Decided to do a vision calibration because of a notice I received while flying , saying there was an obstacle on the left side , when there wasn’t, could of been the sun. Anyway did the correct assistant for mavic 2 and was on a 27” iMac calibration was doing fine up until I got to the left side vision calibration, it gets 3/4 the way around the outer perimeter and it freezes up and the little square won’t move up into the far corner to activate the next. Also when it counts down to that test it all I get is a broken image icon.
Hi, we're sorry for the inconvenience caused. Can you please try to restart your aircraft and iMac? Then re-calibrate. If the issue persists, please try to uninstall DJI Assistant 2 for Mavic. Please keep us posted for further help. Thank you.
I had the wrong version installed. Last time Dji, had a really confusing layout and Im not even sure the one for mavic 2 was out yet. Anyway i downloaded the right one and now it works fine.
This is just beyond frustrating. I have the right software downloaded for my MAVIC PRO2. But every time I calibrate, it freezes on the side camera. Any suggestions?
Also Take off the props and do the callibration. I had the same problems, then each time the app tells me to callibrate visions sensors( after about every 125-130 take offs/landings) i take of the the props and it takes approximately 8 minuten to callibrate the sensors without freezing.
djiuser_AY1aWFlTAcAB Posted at 9-28 22:38
This is just beyond frustrating. I have the right software downloaded for my MAVIC PRO2. But every time I calibrate, it freezes on the side camera. Any suggestions?
Also Take off the props and do the callibration. I had the same problems, then each time the app tells me to callibrate visions sensors( after about every 125-130 take offs/landings) i take of the the props and it takes approximately 8 minuten to callibrate the sensors without freezing.
djiuser_AY1aWFlTAcAB Posted at 2019-9-28 22:38
This is just beyond frustrating. I have the right software downloaded for my MAVIC PRO2. But every time I calibrate, it freezes on the side camera. Any suggestions?
Having this exact issue currently...did you ever figure it out?
dji, have been this issue resolved finnaly,how many posts do you need? and how can i perform side sensor calibration with rear legs tucked in, if there's cable in the way?
anyhow, we all got stuck with calibration non finishing, do something!!!!!
I had the same freezing issues on the side cameras every single time at the second block from the top left. I finally found that if I folded the rear flight arms down 90 degrees (not folded up) for each of the respective cameras, this fixed it. Apparently, the arm appears to be blocking the side cameras when looking at the computer screen's left side during the calibration process.