Inspire 2 crash [Help reading .dat log]
3648 29 2019-3-11
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Flight distance : 23615184 ft
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I had my first incident with the inspire while filming inside a building on sunday.  While I was getting ready to record my next video, the aircraft began to drift towards my direction without any input from the controller.  To try and counteract the drift I did an aileron input in the opposite direction.  The drone struggled against the input and continuted its drift, ultimatley leading to a crash.   I was flying in P-Gps with zero satellies the entire flight, and didnt get any magnetic or signal interference notifications.  I checked the flight log, and right when the drift began I got this notification; [Cannot hover automatically now.  Aircraft has been switched to A-mode.  Fly with caution]  To be clear, Ihave flown in attitude mode many times, and have no trouble getting the aircraft to hold its position.  I am not sure what happened, but it is very concerning to me that I had little to no contorl over the drone throughout the incident.  I have already started the dji refresh express process, (put the drone in the mail today) but the more I think about it, this definitley seems like a warrenty claim.  I have attached the .dat file so hopefully one of the users or mods here can help shed some light on why the drift began, and why the aircraft ignored my control inputs.   Thanks for taking the time to read, I just really want to get to the bottom of this.   

Edit:  I tried to upload the .dat file, but the biggest file the fourm lets you upload its 1000KB, and the .dat file is over 48,000KB.  Not sure the best way to get that information to the mods.  
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Flight distance : 839160 ft
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Sounds like a failure of the IMU, or at least a lot of interference messing with the accelerometer

Can you upload the data here and share the public link:
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First Officer
Flight distance : 5978740 ft
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Upload the .DAT to DropBox, GoogleDrive or similar and then post the link to the uploaded .DAT file. From your description it seems the AC was using the vision system to navigate. The .DAT will help determine this. Also, the .txt from the Go App might have the requisite info. I think you can attach the .txt to a post here.
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Flight distance : 23615184 ft
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United States

BudWalker Posted at 3-12 08:02
Upload the .DAT to DropBox, GoogleDrive or similar and then post the link to the uploaded .DAT file. From your description it seems the AC was using the vision system to navigate. The .DAT will help determine this. Also, the .txt from the Go App might have the requisite info. I think you can attach the .txt to a post here.

Hey BudWalker, thanks for the response.  I just uploaded the .dat file to my dropbox and created a link that I will attach to this post.  The aircraft was indeed using the vision system, but I still have no clue why it was ignoring my inputs.   If it helps, I believe the aircraft began to drift right around the 3:18 minute mark into the flight.  This is when the "Cannot hover automatically now.  Aircraft has been switched to A-Mode"  message appears in the flight log.

I don't know much about all the information in there, but in the "Vision Used" column, it does appear that vps was switched off around 3:18.  Still trying to figure out the uncontrolled drift.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 5978740 ft
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djiuser_IbFkAk4DpREW Posted at 3-12 12:49
Hey BudWalker, thanks for the response.  I just uploaded the .dat file to my dropbox and created a link that I will attach to this post.  The aircraft was indeed using the vision system, but I still have no clue why it was ignoring my inputs.   If it helps, I believe the aircraft began to drift right around the 3:18 minute mark into the flight.  This is when the "Cannot hover automatically now.  Aircraft has been switched to A-Mode"  message appears in the flight log.

I looked at FLY052 and I suspect it's not the correct .DAT. The accelerometer and gyro data aren't consistent with an impact. There was a full negative throttle at the end of the flight that resulted in a motorStop.

Can you post the .txt from the Go App? Among other data it will indicate the corresponding .DAT
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Flight distance : 23615184 ft
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United States

BudWalker Posted at 3-12 22:01
I looked at FLY052 and I suspect it's not the correct .DAT. The accelerometer and gyro data aren't consistent with an impact. There was a full negative throttle at the end of the flight that resulted in a motorStop.

