 Second Officer
Flight distance : 4959019 ft
United States
hallmark007 Posted at 1-26 08:09
Have you changed your email at any time, if your flights are synced you will see white cloud in the corner, resyncing wont help you, has your opening page of where your flights are stored been updated ? And would you by any chance have set your flights to delete after a certain period, I also had to delete app one time didn’t sync my flights and lost all my flight detail.
No I'm afraid none of that applies. Have the same email for a decade, app says everything is synced, no setting for deleting flights. It just stopped updating months ago and I've actually got almost twice the distance shown on my account. I haven't seen that anybody else has found a fix for this other than to report it to the DJI admin and then it appears to get fixed after that. So I assume this is a bug in their site and not something me and others are doing wrong.