 Second Officer
Flight distance : 639764 ft
NiBrest Posted at 2-19 09:43
If you want flying in Belarus:
1. You must register in Belorussian Associated Unmanned Aircraft (bfba.by)
2. Fly only during the day
Thank you! The rules are not unlike those in Norway (minus the registration and all the red tape) and the NFZ map looks very reasonable.
I think I'll try to register 
Reading the information, a few questions arise: http://bfba.by/pages/information#
To get the drone across the border I'd need to do two things:
Таким образом, для перемещения авиамоделей через таможенную границу Республики Беларусь, Вам необходимо:
1) Быть членом Белорусской Федерации Беспилотной Авиации,
2) Получить заключение об идентификации продукции в Государственном военно-промышленном комитете Республики Беларусь Электронные обращения граждан
The first one, as you say, is to register with the UAV association.
The second one talks about approval for identification of the product (the link leads to a 404-page). That sounds complicated...
What about this clause:
Осуществление фото-видеосъемки с воздуха
Для осуществления фото-видеосъемки, владелец авиамодели должен получить разрешение Генерального штаба Вооруженных сил, а после предоставить весь отснятый материал.
It says you must aquire permit for the aerial photo-/viodgraphy and to have the meterials reviewed by the authorities post-flight. I understand that the locals may choose to ignore this rule, but for a foreigner with a drone that rule may be applied rigurously, and I'd not want to be accused of spying. 