Airking Pilot
Flight distance : 3228383 ft
markiet1966 Posted at 2-17 04:51
Would be good to have an option for "Never had this issue", not having it means that the poll won't tell you how widespread the issue is.
Thanks. Added
I know there are a lot of Inspire 2 users that never had this issue. I really wanted to see if this is a very rare, or if al least just a few are affected. In my case it would not change my findings if I see 20 people having this issue and 100 or 1000 not having it. I was interested in absolute numbers: how many people are having this issue. First time I commented about this, I received al lot of "you must be doing things wrong because nobody is having this issue". At least I can see that a few, but not two or three people, are having this issue. Scratching my head about what´s going on regarding this issue. I even received: "this must be an enviromental issue"... ? |