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Inspire 1 not automatically transform to landing mode for landing
3351 3 2019-2-25
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I got one an issue on my Inspire 1 V2. The landing skid did not automatically transform to landing mode for landing. The skid still in travel mode eventhough the aircraft already reaching 1 meter from the ground/landing point. Anybody knows how to troubleshoot?

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Henry M.Y.
Second Officer
Flight distance : 11548839 ft
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Hong Kong

Hi P_Droner,

The Inspire 1 series make use of ultrasonic sensors to identify its distance from the ground in order for it to transform to landing mode before landing. You should be able to hear a series of continuous and quick "dic-dic-dic-dic-......" sound whenever the Inspire 1 is powered up. If there is non after it is powered up, the ultrasonic sensors module could be malfunctioning and need replacement.

If you can hear the Inspire 1 emitting the "dic-dic-dic-......" sound after it being powered up, look into the DJI GO App and check the accuracy of the sensors reading. Place the Inspire 1 on ground in landing mode and you should be able to see the DJI GO App showing roughly the correct sensor height above ground (approximately 0.1M next to an icon of the ultrasonic sensor). Without firing up the propellers, you can raise your Inspire 1 by hands above ground and note whether the sensor height shown on the DJI GO App changes accordingly or not. Be careful not to mistaken the height (H) reading shown on the DJI GO App, which height (H) reading is the barometer sensor reading. If the DJI GO App shows the readings accordingly, you can rule out the possibility that the ultrasonic sensors module is malfunctioning.

The remaining diagnosing task would be the transformation mechanism which would have to be carried out in accordance with the transformation instructions in the user manual in transforming the Inspire 1 between travel mode and landing mode when placed on flat and solid sound-reflective surface.

Let us know what your results are.

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DJI Paladin
Flight distance : 318 ft


Hi P_Droner, my apologies for the trouble. If your aircraft suffers from this problem during flight, first check if the "Intelligent Landing Gear Switch" in the APP-Flight Control Settings - Advanced Settings is turned on and try to use the landing gear control lever next to the power button on the remote controller to adjust the status of the landing gear. If the above lever does not control the landing gear, please confirm whether the aircraft can be controlled. If you can lower the aircraft to the ground level, please observe whether the landing gear will automatically lower; If not, please land the aircraft on a soft surface (away from the crowd) and avoid picking up the plane by hand to minimize the damage. Also, kindly check whether the Transformation Switch can be used for raising or lowering landing gears and check whether the remote controller, servo, or screw lever is malfunctioning. Thanks for your support.

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Lonesome Crow
Second Officer
Flight distance : 424531 ft
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United States

DJI Paladin Posted at 2-27 10:42
Hi P_Droner, my apologies for the trouble. If your aircraft suffers from this problem during flight, first check if the "Intelligent Landing Gear Switch" in the APP-Flight Control Settings - Advanced Settings is turned on and try to use the landing gear control lever next to the power button on the remote controller to adjust the status of the landing gear. If the above lever does not control the landing gear, please confirm whether the aircraft can be controlled. If you can lower the aircraft to the ground level, please observe whether the landing gear will automatically lower; If not, please land the aircraft on a soft surface (away from the crowd) and avoid picking up the plane by hand to minimize the damage. Also, kindly check whether the Transformation Switch can be used for raising or lowering landing gears and check whether the remote controller, servo, or screw lever is malfunctioning. Thanks for your support.

If I by chance have to reload my app, or just load it on my new mobile device, is the automatic landing gear by default on or off?  Thanks!
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