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Lightning adapter broke!
3314 13 2019-2-7
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United States

The inevitable happened this afternoon when I tried to use my OP.  I bumped into someone and the adapter bent and now it can not communicate with my phone because it is wobbly.  I always knew this was going to happen sooner or later.  I love the OP but this is a major design flaw.  What is worst, the adapter is out of stock.   DJI when are you going to have this in stock?  How can you help me?  It’s pretty much useless without it.  I can still use the wireless module but that’s not the point.  Take note people.  It will happen to you sooner or later.  
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South Korea

Was phone is connected when you bumped?
And you hold it by osmo pocket not by phone?
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United States

djiuser_3PbFsVin0SFQ Posted at 2-7 15:45
Was phone is connected when you bumped?
And you hold it by osmo pocket not by phone?

Yes the phone was connected and I hold it by the phone.  I also have a phone bracket and I also noticed that if you’re not careful, you can easily bend the adapter while trying to attach it to the bracket.   There are many ways this adapter can break.  
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DJI Gamora

Hi there, we sorry to hear about the trouble, As of the moment we don't have any information yet with the stocks, you may just hit the in-stock reminder for you to be notified once the stock is available. We're sorry for the Inconvenience. Thanks!
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United States

DJI Gamora Posted at 2-7 16:07
Hi there, we sorry to hear about the trouble, As of the moment we don't have any information yet with the stocks, you may just hit the in-stock reminder for you to be notified once the stock is available. We're sorry for the Inconvenience. Thanks!

DJI, this is an essential overpriced adapter that without it, the Osmo Pocket is pretty much useless.  And you don’t even know when you will have it in stock?  Maybe you guys shouldn’t rush your products to come out until you have enough supplies of accessories and phone adapters, that by design they will break or get lost in the first place.  I am disappointed.  
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United States

In case someone is wondering, I called customer service and they said they don’t provide warranty for accessories.  They made this adapter detachable so they can charge for it, and not cover it under warranty.  What’s wrong with this picture?  This adapter shouldn’t be considered as an accessory.  It is a must-have part of the camera to function with a phone.  
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Matthew Dobrski
First Officer
Flight distance : 1831050 ft
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You know that you can still wire your OP with iPhone/iPad using Apple Lightning to USB-C adapter cable, right?
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Flight distance : 801 ft

The adapter is designed to break apart in case you knock it around too hard or drop the Osmo pocket while it’s connected to a phone. It’s a safety mechanism to protect the lightning/usb port on your phone (according to DJI). I obviously have no idea if that’s what happened here, but might be good to know regardless.
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United States

Matthew Dobrski Posted at 2-7 21:50
You know that you can still wire your OP with iPhone/iPad using Apple Lightning to USB-C adapter cable, right?

Thanks for the tip. Yes, I am fully aware you can use a cable but that won’t be an option if you use a battery pack .   I do have the wireless module but the battery drains quickly.   I’m just upset that an accessory so important  like this one is out of stock and as always, DJI can’t answer when they will have stuff in stock.
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United States

Chris1a Posted at 2-7 21:52
The adapter is designed to break apart in case you knock it around too hard or drop the Osmo pocket while it’s connected to a phone. It’s a safety mechanism to protect the lightning/usb port on your phone (according to DJI). I obviously have no idea if that’s what happened here, but might be good to know regardless.

What you wrote makes sense, however the adapter is so cheaply made.  DJI can get away by saying that but the truth is they will be making a lot of money out of these.  The adapter plus their shipping fee totals around $40.  Do the math.  It’s a proprietary adapter and it’s not something readily available at retail stores.  No one online has it listed as an accessory to buy except DJI.  They could’ve done a better job making at least more rebust or had designed a better way to attach the OP to your phone.  It’s a major design flaw regardless.  
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 35994 ft
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United States

Joemar7 Posted at 2-8 03:34
Thanks for the tip. Yes, I am fully aware you can use a cable but that won’t be an option if you use a battery pack .   I do have the wireless module but the battery drains quickly.   I’m just upset that an accessory so important  like this one is out of stock and as always, DJI can’t answer when they will have stuff in stock.

Might want to Start a thread and see if someone close to you is only using the USB-C and willing to sell you the Lightning adapter (or loan it to you till you get a replacement).

Also, if you're going to continue to use the OP with a phone attached. Might want to get one of the Phone bracket that also holds the OP. That was the main reason that I hardly use my OP in Pro mode during my trip. After one incident of having the OP drop off the phone (luckily I was just handing it across the table), I figured I won't do it till I get a phone bracket with OP holder.
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American Samoa

Wiz33 Posted at 2-8 12:02
Might want to Start a thread and see if someone close to you is only using the USB-C and willing to sell you the Lightning adapter (or loan it to you till you get a replacement).

Also, if you're going to continue to use the OP with a phone attached. Might want to get one of the Phone bracket that also holds the OP. That was the main reason that I hardly use my OP in Pro mode during my trip. After one incident of having the OP drop off the phone (luckily I was just handing it across the table), I figured I won't do it till I get a phone bracket with OP holder.

Thanks Wiz33 for the suggestion.  I do have a phone bracket but sometimes I just leave it in the car and shoot without it.  Out of all the occasions, right?  Also with the phone bracket as I mentioned above, if you're not careful you can bend the phone adapter as well.  Since you mentioned the USB -C adapter, I will try to find a USB C to lighting adapter to see if that does the trick.  Either way, I hope my experience helps someone out there and to be more careful with their OP.  Like I said, the phone adapter will cost around $40 with shipping.  That's a lot of money for a plastic adapter.  I'm hoping I can find it cheaper somewhere else if possible.  The OP was not expensive at all, but when adding the cost of accessories, and "unnecessary" expenses-  every dollar now seems like a lot.   
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Flight distance : 86588 ft
United States

Try this....

Amazon- Osmo Pocket Lightning/USB-C Adapters

Both USB-C and Lightning are there... pick the right one... its about 2-3 weeks out... but you will have one
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