Mavic Enterprise Dual- Smart Flight Modes?
7854 33 2019-3-27
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United States

I currently operate an S900 with Lightbridge 2 and a FLIR and GoPro camera.  I just bought the Mavic Enterprise Dual that will be delivered tommorrow.   I am looking at product videos and I see that the DJI Pilot app doesnt have the intelligent flight modes or Active Track.  What are the chances that DJI will impliment those into the Pilot app at some point?  And until they do, is it possible to use the Go 4 app instead?
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First Officer
Flight distance : 16783757 ft
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United States

You can NOT use the DJI Go 4 app with the M2E or M2ED and DJI has given no indication thus far that they intend to do so.  However, it is a very rare occurrence for DJI to provide any forward looking information.

From my perspective, they don't seem to be positioning their enterprise drones to do consumer level activities.  They are very focused on first responder and inspection type activities.  I would be very surprised to see them add the intelligent flight modes any time soon.

However, I have absolutely no insider information here, so I'm just giving my opinion and could very well be completely wrong on their future intentions.
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United States

Yeah I figured as much.  I use it for search and rescue primarily, but every now and then I fly for demo purposes and sometimes make videos for promotion.  It would just be cool to have those available if needed.
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DJI Stephen
DJI team

Hello and good day wpdadmin. Thank you for purchasing the DJI Mavic Enterprise Dual. As of the moment intelligent flight modes or Active Track  functions is not yet included on the said drone. Let me please forward this inquiry/thread to our DJI R&D Team for further development of the DJI Mavic Enterprise Dual. In addition for the latest updates and news on the DJI Mavic Enterprise Dual. Kindly please visit our official website at for more updated details. Thank you.
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United States

DJI Stephen Posted at 3-29 12:27
Hello and good day wpdadmin. Thank you for purchasing the DJI Mavic Enterprise Dual. As of the moment intelligent flight modes or Active Track  functions is not yet included on the said drone. Let me please forward this inquiry/thread to our DJI R&D Team for further development of the DJI Mavic Enterprise Dual. In addition for the latest updates and news on the DJI Mavic Enterprise Dual. Kindly please visit our official website at for more updated details. Thank you.

From my perspective, active track and POI orbit would be nice to have if they need to schedule a slow release of capabilities.  Both have S&R application, as well as support for public services (i.e. POI orbit) while working a scene.
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Asher Pogi
Flight distance : 338481 ft

KlooGee Posted at 3-27 12:46
You can NOT use the DJI Go 4 app with the M2E or M2ED and DJI has given no indication thus far that they intend to do so.  However, it is a very rare occurrence for DJI to provide any forward looking information.

From my perspective, they don't seem to be positioning their enterprise drones to do consumer level activities.  They are very focused on first responder and inspection type activities.  I would be very surprised to see them add the intelligent flight modes any time soon.

When I flew in Civil Air Patrol, if spotter reports possible target, I would "orbit" the airplane around the POI until spotter ID's the target.  So having POI feature is a must on the M2ED.  Stationary hovering  doesn't gather enough image data to fully evaluate the situation.

In LEO work, what if they need to track a moving ground based target?  Active Track is another must on the M2ED.

DJI does not market the M2ED as a hobbyist (consumer) based product.  Why use the word "Enterprise" in their product?

DJI really screwed the pooch on releasing the M2ED before all the required features were ready.
en·​ter·​prise | \ ˈen-tər-ˌprīz  , ˈen-tə-ˌprīz\
Definition of enterprise
1 : a project or undertaking that is especially difficult, complicated, or risky
2a : a unit of economic organization or activity
especially : a business organization
b : a systematic purposeful activity
agriculture is the main economic enterprise among these people
3 : readiness to engage in daring or difficult action : INITIATIVE
showed great enterprise in dealing with the crisis
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First Officer
Flight distance : 16783757 ft
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United States

Asher Pogi Posted at 4-5 19:39
When I flew in Civil Air Patrol, if spotter reports possible target, I would "orbit" the airplane around the POI until spotter ID's the target.  So having POI feature is a must on the M2ED.  Stationary hovering  doesn't gather enough image data to fully evaluate the situation.

In LEO work, what if they need to track a moving ground based target?  Active Track is another must on the M2ED.

Thanks for sharing those use cases.  I can certainly see how those features would be useful for those use cases and I'm sure there are many other use cases it may not be able to fulfill as well.