Can you post the .txt from the Go App? Among other data it will indicate the corresponding .DAT

Hey sorry about that, I have updated and the correct .DAT file should be in the Dropbox link now.  FLY053 is the correct log.  I just transferred a bunch of files from my iphone onto my laptop, and believe I have the text file.  I will post another link to the dropbox for it, let me know if it is the correct one.  When I open it, it is just a bunch of random characters, so i'm not quite sure if thats what you're looking for. ... 1-49-13%5D.txt?dl=0
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DJI Mindy

Hi there, sorry for the crash accident, please note if you choose DJI Care Refresh Express, the data analysis will not be provided. I see the package is in transit, if you still would like to apply the data analysis, please keep us updated without hesitation, thank you.
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Flight distance : 23615184 ft
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United States

DJI Mindy Posted at 3-13 01:52
Hi there, sorry for the crash accident, please note if you choose DJI Care Refresh Express, the data analysis will not be provided. I see the package is in transit, if you still would like to apply the data analysis, please keep us updated without hesitation, thank you.

Dji Mindy, I would like to request that a data analysis be done, I want to know what caused the  malfunction.  However,  I have already paid a fee for the replacement aircraft, if the data analysis shows it was a faulty aircraft will I be refunded the money or given a credit?
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Flight distance : 23615184 ft
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United States

DJI Mindy Posted at 3-13 01:52
Hi there, sorry for the crash accident, please note if you choose DJI Care Refresh Express, the data analysis will not be provided. I see the package is in transit, if you still would like to apply the data analysis, please keep us updated without hesitation, thank you.

Dji Mindy, I would like to request that a data analysis be done, I want to know what caused the  malfunction.  However,  I have already paid a fee for the replacement aircraft, if the data analysis shows it was a faulty aircraft will I be refunded the money or given a credit?
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First Officer
Flight distance : 5978740 ft
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United States

djiuser_IbFkAk4DpREW Posted at 3-12 22:24
Hey sorry about that, I have updated and the correct .DAT file should be in the Dropbox link now.  FLY053 is the correct log.  I just transferred a bunch of files from my iphone onto my laptop, and believe I have the text file.  I will post another link to the dropbox for it, let me know if it is the correct one.  When I open it, it is just a bunch of random characters, so i'm not quite sure if thats what you're looking for. ... 1-49-13%5D.txt?dl=0

I don't have that much experience with vision mode navigation but I'm going to speculate the problem was caused by a combination of 1) tripod mode, and 2) the vision data becoming unavailable.
The top plot shows the position data from the vision system - the gaps occur when the vision system isn't working. The bottom plot shows the aileron and roll response data. When the vision position data is available the roll is about 3.6° which is holding the AC steady in hover. When the vision data switches off the roll goes to 0° causing the drift you're seeing. Using the full aileron actually has some effect although very little - not enough to move the AC enough to prevent the collision. This all occured while the AC was in tripod mode.

Earlier in the flight the vision data became unavailable but the roll response was not attenuated. I'm speculating this was because the AC was not in tripod mode.

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Flight distance : 23615184 ft
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United States

BudWalker Posted at 3-13 09:03
I don't have that much experience with vision mode navigation but I'm going to speculate the problem was caused by a combination of 1) tripod mode, and 2) the vision data becoming unavailable.
The top plot shows the position data from the vision system - the gaps occur when the vision system isn't working. The bottom plot shows the aileron and roll response data. When the vision position data is available the roll is about 3.6° which is holding the AC steady in hover. When the vision data switches off the roll goes to 0° causing the drift you're seeing. Using the full aileron actually has some effect although very little - not enough to move the AC enough to prevent the collision. This all occured while the AC was in tripod mode.

Wow that it a great explanation!  May I ask what program you are using to decipher the files?  Two things don’t sit right with me though.  The first is that at the 3:18 mark (when the drift began) the aircraft switched atti mode.  I always thought that tripod mode is only avaible when there is a strong gps signal, or when the vps is getting good enough data to hold a position.  So shouldn’t the aircraft have exited tripod mode when the vps data became unavailable?  I believe you are spot on when you mention that the aileron input was not enough to overcome the drift.  I could see the drone ever so slightly resonding to my input, but it was not enough to overcome the drift.  My next question is why would a full aerlion input not able to stop the aircraft from drifting?  (I am guessing that it is because it was still in tripod mode, so the amount of thrust was still greatly reduced?)
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First Officer
Flight distance : 5978740 ft
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United States

