Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12400594 ft
Flying_Nevada Posted at 2-10 11:51
Apologies, the .zip file might not be the best format for all devices. The raw text file is located here: Raw flight log text file
It may open in your browser when clicked on and you might have to right-click on the link to download locally.
Hi Flying -Nevada , having seen your flight log and looking at what others have reported, it looks just at the moment you got warning for RTH aircraft went a bit haywire, I think it may have been one of your motors was disrupted which would cause your craft to almost go sidewards, you can see this clearly in your video where your props on left hand side come into view and craft is no longer holding correct attitude which in turn is giving off IMU warnings and eventually craft going into Atti mode for a brief moment, I’m inclined to think that one of your motors was blocked briefly, could this have been blocked by collecting dust or sand from the air or from where you launched, it could have been picked up at launch but not shown until you turned craft for home, then blocked one of the motors causing reaction from craft before it was cleared and stable flight resumed.
I don’t think there was anything wrong with IMU gps or compass all those warnings were as a result of motor or motors been blocked or locked briefly, when this happens the craft is designed to try to recover the situation so we see IMU errors until it regains the correct attitude for the craft , I believe once motor was cleared.
With regards to your set altitude 400 ft in the US is correct and you should set it at this height as you did, your only problem with that is you flew the craft out of VISION line of sight and if you are opting to do this then check that you will have enough clearance so you don’t run into obstacles that you cannot visually see.
Yes I think you were lucky, but also craft acted as it should, you got back home safe, you have garnered much knowledge and will live to FLY another day.
Good Luck. |