I've got a bit of a different view on your statement where you said "DJI really screwed the pooch on releasing the M2ED before all the required features were ready."
Now in your view, it may not do everything that you need to do and it may not do everything that a large portion of prospective customers may need it to do.  However, if it was me running their business, I would ask myself whether it fits the needs of enough users in order to be able to sell it and make a enough of profit while we continue to develop it to eventually fit the needs of the majority of use cases.  As a business, I would compare the cost/benefit of waiting to release a product until further features are available vs the cost/benefit of releasing with a subset of the features.  

From what I can tell on the outside, it seems like they are selling them like hotcakes, so I'm guessing they are likely happy with their decision to release it as it is.  I just hope that they do continue to add additional features such as you suggest to be able to fulfill even more missions.
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Asher Pogi
Flight distance : 338481 ft

Asher Pogi Posted at 4-5 19:39
When I flew in Civil Air Patrol, if spotter reports possible target, I would "orbit" the airplane around the POI until spotter ID's the target.  So having POI feature is a must on the M2ED.  Stationary hovering  doesn't gather enough image data to fully evaluate the situation.

In LEO work, what if they need to track a moving ground based target?  Active Track is another must on the M2ED.

Update to my previous post.  I used the Litchi app (Android) on M2ED and the POI orbit, Follow (controller) worked fine.  The Active Track mode had some difficulty due to the congested terrain (urban).  I previously reported that Litchi's mission planner is much better than DJI's GO.  I've flown several missions using Litchi without any problems.  The only thing that Litchi doesn't support, camera modes (FLIR/Visual) and control of attachments (spotlight, speaker).
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United States

Can someone tell me at what altitude I can reasonably expect to identify a person on the ground with the thermal camera? Thanks
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United States

DJI Stephen Posted at 3-29 12:27
Hello and good day wpdadmin. Thank you for purchasing the DJI Mavic Enterprise Dual. As of the moment intelligent flight modes or Active Track  functions is not yet included on the said drone. Let me please forward this inquiry/thread to our DJI R&D Team for further development of the DJI Mavic Enterprise Dual. In addition for the latest updates and news on the DJI Mavic Enterprise Dual. Kindly please visit our official website at for more updated details. Thank you.

At what altitude can I reasonably expect to identify a person on the ground with the thermal camera? Thanks
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Second Officer

United States

It depends on the terrain (water, land( as well as ambient temperature. You can vary the settings to minimize some of these differences however. We have been successful at 150-200'.
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Asher Pogi
Flight distance : 338481 ft

KlooGee Posted at 4-5 20:16
Thanks for sharing those use cases.  I can certainly see how those features would be useful for those use cases and I'm sure there are many other use cases it may not be able to fulfill as well.

I've got a bit of a different view on your statement where you said "DJI really screwed the pooch on releasing the M2ED before all the required features were ready."

I'm speaking as a retired Director and Project Manager with 30 years semiconductor industry experience.  I will stand by my statement that DJI made a very poor decision in releasing the product before all the published and promoted features are available.

Simple case in point.  Would you buy a Smart Phone that doesn't offer Wi-Fi, 3G or 4G/LTE connectivity, but takes great pictures?  The manufacturer says, don't worry, just buy the Smart Phone now and we may support Wi-Fi, 3G or 4G/LTE connectivity at some unknown date in the future.

You honestly expect me to believe "their product is selling like hotcakes"?   If I were still in management, I'm going to perform my due diligence before approving any purchase.  In this case, DJI didn't deliver what it promised. DJI went to trade shows and promoted:
The Mavic 2 Enterprise was specifically built to serve industries and applications in public safety, inspection, search & rescue, fire response, and law enforcement.

If I were a still in management, I'd cross DJI off my list of suppliers or solutions.  There is no way the M2ED meets the requirements stated in their own FAQ.

Please take off your rose colored glasses.  A lot of us paid twice the cost of a Mavic Pro 2, which has more features and functionality, not gimmicks and empty promises.
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United States

EFRPIC Posted at 4-8 20:08
It depends on the terrain (water, land( as well as ambient temperature. You can vary the settings to minimize some of these differences however. We have been successful at 150-200'.

