Phantom 2+ Yaws durring descent
1102 0 2014-11-10
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Flight distance : 1749321 ft
United States

I upgraded my Phantom 2+  to the latest S/W firmware (3.06) Phantom Vision Assistant.   Did full IMU calibration, calibrated RC controller, calibrated  Phantom, every thing went well.  Took it out to the field to fly.  Did the compass dance, got course lock and home lock (11 Satellites).   Flew areounnd for a while in GPS mode.  Brought it back to practice landing.  As I descended (straight down on the stick) the Phantom yawed 5 to 10 degrees, I corrected it back and tried to descend and it did it again.  Tried 3 or 4 more times,  same results.  Got out the laptop re-calibrated the RC controller sticks, and the phantom sticks.  Tried again,  Same results........   It makes it difficult to land on a specific spot.

I was not having this issue before the upgrade.

Anyone else having this issue?

Anyone know how to fix it, other things to check????
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