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1535679 ft

The Otter Posted at 1-9 10:41
Foreigners will be able to apply for a certificate.

Foreign operators         Extra rules apply if you're a foreign operator (you are not  Canadian and you fly in Canadian airspace). You must have an approved  certificate to fly a drone for work or research.

Hi Otter,

Thank you for clarifying this!

FYI, the link you posted was to our current Interrim Rules; here is the link to the revised, incoming rules on June 1: ... -rules.html#foreign

Basically state the same thing, but this link points to the new law.

And you’re right, I think many, if not most, people coming to Canada will think of this. But my fear is, Canada Customs officers at ports of entry will start seizing drones of unsuspecting foreigners who haven’t registered, that’ll cause some stress for people!
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Flight distance : 6168 ft

I just read the new law and it's just ridiculous.  
A lot of us are recreational drone users.  If we have to take all those exams or flight review test (for advance license), who will want to go through this?
$5 for online exam.  no alcohol is permitted 12 hrs prior to drone flying.  They treat us like 747 pilots...WTF

I guess it's time to sell my Mavic Pro.  
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1535679 ft

garbun629 Posted at 1-9 21:10
I just read the new law and it's just ridiculous.  
A lot of us are recreational drone users.  If we have to take all those exams or flight review test (for advance license), who will want to go through this?
$5 for online exam.  no alcohol is permitted 12 hrs prior to drone flying.  They treat us like 747 pilots...WTF

I’m not thrilled about the registration and associated fee, but guess what, I just went thru it with my drone, and was relatively painless and fast.

I TOTALLY support licensing and mandatory training, this is LONG overdue! Too many people go out and buy these things, and then don’t even bother to read the manual, go do the stupidest crap with them.

The Advanced level is meant more for people who wish to start performing flights for commercial purposes, so this is not something the average Joe or hobbyist will be looking to get.

Your response of wanting to sell your Mavic cause of this, I think, is premature, so I’m going with the premise it was sarcasm for now
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 939580 ft
  • >>>

EdisonW1979 Posted at 1-10 14:19
I’m not thrilled about the registration and associated fee, but guess what, I just went thru it with my drone, and was relatively painless and fast.

I TOTALLY support licensing and mandatory training, this is LONG overdue! Too many people go out and buy these things, and then don’t even bother to read the manual, go do the stupidest crap with them.

Much more to the new regs then passing an online test, among other things the drone needs a lot of current documentations regarding flight records, maintenance manual/records etc. Needs to be documented and saved for 1 and 2 years respectively and if you ever sell your drone you have to deregister and give all the records to new owner. Lots of info there if you read it through.
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Flight distance : 14472 ft

garbun629 Posted at 1-9 21:10
I just read the new law and it's just ridiculous.  
A lot of us are recreational drone users.  If we have to take all those exams or flight review test (for advance license), who will want to go through this?
$5 for online exam.  no alcohol is permitted 12 hrs prior to drone flying.  They treat us like 747 pilots...WTF

I mean, doing an online test and a flight review in exchange for being able to fly less than 30 metres from people, as well as over people, sounds plenty worth it to me.

Chances are, if you're wanting to fly your drone in, let's say a park under current laws, you'll be doing so illegally; there's just too many people around. That'll still apply to people with the basic license, but I think it's great that they're giving people an easy way to fly with less restrictions. Do a test and a review and boom the most annoying couple of restrictions no longer apply to you.

Personally, I'm very much looking forward to getting my Advanced Operations certificate and being able to fly in places I currently can't!

P.S. It's $5 for registration, $10 for the online exam.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 384432 ft
  • >>>
United Kingdom

As yet the rules have not changed in the U.K. The following U.K government response gives some detail as to proposed changes, and those currently in force:-

https://assets.publishing.servic ... on-response-web.pdf
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First Officer
Flight distance : 2273835 ft

Stormageddons Posted at 1-10 23:56
I mean, doing an online test and a flight review in exchange for being able to fly less than 30 metres from people, as well as over people, sounds plenty worth it to me.

Chances are, if you're wanting to fly your drone in, let's say a park under current laws, you'll be doing so illegally; there's just too many people around. That'll still apply to people with the basic license, but I think it's great that they're giving people an easy way to fly with less restrictions. Do a test and a review and boom the most annoying couple of restrictions no longer apply to you.