That’s what I needed to know. Strange how none of the reviews or videos actually show locating someone at night
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Flight distance : 226332 ft

United States

djiuser_QbyP0Ga9LncA Posted at 4-8 19:48
Can someone tell me at what altitude I can reasonably expect to identify a person on the ground with the thermal camera? Thanks

We were out this past Monday evening (we have a daylight waiver) testing just that to get an idea how well the Dual will function during searches. As mentioned above, it certainly does depend on the terrain and outside temperature. But in 70F degree weather we were able to pick up a person at 100' height without any problem. It's certainly not as good as an Inspire w/FLIR, but then it doesn't cost anywhere near the cost of that setup.
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Flight distance : 183077 ft
United States

Asher Pogi Posted at 4-5 20:55
Update to my previous post.  I used the Litchi app (Android) on M2ED and the POI orbit, Follow (controller) worked fine.  The Active Track mode had some difficulty due to the congested terrain (urban).  I previously reported that Litchi's mission planner is much better than DJI's GO.  I've flown several missions using Litchi without any problems.  The only thing that Litchi doesn't support, camera modes (FLIR/Visual) and control of attachments (spotlight, speaker).

Asher - what are you using Litchi on?  An Android phone?  Just curious since I have the new Smart Controller, I thought maybe I could add Litchi to it...
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First Officer
Flight distance : 16783757 ft
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United States

Asher Pogi Posted at 4-9 01:50
I'm speaking as a retired Director and Project Manager with 30 years semiconductor industry experience.  I will stand by my statement that DJI made a very poor decision in releasing the product before all the published and promoted features are available.

Simple case in point.  Would you buy a Smart Phone that doesn't offer Wi-Fi, 3G or 4G/LTE connectivity, but takes great pictures?  The manufacturer says, don't worry, just buy the Smart Phone now and we may support Wi-Fi, 3G or 4G/LTE connectivity at some unknown date in the future.

Can you be more specific as to which features they have marketed/promised with the M2ED that aren't available?

As far as I've seen, they have been quite clear that only DJI Pilot (not DJI Go 4) is the supported app for controlling it.  I also haven't seen any sort of details showing, demonstrating, or promising any of the Intelligent Flight features found in DJI Go 4.

Also, feel free to have a casual constructive conversation rather than trying to be hostile.  I said nothing in my previous post to warrant your "rose colored glasses" comment.  I was simply offering a counter point from a business oriented direction.  I'm sure with your prior 30 years of Director and Project Manager experience, you can have a cordial discussion on its merits without having to get aggressive.  
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Asher Pogi
Flight distance : 338481 ft

KlooGee Posted at 4-10 12:55
Can you be more specific as to which features they have marketed/promised with the M2ED that aren't available?

As far as I've seen, they have been quite clear that only DJI Pilot (not DJI Go 4) is the supported app for controlling it.  I also haven't seen any sort of details showing, demonstrating, or promising any of the Intelligent Flight features found in DJI Go 4.

None of what I said was a personal attack.  I already specified the missing requirements (not features) for SAR and LEO use cases.  POI, Active Tracking intelligent modes.
The expression "rose colored glasses" means someone who believes what is told them instead of looking at the facts.  Please explain how that is offensive?

I called out DJI for not fulfilling what they state in their own M2ED FAQ statements and User's Guide.  I've read many complaints on this strictly moderated forum and other forums regarding the M2ED lack of features.  It's better to buy two Mavic Pro 2's with full functionality than one M2ED with half the working features.  DJI didn't deliver on their promises and won't even publish a timeline on feature releases that should've been released upon its initial release.

You never responded to my earlier comparison.  Would you buy a smart phone that takes great pictures, but doesn't have Wi-Fi, 3G/4G/LTE or BT connectivity?

Based upon your earlier comments defending DJI instead of the customers, I start to question whether you have some type business agreement with them.  A dealer maybe?  For example:

3-27-19 "They are very focused on first responder and inspection type activities.  I would be very surprised to see them add the intelligent flight modes any time soon."
4-10-19 "it may not do everything that a large portion of prospective customers may need it to do."; "I would ask myself whether it fits the needs of enough users in order to be able to sell it and make a enough of profit while we continue to develop it to eventually fit the needs of the majority of use cases. As a business, I would compare the cost/benefit of waiting to release a product until further features are available vs the cost/benefit of releasing with a subset of the features.";
4-10-19 "From what I can tell on the outside, it seems like they are selling them like hotcakes"

You contradict your own statements (in red and bold red).  You even admit DJI is more interested in profits than building a quality product.  Might be good for short term, but it would be like comparing Intel vs AMD business models during the 1990's.  Who was the more successful company?