djiuser_IbFkAk4DpREW Posted at 3-13 16:20
Wow that it a great explanation!  May I ask what program you are using to decipher the files?  Two things don’t sit right with me though.  The first is that at the 3:18 mark (when the drift began) the aircraft switched atti mode.  I always thought that tripod mode is only avaible when there is a strong gps signal, or when the vps is getting good enough data to hold a position.  So shouldn’t the aircraft have exited tripod mode when the vps data became unavailable?  I believe you are spot on when you mention that the aileron input was not enough to overcome the drift.  I could see the drone ever so slightly resonding to my input, but it was not enough to overcome the drift.  My next question is why would a full aerlion input not able to stop the aircraft from drifting?  (I am guessing that it is because it was still in tripod mode, so the amount of thrust was still greatly reduced?)

The program I use is CsvView. It's free and can be obtained here.
CsvView Downloads

shouldn’t the aircraft have exited tripod mode when the vps data became unavailable?

That's a good question. It's possible that DJI has a reason for not exiting tripod mode when the vision data becomes unavailable. I suggest you ask them.

I suspect the same thing happens when in Tripod Mode and a switch is made from GPS+ATTI to ATTI. I.e., the response to control inputs is attenuated.
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DJI Mindy

djiuser_IbFkAk4DpREW Posted at 3-13 07:57
Dji Mindy, I would like to request that a data analysis be done, I want to know what caused the  malfunction.  However,  I have already paid a fee for the replacement aircraft, if the data analysis shows it was a faulty aircraft will I be refunded the money or given a credit?

I will need to verify with the local repair center and come back to you soon, please wait patiently, thank you.
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Flight distance : 23615184 ft
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United States

DJI Mindy Posted at 3-13 19:12
I will need to verify with the local repair center and come back to you soon, please wait patiently, thank you.

I await your reply, thank you.  
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DJI Mindy

djiuser_IbFkAk4DpREW Posted at 3-13 19:41
I await your reply, thank you.

Thanks for your patience, I have verified with the team, we will make the data analysis when it arrives and then provide the proper resolution. Please wait patiently.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1837356 ft
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United States

DJI Mindy Posted at 3-15 00:11
Thanks for your patience, I have verified with the team, we will make the data analysis when it arrives and then provide the proper resolution. Please wait patiently.

you are awesome   

I have been following this

Mindy will the Tripod mode (or any auto modes)  disable when the sensors stop working properly?

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Flight distance : 717336 ft

My experience with flying Mavic indoors in Tripod mode with vps is that when it loses vps it exits tripod mode. But Inspire 2 might be different.
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DJI Mindy

RichJ53 Posted at 3-17 07:46
you are awesome   

I have been following this

Hi Rich, for Inspire 2, the Tripod mode will not be disabled when the sensors stop working, but the pilot should be careful to fly when the sensor is not working.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1837356 ft
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United States

Okay thanks Mindy. I do not use this mode much at all and glad you were able to clarify this point for us.

I am assuming this is true for all flight modes too?  

All the best
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Flight distance : 839160 ft
United States

RichJ53 Posted at 3-18 16:48
Okay thanks Mindy. I do not use this mode much at all and glad you were able to clarify this point for us.

I am assuming this is true for all flight modes too?  

It's been about a year since I've flown the Inspire 2 regularly, but I recall the manual mentioning the mode the system (top left of the DJI Go app) changing depending on data availability from Ready to Go - GPS to other modes such as, P-Mode, P-Sport and specifically P-Opti which means the vision sensors are active and being used for guidance
One of the first things in my "active memory" checklist is to change the mode of the system on the controller when the system acts irrationally in an automated mode.

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Flight distance : 23615184 ft
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United States

DJI Mindy Posted at 3-18 00:25
Hi Rich, for Inspire 2, the Tripod mode will not be disabled when the sensors stop working, but the pilot should be careful to fly when the sensor is not working.

