Flight distance : 77195 ft
United States
I used Assistant 2 to update the Go4 firmware. It successfully updated, but had 2 problems.
1. When I powered on the MA the gimbal continually oscillated up and down regardless of how I touched the gimbal control. I turned the MA off and back on then the gimbal was stable.
2. When I went to fly it told me that I was in a restricted zone. In fact I was 4.8 miles from a small airport. When I fly I always call the local ATC to advise them. In the past Go4 would put up an advisory and allow me to acknowledge that I knew I was in this geozone and would continue just fine. It now asks if I wish to apply for self-unlocking to access this zone. It has a link to "What is Authorization Zone?" and "Error Detected" When I chose the first option it tells me that I am not authorized to override the advisory.
Has something changed? How to I get it to accept my authorization?