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Panoramas With Black Shadowing/Vignetting Mavic 2 Pro
1158 6 2019-2-27
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Hi Guys

The first flight I had with my Mavic 2 Pro (M2P) resulted in some disappointing panoramas. However I dont know which of the following it is:

1. Isolated to the shadows from the props, and then a lens hood will solve?

2. A bug in the auto stitch software?
3. A faulty micro SD card reader or micro SD?

  • The micro SD Card is the Sandisk Extreme Pro 64GB UHS-3 Class 10 as recommended in the M2P manual.
  • The lens is not dirty.
  • The photos and video footage are not affected by this.

Two examples for you to inspect are below, any advice is appreciated. DJI Support have said 1. clean lens 2. reset camera 3. inspect individual photos and 4. return for manufacturer assessment. (Example One) (Example Two)

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First Officer
Flight distance : 84797 ft

Hi, I don't hold the MP2, but if you shared the orignal photo's to me I will take a look in kolor autopano giga. (see PM)I know the mavic pro has vignetting in blue skies.
Kolor autopano giga correct this in the software when stitching
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United States

I always stitch the RAW images in Photoshop Elements after processing them through RAW import and saving each image as a TIFF. I process the RAWs with the same settings by importing them at the same time and selecting them all while adjusting RAW import settings, then saving each out as TIFF once they are open in the main PSE interface. Then you can select them all in the "bin" and run them through the Panorama processor. The resolution and quality is much higher.
It takes a bit of time but I first use the auto-stitch images from the DJI app to pick the ones I like.
I think I use the 21 image horizontal setting and the result is an expansive "Super-Res" type result, but it should be able to do the other styles as well.
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United Kingdom

rm708410 Posted at 2-27 03:20
I always stitch the RAW images in Photoshop Elements after processing them through RAW import and saving each image as a TIFF. I process the RAWs with the same settings by importing them at the same time and selecting them all while adjusting RAW import settings, then saving each out as TIFF once they are open in the main PSE interface. Then you can select them all in the "bin" and run them through the Panorama processor. The resolution and quality is much higher.
It takes a bit of time but I first use the auto-stitch images from the DJI app to pick the ones I like.
I think I use the 21 image horizontal setting and the result is an expansive "Super-Res" type result, but it should be able to do the other styles as well.

I've heard Photoshop is the way to manually stitch them without this smudging vignette.
Thanks for your tips, I will refer back to them when I jump in PS with the DNG files on my next flight.
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United Kingdom

MavSpa_user Posted at 2-27 01:55
Hi, I don't hold the MP2, but if you shared the orignal photo's to me I will take a look in kolor autopano giga. (see PM)I know the mavic pro has vignetting in blue skies.
Kolor autopano giga correct this in the software when stitching

I'd deleted the original photos from the SD card - as soon as I take some more on my next flight, I will tale you up on your kind offer. Thanks for the PM! I want to learn more about kolor autopana.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 84797 ft

check your PM
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First Officer
Flight distance : 84797 ft

Thanks for your photo's, I made your pano with kolor, it's very nice what's come out the MP2 pro, photo is 289 MB large.
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