Those are you own words, take my response however you want.  If you consider constructive criticism as being offensive, you shouldn't be in business.  

I've always volunteered my services and experience to help others.  Being retired and on a fixed income, I expect to get a product with the features for which I paid.
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Asher Pogi
Flight distance : 338481 ft

SeatOfPants Posted at 4-10 07:09
Asher - what are you using Litchi on?  An Android phone?  Just curious since I have the new Smart Controller, I thought maybe I could add Litchi to it...

Double post...deleted.
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Asher Pogi
Flight distance : 338481 ft

SeatOfPants Posted at 4-10 07:09
Asher - what are you using Litchi on?  An Android phone?  Just curious since I have the new Smart Controller, I thought maybe I could add Litchi to it...

Sorry, I can't answer that for you. I use a Samsung J7 Android phone with the M2ED standard controller.  BTW - I also use Android's screen cast to a Samsung Series 7 (UHD/4K) Smart TV for command center use.  I'm still trying to find a work around for switching camera modes using the Litchi app.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 16783757 ft
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United States

Asher Pogi Posted at 4-12 18:45
None of what I said was a personal attack.  I already specified the missing requirements (not features) for SAR and LEO use cases.  POI, Active Tracking intelligent modes.
The expression "rose colored glasses" means someone who believes what is told them instead of looking at the facts.  Please explain how that is offensive?

Again, you can't seem to have a casual constructive conversation without attacking and trying to get personal and question my ethics.  I really feel like if we were face-to-face, your tone and approach would likely be much different and productive.  Unfortunately, anonymity on the internet reveals a person's real character...  

And to reply to your baseless accusation, no I do not have any sort of undisclosed relationship with DJI.  I'm just a guy with a keyboard and a video camera like a lot of other people here.  I like to learn as much as I can from the community and be able to share with others what what I've picked up along the road.

In regards to your specific question, "would you buy a smart phone that takes great pictures, but doesn't have Wi-Fi, 3G/4G/LTE or BT connectivity?", this question makes no sense in relation to the context of this discussion and is why I didn't specifically address it previously.  However, since you bring it up again, I will answer it directly...  

Of course my answer would be no to this question because I would see in the product marketing and specifications that the specific phone I'm about to buy has those specific features because they are important features for my requirements.  I wouldn't just assume the phone I'm about to buy has 5G because I once saw the mobile provider have an advertisement about another product with 5G.  I would look at the specs and marketing materials for that particular phone I'm interested in and make sure it has the features I want and think it has before I put my hard earned money on the table.  

Since you asked me again about a question I didn't answer previously, I'll do the same since it is related to your question.  Which specific feature in the M2ED marketing and specs is missing in the product as it exists today?  Not what features did you want to be there, but the feature that I can go look at DJI's marketing and specifications and find that it isn't there?  

And again, do I think the M2ED would be a better product for more people with some of the Intelligent Flight features? Absolutely!  It would definitely make it more usable in more use cases.  However, it still doesn't make it useless for a lot of people that don't require those features.

You mention that people should just purchase two Mavic 2 Pro's instead of one Mavic 2 Enterprise Dual.  However, again you are putting YOUR requirements in front of the requirements others may have.  
  • Many use cases specifically require the M2ED's infrared camera.
  • Many use cases specifically require the M2ED's additional accessory modules that mount on the top.
  • Many use cases specifically require the M2ED's password protected device with encrypted data.

For these people the M2P does not fit their needs, but the M2ED fits their use cases just fine and they are happy to pay for the product as it exists today.  Why should DJI deny these customers a great tool for their needs until they are able to add additional functionality that may or may not fit YOUR specific requirements?  Its a win for the customers who have these requirements as they get a tool available today to use and its a win for DJI and their bottom line.  
If your M2ED doesn't meet your requirements, I believe the resell value is quite high on them.  I'm sure you won't have any troubles selling it so you can put the funds towards a competing product.  Do you have an eye towards a competing product?  If so, which one?

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Asher Pogi
Flight distance : 338481 ft

KlooGee Posted at 4-13 06:54
Again, you can't seem to have a casual constructive conversation without attacking and trying to get personal and question my ethics.  I really feel like if we were face-to-face, your tone and approach would likely be much different and productive.  Unfortunately, anonymity on the internet reveals a person's real character...  