DJI Mindy, the Inspire 2 manual says differently.  On page 24 it states " If GPS signal is lost and the vision system cannot function, it will automatically switch to Atti mode."  
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Flight distance : 23615184 ft
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United States

HyperSpectral Posted at 3-19 16:55
It's been about a year since I've flown the Inspire 2 regularly, but I recall the manual mentioning the mode the system (top left of the DJI Go app) changing depending on data availability from Ready to Go - GPS to other modes such as, P-Mode, P-Sport and specifically P-Opti which means the vision sensors are active and being used for guidance
One of the first things in my "active memory" checklist is to change the mode of the system on the controller when the system acts irrationally in an automated mode.

Thank you for your thoughtful reply.  When reviewing my flight logs of the incident I can see the various modes throughout the duration of the flight.  Interesting to note that when I got the notification at 3:18 that the aircraft has been switched to A-mode, the status indicator on the top left still said it was flying in tripod mode.  I am starting to think that this is an error in the firmware, as the manual says in two different places that tripod mode should not be available in atti, and also when gps/vps data is not reliable.  

Unfortunately I did not think to manually turn the flight mode switch to atti, perhaps that could have allowed me to regain control of the aircraft.  I will definitely add that to my “active memory” list for future flights.  
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DJI Mindy

Hi there, the relationship between GPS and vision system is AND, which means, even the vision system is not working, if GPS signal is strong, Tripod mode will still work.
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DJI Mindy

RichJ53 Posted at 3-18 16:48
Okay thanks Mindy. I do not use this mode much at all and glad you were able to clarify this point for us.

I am assuming this is true for all flight modes too?  

Rich, yes, VPS can help us to make a safer flight, but it will not affect the normal flight modes when it is not working. Have a safe flight.
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Flight distance : 23615184 ft
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United States

DJI Mindy Posted at 3-21 23:19
Hi there, the relationship between GPS and vision system is AND, which means, even the vision system is not working, if GPS signal is strong, Tripod mode will still work.
Hi Mindy, thanks for the quick reply.  My flight logs indicate that throughout the flight, the aircraft never had a gps signal.  (Zero satellites). When the vision sensor stopped working it should have disabled tripod mode, unfortunately this did not happen.  I am guessing this may be a bug in the firmware, hopefully your engineers are looking into it.   Could I please get an update on the status of my case?  The aircraft was received by dji last Friday, and I have not heard anything yet.   
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DJI Mindy

djiuser_IbFkAk4DpREW Posted at 3-22 03:13
Hi Mindy, thanks for the quick reply.  My flight logs indicate that throughout the flight, the aircraft never had a gps signal.  (Zero satellites). When the vision sensor stopped working it should have disabled tripod mode, unfortunately this did not happen.  I am guessing this may be a bug in the firmware, hopefully your engineers are looking into it.   Could I please get an update on the status of my case?  The aircraft was received by dji last Friday, and I have not heard anything yet.

Any chance to export the flight record of the Tripod mode and provide us the precise date for further analysis?
I will verify with the local team of the current status of your case and keep you updated soon, thank you.
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Flight distance : 23615184 ft
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United States

DJI Mindy Posted at 3-23 00:03
Any chance to export the flight record of the Tripod mode and provide us the precise date for further analysis?
I will verify with the local team of the current status of your case and keep you updated soon, thank you.

The link above will take you to the .dat file in my Dropbox.
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DJI Mindy

djiuser_IbFkAk4DpREW Posted at 3-23 09:53

The link above will take you to the .dat file in my Dropbox.

Thanks for the flight data, we have transferred to our engineers for further analysis.
I haven't received the latest status of your case because of the weekend, I will keep you updated once I get anything from the team. Thanks for your patience.
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Flight distance : 23615184 ft
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United States

DJI Mindy Posted at 3-24 23:52
Thanks for the flight data, we have transferred to our engineers for further analysis.
I haven't received the latest status of your case because of the weekend, I will keep you updated once I get anything from the team. Thanks for your patience.

Thanks Mindy, hoping for an update soon.  
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DJI Mindy

djiuser_IbFkAk4DpREW Posted at 3-25 02:53
Thanks Mindy, hoping for an update soon.

The data analysis has been done and the result has been sent to you via the email, please check, thank you.
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