Flight distance : 220292 ft
United States
RWPilot Posted at 3-30 13:46
I verified today that the Smart Controller(SC) reverts to the January 18 2013 date and time of 0150 when shut off. Today I planned a waypoint flight while on WIFI verified the date and time was correct and saved the plan then shut off the SC. When I turned on the SC minutes later with no WIFI connection, to fly, I noticed the date & time was back to January 18 2013 and 0150. I went to where I could reconnect to WIFI and let the SC update to the correct date and this time, left the SC on, disconnected from WIFI, and flew. The resulting flight log, and videos stored on the Mavic 2 zoom onboard MicroSD card, had the correct date and time. Conclusion: when the SC is shut off it reverts to a date & time of January 18 2013 and 0150, it doesn’t retain the correct date and time and as a result all subsequent flight logs, videos, and photos are stamped with this incorrect date & time. See attached Screen shots showing the SC time when turned on before updating using WIFI network time, then the SC time after updating using WIFI network and the last screen shot attachment shows todays flight log with the correct time. All the previous flight logs have the January 18 2013 date because the SC reverts to that date when it is shut off.
The SC must be able to retain the correct date and time when shut off and without the WIFI network(except for perhaps occasional updates) otherwise all flight logs, videos, photos and anything else that requires a date and time reference will be provided erroneous information.
Mine exhibits the exact same behavior. When connected to WiFi the time and date updates to the correct time. But when the SC is powered on without WiFi it reverts back to 03:50, January 18, 2013. I noticed that yours is showing 01:50 and mine is 03:50 and I'm guessing we have different time zone settings. Mine is Eastern Daylight Time.
The biggest problem is being in the field where there is no WiFi. Setting the system manually before you fly is not acceptable. |