And to reply to your baseless accusation, no I do not have any sort of undisclosed relationship with DJI.  I'm just a guy with a keyboard and a video camera like a lot of other people here.  I like to learn as much as I can from the community and be able to share with others what what I've picked up along the road.

Again, I ask you to please be specific how I attacked you personally.  

Questioning one's point of view and pointing out inconsistent statements is a debate, not a personal attack.  A question is not an accusation.  I simply asked if you were a DJI dealer or representive, which is completely acceptable in a debate.  If you were either, then I would definately question your ethics.  However, I never questioned your ethics, only DJI's.  I'm trying to understand why you strongly advocate DJI's M2ED product release that is completely missing the features that users (SAR, LEO and Industrial) were expecting.

I used information taken directly from DJI's FAQ's and other marketing (white papers).  Hence my comparative example of the Smart Phone question, as it applies to the M2ED product launch.  If there was a poll feature available on this forum, I believe more M2ED owners would agree with my assessment on the quality of the product release.
Here are examples of where the M2ED product fails to meet their target audience for SAR, LEO and Industrial uses from this forum:

I'm advocating for users (myself included) who were promised a product with features that weren't delivered upon the product release.  All we hear are more empty promises, not solutions.

You speak highly of the M2ED and state I would have no problem selling my M2ED.  Would you be willing to buy mine at cost plus shipping?  BTW - I live in the Philippines.  I'll continue to use my DJI P4 to assist the local and national goverment emergency teams and invest my money in something else.

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Flight distance : 214026 ft
South Africa

Asher Pogi Posted at 4-9 01:50
I'm speaking as a retired Director and Project Manager with 30 years semiconductor industry experience.  I will stand by my statement that DJI made a very poor decision in releasing the product before all the published and promoted features are available.

Simple case in point.  Would you buy a Smart Phone that doesn't offer Wi-Fi, 3G or 4G/LTE connectivity, but takes great pictures?  The manufacturer says, don't worry, just buy the Smart Phone now and we may support Wi-Fi, 3G or 4G/LTE connectivity at some unknown date in the future.

I agree. The M2E Dual at this stage is a basic drone with a torch, boombox and a flashing single party light at double the price
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First Officer
Flight distance : 16783757 ft
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United States

DroneAnt Posted at 4-14 23:02
I agree. The M2E Dual at this stage is a basic drone with a torch, boombox and a flashing single party light at double the price

Unfortunately thermal cameras are just expensive right now.  There aren't currently a lot of other low budget options in the same space with a thermal camera.

Parrot just announced their Anafi Thermal today which takes their normal Anafi from $550 up to $1900.  Or there is also the Yuneec H520 thermal at about $3800 compared with their $1899 Typhoon H Plus.  I haven't done any sort of feature comparisons of these competitors, but maybe they would fit use cases not supported by the M2ED.  Based on the pricing, the M2ED is right in the middle of the pack on these low end thermal camera drones.
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Flight distance : 4429 ft
United States

Its kind of stupid they don’t add these features active track is very big for police if they are tracking a suspect and working with a DJI certified enterprise dealer we sell a lot of Mavic 2ED to police looking for this feature as well as the mapping feature that’s in the Matrice Series
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United Kingdom

Ok, it might be my own fault for being so naive, but I was really under the impression that M2ED is advertised as a better version of M2Z or M2P except for the normal camera. It never even crossed my mind and now cant believe that it might have been possible not to include the tracking and waypoint features which are

a) necessary for an enterprise drone and I actually rather dont understand how a hobbies consumer might want it
b) surely should not be so hard to implement

I'm happy with the litchi solution for now, but overall not the best feeling inside - feels like being tricked even though somebody would argue its my fault.

