Flight distance : 584662 ft
United States
Hey all,
This may be an odd inquiry, but I will put it out there anyway.
I am trying to find out how to get the Mavic Air or Spark (I have both) into ATTI mode so I can train myself to fly in that mode should I ever lose P mode. Basically I want to train myself in emergency procedures so when I fly my M2Pro I can address any emergency situations with confidence and muscle memory.
I know DJI does not want you to "intentionally" go into anything other than P T or S mode, hence the reason the Mavics don't have an ATTI flight function button like the Phantoms.
I have looked at the manual but don't see any intentional way to go into ATTI mode (though I discovered if I go on the east side of my house I lose GPS and it goes in ATTI due to the large trees ).
Anyway, maybe I completely missed something in the manuals that tells you how to get into ATTI mode?
Thanks in advanced for any assistance!