Stick your FAA registration number outside of drone now
4284 26 2019-2-12
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Flight distance : 11625174 ft
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United States

FAA just announced that drone owners need to display their device’s registration number on the outside of the craft. The directive is set to take effect on February 23rd, 2019.
I just did using stick labels, and also covered the paper with tap.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 784265 ft
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United States

Seriously. This is silly, its not like people dont know how to take off a battery. Or that by having the label on the outside you will be able to spot it with binoculars. I'll comply, but this is just stupid.
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Flight distance : 4463455 ft
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United States

I don't have a problem with this as I been doing this since registering was required.
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Flight distance : 81401 ft
United States

Woe Posted at 2-13 04:54
I don't have a problem with this as I been doing this since registering was required.
I personally don't have an issue with moving it to the outside.  I will be putting mine on the top of the drone.  No one can 'view' it when it's in the air.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 2169370 ft
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United States

I beg to disagree.
Here's the link to FAA ... bel_Infographic.pdf
it says:

Do you have another link that overrides this one?

FWIW, I'm gonna keep mine inside the battery compartment.
I still have my phone # on the outside though, so they can call me and ask where my FAA sticker is
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Ex Machina
First Officer
Flight distance : 1806362 ft
United States

DarthSLR Posted at 2-13 07:55
I beg to disagree.
Here's the link to FAA ... bel_Infographic.pdf

That's the old rule, the new one no longer allows that: ... .gov/2019-00765.pdf
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Flight distance : 558268 ft
United States

I used a label sticker and put it on top. Good thing I don't have an enterprise - cuz that is where I put my sticker. I should have the wife paint it on and make it look pretty. Maybe my next one.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 2169370 ft
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United States

Ex Machina Posted at 2-13 08:05
That's the old rule, the new one no longer allows that:

ah, yeah, I stand corrected!
Let's go there and make public comments reverting the rule!
I made mine!
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First Officer
Flight distance : 927927 ft
United States

Read the new rule and they state the reason why.

This interim final rule revises the small unmanned aircraft marking requirement by
requiring the registration number to be marked on the exterior of the aircraft. The FAA is taking
this action to address concerns expressed by the law enforcement community and the FAA’s
interagency security partners regarding the risk a concealed explosive device poses to first
responders who must open a compartment to find the small unmanned aircraft’s registration
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Flight distance : 1045928 ft
United States

Thanks for the update!
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rwynant V1
Second Officer
Flight distance : 4842277 ft
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United States

Brownie Posted at 2-13 08:53
Thanks for the update!

Yes,  Thank you

But 16 PAGES to tell the general public to put the number on the exterior of the AC.   

Shoulda been Page 1 =  Put the number on the exterior

Page 2 = This Prevents the 1st responders from having to come in contact with an unknown device

That's IT

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DJI Tony


Hi, thanks for sharing this new update policy for our other forum members to be aware who are flying under the FAA. Thank you for continued support.
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Flight distance : 11625174 ft
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United States

DarthSLR Posted at 2-13 07:55
I beg to disagree.
Here's the link to FAA ... bel_Infographic.pdf

FAA makes it unclear: RN must be put on the external of drone, another said the RN can be put in the battery compartment if no tool is needed. I think both should be okey.
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rwynant V1
Second Officer
Flight distance : 4842277 ft
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United States

That document is dated today 2/13

It supercedes any previous rules.  
Under Executive Summary (pg. 3):

“…The FAA is taking this action to address concerns expressed by the law enforcement community and the FAA’s interagency security partners regarding the risk a concealed explosive device poses to first responders who must open a compartment to find the small unmanned aircraft’s registration number.”
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Flight distance : 12400594 ft
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This has been the way in Ireland for the last 3 years, I believe it’s the same in Germany and many other European countries.
I see on another thread some Americans loosing their sh#t about this, I can’t understand why, I mean it would make good sense that if authorities people your doing work for, general public if they need confirmation, so there should be no big deal with this.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4959019 ft
United States

So... their reason is they don't want to have first responders to have to handle the drone to find the RN as it exposes them to the risk of the drone being rigged as an IED which would explode when they remove the battery. So if my sticker is on the bottom of the drone and it's sitting on the ground, how are they going to read the RN then? Won't they have to handle it to turn it over? And if I'm smart enough to rig my battery pack to blow up in their face, wouldn't it be even easier to put a tilt sensor in the drone that would do the same thing?

Seriously, I think there are people who just sit around and dream crap up to create more regulations. It's going to get where you can't fly a drone unless it's squawking an ident signal like a regular plane.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4472 ft
United States

rwynant V1 Posted at 2-13 09:40
Yes,  Thank you

But 16 PAGES to tell the general public to put the number on the exterior of the AC.   

Our tax money at work!
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 307621 ft
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United States

PWidmayer Posted at 2-13 08:22
I used a label sticker and put it on top. Good thing I don't have an enterprise - cuz that is where I put my sticker. I should have the wife paint it on and make it look pretty. Maybe my next one.