Dear DJI, could you please include that functionality as soon as possible.
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Nicholas Kotarski

United States

Let's cut the  Bull...!!   When you release a drone like enterprise and charge $3000 How the hell can you not have the software  Ready??  It comes with a camera the has thermal capabilities but you can't use them  The way they're supposed to be used. How can you not have  The smart features like active track    And the 10 other features that should be on   The enterprise. The enterprise  Should have its own app called DJI enterprise. Is that simple. How you release this and we're stuck with DJI pilot or you can  Download  L ITC HI and can't use the camera?? Not to mention if we crash the enterprise using litchi I'm sure it wouldn't be covered...  Anyways putting this drone out to the public with no APP is like buying a gun with no bullets.   I do search and rescue  And is the biggest waste of $3000 I'm selling it AND better off  Saving a grand AND getting the parrot  anafi thermal..  Now I understand why the US military picked the parrot to use with special ops..   DJI WTF???
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Nicholas Kotarski

United States

Asher Pogi Posted at 4-12 18:45
None of what I said was a personal attack.  I already specified the missing requirements (not features) for SAR and LEO use cases.  POI, Active Tracking intelligent modes.
The expression "rose colored glasses" means someone who believes what is told them instead of looking at the facts.  Please explain how that is offensive?

Your 100% right.  The enterprise is a joke. Im disgusted with the 3000.00 i paid and cant use the smart features. makes it useless. No App for there best drone???  I do SAR so you can imagine how mad i am.
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Flight distance : 214026 ft
South Africa

DJI Stephen Posted at 3-29 12:27
Hello and good day wpdadmin. Thank you for purchasing the DJI Mavic Enterprise Dual. As of the moment intelligent flight modes or Active Track  functions is not yet included on the said drone. Let me please forward this inquiry/thread to our DJI R&D Team for further development of the DJI Mavic Enterprise Dual. In addition for the latest updates and news on the DJI Mavic Enterprise Dual. Kindly please visit our official website at for more updated details. Thank you.

Hi Stephen, any news on the firmware / DJI Pilot upgrade to allow IOS pilots to use Intelligent flight modes ? It has been more than 6 weeks since Android through upgrade can now fly Intelligent modes
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Dobbo IOM

Isle of Man

Very disappointed with the M2ED. Camera good, thermal ok but no flight modes? Gobsmacked. With smart controller and batteries this has cost £3500 and I could have got a M2Z for around a £1000. Please tell me that this will soon be rectified? Love DJI but this one has made me think again.
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Flight distance : 308858 ft
South Africa

I am also very disappointed that I thought the Enterprise will have everything plus more than the other models. I bought the Enterprise for use on a sheep farm and absolutely need the Active Track asap. Where can I find out if DJI is actually working on this, or should I "downgrade".
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Flight distance : 26919 ft

I flew the Enterprise using DJO GO, including all IFMs, on the Crystalsky until I installed the latest firmware. This killed that possibility, leaving only the Pilot app to control the Enterprise. So it is clear that the Enterprise can fly all the IFMs if the controller permits it. It is also clear that some engineer at DJI artificially and unnecessarily castrated the Enterprise. Why?
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Nicholas Kotarski

United States

Yeah I've had the Enterprise dual for about a year now and I use it for search and rescue and let me tell you it sucks ass. DJ I should be ashamed of themselves. $3,500 for a Enterprise dual that has a camera that has no zoom whatsoever. You have a thermal camera with zero smart capabilities and after about 50 feet with MSX you can still pick up heat but you have no idea what the hell it is. Yeah it's good for telling surfers to get out of the water. Yeah it's good for looking for something at night with the spotlight. And you definitely don't get no 31 minutes of flight time. Maybe if you just sat there and hovered and didn't move.. you're looking at like 20 minutes of flight time with about 5 minutes to make it back wherever you are. So a year goes by and DJ I still has not Incorporated smart features or changed the app which is DJI pilot. Sorry guys biggest freaking waste of money. Where's the active track? How the hell do you not have a zoom? Holy rip off
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Nicholas Kotarski

United States

fans318b80a5 Posted at 2019-12-18 07:31
I flew the Enterprise using DJO GO, including all IFMs, on the Crystalsky until I installed the latest firmware. This killed that possibility, leaving only the Pilot app to control the Enterprise. So it is clear that the Enterprise can fly all the IFMs if the controller permits it. It is also clear that some engineer at DJI artificially and unnecessarily castrated the Enterprise. Why?

Yeah everytime I look at mine I want to puke
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Scout 1111
United States

With the fly more combo I paid over $7,000 for the M2EA. How in the world does this not have intelligent flight modes. Other than Mini all other Mavics have intelligent flight modes. This defies logic. DJI can you explicitly state if and when DJI Pilot will be updated to include the intelligent flight modes? I bought this drone with the assumption that these features would be incorporated into the flagship Mavic.
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