Hi and good day Hummingbird.UAV, thanks for sharing your experienced with these propellers. Just a friendly reminder, we don't recommend you to use a 3rd party accessories because we are unable to ensure the performance and compatibility. Appreciate your understading and support.
Happy with my Master Airscrew props that I received this past weekend. If only DJI would come up with a silent props for the Mavic Air maybe we would not be using a reputable third party props.
Its still louder than my Mavic Pro with the DJI silent props. However the frequency of the angry bee sound has shifted down making less annoying.I also tested with a sound level meter and it was ~5db quieter.
Hummingbird.UAV Posted at 3-20 17:57
Its still louder than my Mavic Pro with the DJI silent props. However the frequency of the angry bee sound has shifted down making less annoying.I also tested with a sound level meter and it was ~5db quieter.
I flew mine with the MA props last weekend and I am pleased. I've been waiting for a quiet option and this is a step in the right direction. I would def pick up a DJI option if they ever came out with one.
I presently have 2 sets in hand (due to an odd shipping kerfluffel) and am seriously looking forward to doing comprehensive flight testing with a properly calibrated sound meter for quantitative apples-to-apples comparisons between the DJI OEM and the MA aftermarket props. My local take-off ground level is around 1980’ ASL. I’ll re-post once I have hard measurements, but everything I’ve seen posted so far suggests these MA / stealth MA props are totally the shizzle. If the testing bears it out (still TBD), then I can only say get on board or get left behind, DJI!
Spaceman_66 Posted at 3-25 22:14
I presently have 2 sets in hand (due to an odd shipping kerfluffel) and am seriously looking forward to doing comprehensive flight testing with a properly calibrated sound meter for quantitative apples-to-apples comparisons between the DJI OEM and the MA aftermarket props. My local take-off ground level is around 1980’ ASL. I’ll re-post once I have hard measurements, but everything I’ve seen posted so far suggests these MA / stealth MA props are totally the shizzle. If the testing bears it out (still TBD), then I can only say get on board or get left behind, DJI!
I have a couple of sets of the Master Airscrew Props (MAPs) as well. I have managed to get in a little bit of testing but its still cold at 2°C and snow is forecast. From the flights I've made the MAPs are about 3dB quieter and the hover rpm is less reducing the "Bee" sound. My six bladed props are about 5dB quieter and the rpm is less than the MAPs however because of the six blades they still have the "Bee" sound but it is so much quieter that it is not annoying. I've found it really hard to take accurate sound level readings as even the slightest breeze boosts the value. Might have to test indoors. Click the link to go to my six blade thread.https://forum.dji.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=184566
evanwish Posted at 3-26 17:19
Do you guys have any videos of the sound difference or is 5db too hard to catch on video?
It is hard to capture on video as most cameras have automatic level control on the mic input. This means if the sound is loud the camera cuts back on the audio level, if it is quiet it boosts the audio level. Makes it hard to compare. I'm looking for a fixed level recording device which should give a proper comparison. Stay tuned.
Hummingbird.UAV Posted at 3-26 17:50
It is hard to capture on video as most cameras have automatic level control on the mic input. This means if the sound is loud the camera cuts back on the audio level, if it is quiet it boosts the audio level. Makes it hard to compare. I'm looking for a fixed level recording device which should give a proper comparison. Stay tuned.
But the MA's ESCs and motors are not calibrated for the Master propellers. Some people are getting motor error message on their Go App 4. I wonder with the higher pitch of the props will caused the motor to work harder and put more wear on it.
Maxi3D Posted at 3-27 09:44
But the MA's ESCs and motors are not calibrated for the Master propellers. Some people are getting motor error message on their Go App 4. I wonder with the higher pitch of the props will caused the motor to work harder and put more wear on it.
Doesn't look to me that the MA props have higher pitch. They are wider thus generate more lift at the same rpm. But in hover the lift must be equal so the MA props turn slower to match the lift required.
As for the motor error messages plenty of people get them with DJI props, myself included. Usually happens in a high speed descent with fast forward flight.
HI Guys if anyone in the UK is interested in some of these I bought some from the US and thought I'd get a few extras in case anyone was interested (i never really need spare props never crashed anything (well maybe a little cheapy Syma!)
If anyone is interested in a pack PM me before I put them on Fleabay, I have 4 packs left if anyone, they come in a little sunglasses pouch with some stickers and a card box. The fit is perfect and they dont look too different from the standard (except these are glossy finish).
These are aftermarket so use with caution and bear in mind any warranty issue these might cause! (still this wouldnt be an issue if DJI commissioned them!)
I'm not a business just thought id get few extra if anyone in the UK was interested as they are not on Amazon or Ebay yet!
I’ve just recently received my MA props in the UK & had a short test flight yesterday & I am very impressed that the “Angry Bee” appears to have been tamed, I can’t comment on exactly how much quieter they are but the tone/pitch difference is very noticeable & unless DJI bring out a similar product I will not be switching back to stock props.
I made a very short test with those new props and it seems much better.
What Master Airscrew suggest is OK. I've built many quads from scratch and would adjust the pitch roll and yaw settings to "tune" them. Oscillation would require lowering of the gain values.
Personally I have had no problems using the Master Airscrew props. This may be because of the altitude I live at, the air is less dense therefore I don't get the full effect of the props.
Hummingbird.UAV Posted at 3-27 12:21
Doesn't look to me that the MA props have higher pitch. They are wider thus generate more lift at the same rpm. But in hover the lift must be equal so the MA props turn slower to match the lift required.
