take away NFZ with superpatcher.
Super-Patcher works differently than other methods for unlocking firmware. It is not a modification that mixes old firmware with new firmware. Super-Patcher patches the flight controller module that is already installed on your aircraft. This ability to patch the actual firmware itself means that new capabilities are unlocked. Super-Patcher has been tested and verified. You can trust that it has been proven but you still use at your own risk. While Super-Patcher removes the default altitude and GeoZone limitations, that does not mean it is safe or legal to do so in your area without proper authorization. DJI Super-Patcher is meant to allow responsible pilots with the correct authorization to fly in areas and to heights that DJI does not offer a reasonable method or any method at all to unlock. It is solely the responsibility of the pilot to ensure local laws and regulations are adhered to and to fly safely just like with any other aircraft. PLEASE FLY RESPONSIBLY!