You will need an aircraft that is on the aproved list and costs more than $20 000.00 to $30 000.00 CAD. On top of the advanced certificate.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 538596 ft
United Kingdom

Aardvark Posted at 1-11 05:28
As yet the rules have not changed in the U.K. The following U.K government response gives some detail as to proposed changes, and those currently in force:-

Sadly as I thought would happen this statement is couched in lies. Broad brush statements like this for example :
"The new measures proposed in the consultation, such as giving the police the power to request evidence from drone users where there is reasonable suspicion of an offence being committed, were met with strong support from respondents. These new powers will also include giving the police the option to issue fixed penalty notices for minor drone offences, to ensure effective enforcement and an immediate deterrent to those who may misuse drones or attempt to break the law."

In fact the majority of respondents said they did not want the police powers extended from what are already covered by other laws. Specifically 'on the spot fines' is completely open to abuse - and will become a revenue making operation just as parking fines are in most towns.

Also the claim of providing a guarantee of safety :
"Responses reflected a broad range of views and positions on drones, but a common feeling shared by respondents was that the communication and enforcement of regulations to guarantee safety is of paramount importance."

This is disingenuous to say the least. Regulations can control, but cannot 'guarantee'.

Also for those of us who are 'urban flyers' increasing both the airport perimeter NFZ out to 5km plus adding a 1Km wide 10km long swath out along the line of the runways - will mean a lot of phone calls to the multiple ATCs in an area such as London (UK). These extensions will mean there are multiple overlapping NFZs and therefore more than one ATC that will need phoning for permission to fly.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1535679 ft

jyc Posted at 1-11 07:57
You will need an aircraft that is on the aproved list and costs more than $20 000.00 to $30 000.00 CAD. On top of the advanced certificate.

I know about the advanced certificate, but I did not see that requirement in the new regulations...

Can you point this out?
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First Officer
Flight distance : 2273835 ft

EdisonW1979 Posted at 1-11 10:30
I know about the advanced certificate, but I did not see that requirement in the new regulations...

Can you point this out?

There you go. ... ng-right-drone.html
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1535679 ft

jyc Posted at 1-11 10:32
There you go.

OK, good to know about this list, but I'm not overly concerned as of yet, because DJI has not submitted any RPAS Safety Assurance certificates, as they have until June 1 to submit; I got this warning when I registered my M2P.

Thus, right now, it's WAY too early to jump the gun and make the declaration you've made, as that will undoubtedly change closer to the June 1 deadline.

Prime example, drones like the Mavic 2 and Phantom 4 will likely get certified for Advanced, because of their advanced detection sensors.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 2273835 ft

EdisonW1979 Posted at 1-11 11:05
OK, good to know about this list, but I'm not overly concerned as of yet, because DJI has not submitted any RPAS Safety Assurance certificates, as they have until June 1 to submit; I got this warning when I registered my M2P.

Thus, right now, it's WAY too early to jump the gun and make the declaration you've made, as that will undoubtedly change closer to the June 1 deadline.

From what I have seen the an aircraft that qualifies will need redundant batteries and be able to stay airborne on three motors if it's a quad-copter for example. The requirement will be high.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1535679 ft

jyc Posted at 1-11 11:47
From what I have seen the an aircraft that qualifies will need redundant batteries and be able to stay airborne on three motors if it's a quad-copter for example. The requirement will be high.

There are three elements to the Advanced RPAS SA certificate... The need to have it capable of being airborne on 3 out of 4 motors is only needed if you intend to fly over people at close proximity, and is not required for the remaining two advanced criteria.

So this means most drones from DJI won't receive certification to fly over civilians, but will receive certification for the other two criteria.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1535679 ft

jyc Posted at 1-11 11:47
From what I have seen the an aircraft that qualifies will need redundant batteries and be able to stay airborne on three motors if it's a quad-copter for example. The requirement will be high.

Also, under Standard 922 - Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems Safety Assurance, Division II, sub-section 902.05 - Operations near People, it states the following:

Protections against Injury to Persons on the Ground

(1) The occurrence of any single failure of the RPAS which may result in a severe injury to a person on the ground within 30m of the RPA in operation must be shown to be remote.

Whilst this can be interpreted as having the need for redundant batteries, it does state at the end that the manufacturer can demonstrate that said failure has remote likelihood.

Thus, if DJI can demonstrate they have sufficient warning systems and emergency backups in single-battery UAV's to prevent injury and/or accident, the drone model may still be certified for over-person operations. ... 3/standard-922.html

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First Officer
United States

EdisonW1979 Posted at 1-11 12:00
There are three elements to the Advanced RPAS SA certificate... The need to have it capable of being airborne on 3 out of 4 motors is only needed if you intend to fly over people at close proximity, and is not required for the remaining two advanced criteria.