As for the motor error messages plenty of people get them with DJI props, myself included. Usually happens in a high speed descent with fast forward flight.
I think there is without any doubt much more movement in hover with master props, this is visually noticeable, I’m not sure if they will effect footage when videoing , but you can notice IMU working overtime to maintain correct attitude, the change your props warning is there almost from take off and although we see this normally in very high speed (Sport) with normal props , with master props it is clearly telling that you have the wrong props on your craft, good or bad who knows.
Yes the bee whine is gone but I’m not sure noise is that much lower, you can still hear in the distance about the same or very little difference.
I had two people with me when testing, none of which fly drones and one of them thought master props were louder and other thought Mavic props were louder, but both thought there was very little difference.
For me the only difference is the bee whine sound, but with the extra movement from side to side in the craft I’m not sure if this is a trade off for changing props.
For me I see no real benefits with the master props, people will find them annoying and loud just as they would with Mavic props, I think the difference will only be noticed by the pilots, but so will the movement in the craft at hover.
Just adding to other's experience with these props.
I've bought a couple of sets of these myself. I tested them with a decibel meter indoors (so no other ambient noise) and they were only 1-3 decibel lower than the standard props. The pitch is slightly lower, but not to the extent I've been hearing on other people's video. Perhaps it makes a difference outside at distance?
I also noted that many edges had slight serrations, which I attribute to the mould. The manufacturer could have tidied up those rough edges before shipping out IMHO, especially as they may impact (slight;y) on the aerodynamics of the prop.
Otherwise, I didn't note any change in flight characteristics on the indoors test, which is good. I'll have to wait for a longer flight to see if their claims of reduced battery usage is valid.
Noticeable difference in the pitch from the noise. I found that the noise on take off was quite similar between the MP and MPP but as the db was lower on the MPP the sound dissipated very quickly and I couldn't hear the MPP 50' from my position unlike the MP which I could hear hundreds of feet away. These type of props will be well received on the MA too I'm sure as the noise was one of the things I hated about what was generally a great drone to fly.
all concerns are at close radius close altitude. once drone is afar, say fifty yards or so, concerns dissolved. so the particular frequencies of the propulsion acoustics over the design rpm range humanly irritate. the seagulls too disagree to that irritant, again at close interface, say, within 10-20 yards the gulls encircling drone. from a standpoint of "the point of diminishing returns", the risk of strain by greater pitch is not a prudent aftermarket tweak. this is because the designed criterion of thrust versus rpm and rpm versus torque can not be retrofitted except thru flight control firmware changes.
what should be measured is ampere flowing in operable rpm range for a motor. we do not even know the operable rpm range designers implemented. and normally the aftermarket upgrades usually are blessed off, no different than how Microsoft blesses aftermarket soft and hard for windows installation.
gaardhund Posted at 3-30 08:00
I adjusted the gain setting according to Master Airscrews web site, and i still get the "motor current" warnings (even when i fly in P mode).
These Motor Current warnings can't be good. For me I would rather put up with the db's then harm the MA.
DJI Paladin Posted at 3-20 16:03
Hi and good day Hummingbird.UAV, thanks for sharing your experienced with these propellers. Just a friendly reminder, we don't recommend you to use a 3rd party accessories because we are unable to ensure the performance and compatibility. Appreciate your understading and support.
We understand your statement.
What we don`t understand is why DJI then does not do something about it such as providing more silent props. Many, maybe most, pilots have been asking for quieter props for the Mavic Air for more than a year!!.
HendrikJB Posted at 4-6 11:02
We understand your statement.
What we don`t understand is why DJI then does not do something about it such as providing more silent props. Many, maybe most, pilots have been asking for quieter props for the Mavic Air for more than a year!!.
HI HendrikJB, , we do appreciate your feedback with us. Rest assured that this will be heard on our designated team and put this to our team's bucket list. We do apologize for the inconvenience that it caused and we appreciate your understanding. Thank you.
I fully agree, the simple fact you are getting that warning is a problem with balance of props and when hovering this is noticeable and both props are loud just one is slightly louder than the other and the only people who will notice are the users .
hallmark007 Posted at 4-7 11:55
I fully agree, the simple fact you are getting that warning is a problem with balance of props and when hovering this is noticeable and both props are loud just one is slightly louder than the other and the only people who will notice are the users .
This warning appears with the stock props as well. Especially on the latest firmware...
I realise that and back I .400 I received these warnings often, it was fixed with .500 for me and since I haven’t got warning, but my problem with these props was simply once you pushed forward I was immediately getting warning, I also noticed in hover IMU had to work much harder to maintain a good attitude.
While I’m pretty certain nothing serious will happen to you craft flying with these, and yes pitch sound is better and more pleasing to your own ears, I just don’t see or hear enough in the trade off to use these props .
hallmark007 Posted at 4-7 12:32
I realise that and back I .400 I received these warnings often, it was fixed with .500 for me and since I haven’t got warning, but my problem with these props was simply once you pushed forward I was immediately getting warning, I also noticed in hover IMU had to work much harder to maintain a good attitude.
While I’m pretty certain nothing serious will happen to you craft flying with these, and yes pitch sound is better and more pleasing to your own ears, I just don’t see or hear enough in the trade off to use these props .
Did you change the gain to 60 as per they’re website? It really improved flyablity for me... much more natural and all but eliminates the warning... as per the pitch or noise; I find the Air to be much quieter at 50 to 100 feet or so now.