Second Officer
Flight distance : 1353215 ft
United Kingdom
Phantom 4 Standard - 97 manually taken photos
Original stitched image scaled down to 10000px X 5000px due to 'Roundme' restriction.
Lough Easky (Easkey), Trasgarve, Co. Sligo is a glacial lake and covers an area of 119 hectares (294 acres) with an average depth of 3m (9.8ft) and a maximum depth of 13m (42.6ft).
A walk around the perimeter of the lough will clock you up 6km
Beyond the far right corner, (as you drive by with the lake on the right) of the lake is Meenamaddo. It is the 799th tallest mountain in Ireland at a height of 384m (1260ft).
Directly opposite the lake (to your left as you drive by with the lake on the right) is Sruffaunagarve, this is about 400m (1312ft) at its peak, it is part of the Annatoran mountain (a 4.7km trek from the lakes edge), which is 513m (1683ft) and is the 464th tallest mountain in Ireland.
The small rectangular shapes you see cut into the landscape in certain places is where locals have hand cut 'turf'