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ATTI Mode?
3417 13 2019-3-13
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Flight distance : 584662 ft
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United States

Hey all,

This may be an odd inquiry, but I will put it out there anyway.

I am trying to find out how to get the Mavic Air or Spark (I have both) into ATTI mode so I can train myself to fly in that mode should I ever lose P mode. Basically I want to train myself in emergency procedures so when I fly my M2Pro I can address any emergency situations with confidence and muscle memory.

I know DJI does not want you to "intentionally" go into anything other than P T or S mode, hence the reason the Mavics don't have an ATTI flight function button like the Phantoms.

I have looked at the manual but don't see any intentional way to go into ATTI mode (though I discovered if I go on the east side of my house I lose GPS and it goes in ATTI due to the large trees ).

Anyway, maybe I completely missed something in the manuals that tells you how to get into ATTI mode?

Thanks in advanced for any assistance!
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DJI Gamora

Hi there, thank you for reaching out and we really admire you being interested using DJI Product. With regards to that. Unfortunately, we don't have the option to enable the ATTI mode in Mavic Air and Spark. It will only automatically enable the ATTI mode when there is no GPS. Thank you for your consideration.
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Flight distance : 584662 ft
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United States

Thanks Gamora. That is what I figured the answer would be. I do plan on ordering a refurb Phantom 4 Pro anyway (when I find stock available), so I can practice on that when I get a chance. Was just curious if there was any way on the Mavic Air or Spark. Want to make sure I get my emergency procedures down pat when I do ultimately lose that GPS in the most inopportune place possible :-)
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First Officer
Flight distance : 16783757 ft
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United States

I would recommend going out and getting a cheap tech free drone such as the Syma X5C to learn how to manually control a drone without all the fancy wizardry.  Do this and you’ll be in a great spot with your DJI drones if they ever drop into ATTI mode unexpectedly.  
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United States

In my experience at the moment Mavic Air switches to Opti mode when there is no or weak gps signal usually inside a building. Then it can switch to Atti mode if you turn off the lights and it becomes too dark. Alternatively, you can manually turn off vision positioning by going to Visual Navigation Settings, Andvanced Setting, and turn off Enable Downward Vision Positioning that also will switch the Mavic Air into Atti mode without turning off the lights. Make sure there is no gps signal or that it stays weak enough for it not to kick back in. Make sure to turn on vision positioning back on for vision positioning or Opti mode to work again when gps signal is not available or too weak.
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Flight distance : 584662 ft
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United States

KlooGee Posted at 3-13 10:12
I would recommend going out and getting a cheap tech free drone such as the Syma X5C to learn how to manually control a drone without all the fancy wizardry.  Do this and you’ll be in a great spot with your DJI drones if they ever drop into ATTI mode unexpectedly.

I think you nailed it on the head there KlooGee. Just buy a "dumb" drone (no GPS) and practice on that. That I will do. Plus my dog will enjoy a little running around the yard with a cheapo! Ha ha.
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Brett Brandon
United States

The new CAPTCHA crap is the last straw.
Im tired of DJIs crap and am removing my posts and will be on my way.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 16783757 ft
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United States

JPilotR Posted at 3-13 11:37
I think you nailed it on the head there KlooGee. Just buy a "dumb" drone (no GPS) and practice on that. That I will do. Plus my dog will enjoy a little running around the yard with a cheapo! Ha ha.

Yes, my dog loves chasing mine around the backyard too!  Lol!  One of the reasons I mention the Syma X5C is that it has altitude hold on it.  This is very similar to the behavior of DJI drones in ATTI mode.  They will maintain their altitude, but will be floating freely in the horizontal plane.   There are a million similar dummy drones out there, just look for that one feature if you are wanting to replicate the DJI experience.  
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Second Officer
United States

I fly my little Proto X in my living room all the time to practice patterns.
No gps, no altitude hold, just self leveling.
35 bucks. The only thing kinda "sucky" is when you lose a prop. They get flung off, and the ittle buggers are hard to find!!
And it won't mess up up your tv if you gack it into the screen.
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Brett Brandon
United States

The new CAPTCHA crap is the last straw.
Im tired of DJIs crap and am removing my posts and will be on my way.
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DJI Gamora

JPilotR Posted at 3-13 09:53
Thanks Gamora. That is what I figured the answer would be. I do plan on ordering a refurb Phantom 4 Pro anyway (when I find stock available), so I can practice on that when I get a chance. Was just curious if there was any way on the Mavic Air or Spark. Want to make sure I get my emergency procedures down pat when I do ultimately lose that GPS in the most inopportune place possible :-)

Not a problem and it's my pleasure. If you have any question or concern don't hesitate to reach us back. Best regards! Cheers!
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Flight distance : 584662 ft
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United States

Wow, all awesome ideas! Thanks!

Oh, and BTW -- not that I will "practice" ATTI mode on it too much save for an open field -- I was walking through the electronics aisle at my local Walmart and guess what, there was  the proverbial needle in the haystack -- a brand new (non-refurbished) Phantom 4 Pro V2.0 on CLEARANCE for $1099. Couldn't believe it. Yep, I pulled the trigger on that! What a find!
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Flight distance : 584662 ft
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United States

circuitbird Posted at 3-13 11:34
In my experience at the moment Mavic Air switches to Opti mode when there is no or weak gps signal usually inside a building. Then it can switch to Atti mode if you turn off the lights and it becomes too dark. Alternatively, you can manually turn off vision positioning by going to Visual Navigation Settings, Andvanced Setting, and turn off Enable Downward Vision Positioning that also will switch the Mavic Air into Atti mode without turning off the lights. Make sure there is no gps signal or that it stays weak enough for it not to kick back in. Make sure to turn on vision positioning back on for vision positioning or Opti mode to work again when gps signal is not available or too weak.

Another good idea. Thanks!
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Flight distance : 9593 ft
United States

Try flying on the east side of your house, or try flying inside. (if you have space.)
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