948 8 2019-2-20
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Flight distance : 54226 ft
United Kingdom

I have seen a lot of videos from various pilots of drones, but when i do it, im bored with what i do, countryside is all the same just different area, i would love a zoom as im a wildlife photographer and to sit high above the wildlife and zoom down wow, but i need suggestions what to do, where to fly in the UK i was near a train track not close but could see it, and thought wow if i could fly above the train what a video, but not aloud i know. so whats good for a drone video? where is good? whats exciting thats what i want. legal exciting?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1452408 ft
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United Kingdom

You just need the Mavic 2 Zoom then... ?? - I know its only 2x - or 24-48 mm Optical Zoom Camera
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DJI Tony


Hi, thanks for the inquiry. Surely, our valued DJI Forum members could share their advice on where could you fly that will give you a better experience and be able to capture awesome moments. Please avoid flying your aircraft in a hazardous environment to prevent the incident. Thank you for continued support.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 71096 ft

Think this is the true definition of bored? ... uth-australia-bored
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1991555 ft

I think for what you want to do you will need to understand exactly what is legal and whats not. For example you say your not allowed to fly above a train, but what about flying of to the side of it within the legal distance etc. Having the zoom will obviously make the subject look much closer than it really is.
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Flight distance : 2354357 ft
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United Kingdom

Lethal Posted at 2-20 16:06
Think this is the true definition of bored?

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.....
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Flight distance : 2354357 ft
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United Kingdom

Hellsgate Posted at 2-20 16:16
I think for what you want to do you will need to understand exactly what is legal and whats not. For example you say your not allowed to fly above a train, but what about flying of to the side of it within the legal distance etc. Having the zoom will obviously make the subject look much closer than it really is.

That could be 150m or 50m, tough call and it would depend on whos prosecuting and how they are on that day. Its all down to, is it classed as congested (150m) because its primary use is for/by humans or is it classed as a structure (50m) Tough call, me, i would say, nope, I still dont know and because i dont know then i would perhaps go with the former @ 150m until i had written confirmation from the CAA, As it stands, you cannot think its 50m if you do not know, sadly in the case of drones, ignorance is NOT bliss nor will, its better to do it and to ask forgiveness later

Petographer, the above is how i perceive it with my limited knowledge on the CAP, dont take it as gospel, always best to find out for yourself because the old chestnut, i was advised on a forum that it was ok, wont wash either ;)
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Flight distance : 54226 ft
United Kingdom

Thanx guys, i do agree not close to trains, its like i dont want to spoilt it for everyone else so i wont take any chances, i brought my Phantom cause im disabled and a wildlife photographer, its hard for me to explore the forrest or woods etc so i send my drone to have a look in the net field see if its worth me trying to get there and a zoom wow that would be awesome as the wildlife dont like the prop noise but see there are quiet props on sale now?
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Flight distance : 2354357 ft
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United Kingdom

They are not quiet props and even using the word quieter is pushing it too, they change the pitch and it does lower the DB buy 1, it is now possible to talk to your mate by raising your voice where as before was too difficult lol are they worth getting, yes, i think so, some folks say they make the drone unstable, not seen anything like that with my P4P v1
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