That is a good idea, have someone who is good at painting paints it on the drone.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 384432 ft
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United Kingdom

Paul_IA Posted at 2-13 11:25
So... their reason is they don't want to have first responders to have to handle the drone to find the RN as it exposes them to the risk of the drone being rigged as an IED which would explode when they remove the battery. So if my sticker is on the bottom of the drone and it's sitting on the ground, how are they going to read the RN then? Won't they have to handle it to turn it over? And if I'm smart enough to rig my battery pack to blow up in their face, wouldn't it be even easier to put a tilt sensor in the drone that would do the same thing?

Seriously, I think there are people who just sit around and dream crap up to create more regulations. It's going to get where you can't fly a drone unless it's squawking an ident signal like a regular plane.

"It's going to get where you can't fly a drone unless it's squawking an ident signal like a regular plane."

That's been on the go for a while now:-

And aeroscope unit:-
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 73114 ft
United States

Find someone who is good at pinstriping cars, and see what they would charge.  Also, the thing about the registration does not state where or what size it has to be on the drone, but it must be visible upon inspection.  I put it on one leading and one trailing legs.  Used sticky label-maker tape.
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Flight distance : 11625174 ft
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United States

HH1 Posted at 2-13 14:55
Find someone who is good at pinstriping cars, and see what they would charge.  Also, the thing about the registration does not state where or what size it has to be on the drone, but it must be visible upon inspection.  I put it on one leading and one trailing legs.  Used sticky label-maker tape.

Great idea! I just copied the FAA card into photoshop, and minimized into 50%, enhanced the contrast a little. I printed out into sticky label, and put it on either the head front the battery or the compartment of battery.
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Brad Bilger
Second Officer
Flight distance : 14892759 ft
United States

The reasoning is that there are evil people out there that love to set booby traps for First Responders.  Such as trigger devices that go off when opened.  As a retired First Responder, I totally understand and agree with the directive.  Before my next flight, I fully plan on putting a sticker with my number on the outside of my drone.  Put yourself in their position.  A drone comes down someplace with a large amount of people, or in a restricted area.  In this day and time, they aren't going to walk up to it and pull the battery out looking for a number.  There is a very strong possibility that a small, remote control robot will rollup to your drone and blow the top off of it with a shotgun.  You may think that I'm kidding, but I've seen many suitcases, abandoned boxes, and other containers blown apart that way.  I'd rather have them find my number on top, look me up and call me BEFORE they blow my drone to pieces.  I've been the officer in charge on some of these calls and I've had no problem with them blowing something away to be safe.  
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 73114 ft
United States

djiuser_PEp4mLwh74c7, sounds like a good idea, took some thought for sure.  Thanks for sharing.
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Flight distance : 11625174 ft
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United States

Brad Bilger Posted at 2-13 16:03
The reasoning is that there are evil people out there that love to set booby traps for First Responders.  Such as trigger devices that go off when opened.  As a retired First Responder, I totally understand and agree with the directive.  Before my next flight, I fully plan on putting a sticker with my number on the outside of my drone.  Put yourself in their position.  A drone comes down someplace with a large amount of people, or in a restricted area.  In this day and time, they aren't going to walk up to it and pull the battery out looking for a number.  There is a very strong possibility that a small, remote control robot will rollup to your drone and blow the top off of it with a shotgun.  You may think that I'm kidding, but I've seen many suitcases, abandoned boxes, and other containers blown apart that way.  I'd rather have them find my number on top, look me up and call me BEFORE they blow my drone to pieces.  I've been the officer in charge on some of these calls and I've had no problem with them blowing something away to be safe.

Just stick the registration card on top right front the battery. I used label and tap. It is easy to find. Do not put in the compartment of battery.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 8133219 ft
United States

Paul_IA Posted at 2-13 11:25
So... their reason is they don't want to have first responders to have to handle the drone to find the RN as it exposes them to the risk of the drone being rigged as an IED which would explode when they remove the battery. So if my sticker is on the bottom of the drone and it's sitting on the ground, how are they going to read the RN then? Won't they have to handle it to turn it over? And if I'm smart enough to rig my battery pack to blow up in their face, wouldn't it be even easier to put a tilt sensor in the drone that would do the same thing?

Seriously, I think there are people who just sit around and dream crap up to create more regulations. It's going to get where you can't fly a drone unless it's squawking an ident signal like a regular plane.

Dreaming up crap LOL
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Flight distance : 225266 ft
United States

This is unacceptable, another RN sticker will add too much weight to my drone and will limit my flight time!

Only kidding... I will definitely comply but I'm not too thrilled about this new rule   
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Flight distance : 11625174 ft
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United States

echopiece Posted at 2-21 12:42
This is unacceptable, another RN sticker will add too much weight to my drone and will limit my flight time!

Only kidding... I will definitely comply but I'm not too thrilled about this new rule

Haha, in that case, my two cents is printing the RN using font size 3, so the label is only 15mg, which will not give influence to your drone.

But remember: don't forget bring a 15X or 20X magnifier in the case you can clearly show the number,
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