So this means most drones from DJI won't receive certification to fly over civilians, but will receive certification for the other two criteria.

Solution to Canada's new drone laws.  

Move to Canada's southern border.  
When you want to fly, step across border.  
Take off, fly, and land in USA.
Then step back across border to home.

''This basically states that foreigners coming to Canada with their  drones, need not bring their drones here anymore, because as they are  not citizens or permanent residents,''

Not a problem.  We will do reverse of above suggested.  Will need longer range drones though.  

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First Officer
Flight distance : 2273835 ft

EdisonW1979 Posted at 1-11 12:14
Also, under Standard 922 - Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems Safety Assurance, Division II, sub-section 902.05 - Operations near People, it states the following:

Protections against Injury to Persons on the Ground

Perhaps, time will tell.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1535679 ft

HedgeTrimmer Posted at 1-11 12:18
Solution to Canada's new drone laws.  

Move to Canada's southern border.  

It's already been clarified that the original media releases were FUD, and in fact foreign visitors can still bring their drones here, so long as they get registered, and have been previously registered in their country of origin, so not all bad...
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Flight distance : 14472 ft

jyc Posted at 1-11 07:57
You will need an aircraft that is on the aproved list and costs more than $20 000.00 to $30 000.00 CAD. On top of the advanced certificate.

True, but that list just came out a few days ago. It'll almost certainly be expanded, and hopefully with some much lower cost options!
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First Officer
Flight distance : 2273835 ft

Stormageddons Posted at 1-11 13:45
True, but that list just came out a few days ago. It'll almost certainly be expanded, and hopefully with some much lower cost options!

Let's hope so, but an aircraft with those capabilities cannot be cheap.
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Flight distance : 14472 ft

jyc Posted at 1-11 14:47
Let's hope so, but an aircraft with those capabilities cannot be cheap.

Just to add on to what I was saying before, DJI has already stated that they intend to add (at least some of) their drones to the list, as stated in their press release here: ... anadian-drone-rules

Here's the relevant part: "A key component of these new rules is the Safety Assured Flight Envelope system, through which manufacturers will declare that their drones are suitable for use in advanced operations, such as over people or in controlled airspace. DJI will be examining the details of the SAFE system with the goal of participating in it, to continue to provide leading products for our commercial and enterprise customers in Canada."

Obviously DJI makes a very wide range of drones at very different price points, but at least we have confirmation that they're wanting to get at least some of their drones approved! Now we just have to wait and see what happens.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 2273835 ft

Stormageddons Posted at 1-11 15:10
Just to add on to what I was saying before, DJI has already stated that they intend to add (at least some of) their drones to the list, as stated in their press release here:

Here's the relevant part: "A key component of these new rules is the Safety Assured Flight Envelope system, through which manufacturers will declare that their drones are suitable for use in advanced operations, such as over people or in controlled airspace. DJI will be examining the details of the SAFE system with the goal of participating in it, to continue to provide leading products for our commercial and enterprise customers in Canada."

Yes, I had read that. As with everything in life only time will tell what will unfold.
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Hi! Anyone tried bringing drone to Canada without license/permit?
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First Officer
Flight distance : 2273835 ft

fans571515b4 Posted at 4-17 08:14
Hi! Anyone tried bringing drone to Canada without license/permit?

You can legally until June first for personal use. After that you will need a Special Flight Operations Certificate from Transport Canada.
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jyc Posted at 4-17 08:34
You can legally until June first for personal use. After that you will need a Special Flight Operations Certificate from Transport Canada.

Oh! That is great. But when I read on the current rules, it still said it require license/permit.
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Picanoc Jack
First Officer
Flight distance : 11908228 ft

garbun629 Posted at 1-9 21:10
I just read the new law and it's just ridiculous.  
A lot of us are recreational drone users.  If we have to take all those exams or flight review test (for advance license), who will want to go through this?
$5 for online exam.  no alcohol is permitted 12 hrs prior to drone flying.  They treat us like 747 pilots...WTF

then they would win, don't let them win
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First Officer
Flight distance : 2273835 ft

fans571515b4 Posted at 4-17 09:08
Oh! That is great. But when I read on the current rules, it still said it require license/permit.

Not before June first when the new law becomes effective.
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