Flight distance : 24572349 ft
United States
My first piece of advice to everyone who plans to fly any drone with GPS and positioning, is to find a cheaper drone that doesn’t have those luxuries and learn how to fly. Not doing so would be like an airline pilot only using auto pilot and never actually flying a plane beforehand. When you finally do have an inflight emergency due to interference or something malfunctioning, you will react much differently. Especially after you lose GPS, positioning, your HD , or all of the above.
Second, fly in a wide open field when you are first learning or if you are using a new drone. Try everything out before relying on it in tight spaces and near obstacles. Stay above obstacles until you really get used to flying your drone. Having height gives you time to react to emergencies without crashing into something. It’s the same reason helicopters and planes keep a minimum altitude.
USA...REGISTER WITH FAA! Register as a Hobbyiest or as commercial pilot (part 107) if you have earned your certification.
USA NEW FEBRUARY 2019 you must have your Reg. Number on the outside of your UAV. In an area that can be seen by law enforcement without touching your UAV.
SD Card installed?
Flight procedure/strategy:
1. Make sure batteries are charged (the day of flight is best) if traveling keep batteries in fireproof/resistant bags. Not in your drone. I do this whether in a car or on a plane. Flying In USA bring your batteries in storage charge 30% stored in fire proof bag, on the plane with you. Don’t leave your batteries in hot car at all. Don’t try to cool them with AC..
2. Know your flight location and what you are interested in photographing. Be aware of any interference that could come from the objects you are photographing. Ships? Lighthouses , and even some bouys can cause interference. Use care when flying low over water with sensors on. High voltage wires? Large groups of people? Obstacles? Check AirMap app for airports and check FAA for flight restrictions. If you are within a small airport (class g) and flying as a recreational pilot you must call the airport. They will ask your name, location, how high , and how long you will be flying.
If the President flies over New Jersey and you are over the bay, the DJI app will make you land in the water. Check FAA site for TFRs.
3. PAY ATTENTION TO THE APP. I know so many people that just take off and go, without realizing their batteries isn’t firmly seated, or that they are already getting warnings and error messages. Make sure volume is up on phone or tablet.
4. Visually Check your aircraft before and after flight for stress cracks and any damage.
5. HOVER pause and look at the app. Make sure everything is reading normal before you take it up.
6. Fly higher than the obstacles (houses/trees) if you lose positioning and your UAV blows with the wind you will have time to react properly, I love my phantom 3 because you can easily turn off positioning and learn what it’s like to actually fly it. I have seen several people take off quickly (usually from something with metal in it) get a compass error, lose positioning , and the wind blows them into a tree or house. Usually, they don’t even realized what happened. At least be prepared to get above obstacles in the event of a problem. BATTERY ERROR? LAND!
7. In the USA try to stay in VLOS line of site... I used to think low over the water ,what could happen? Coast Guard Training! Low flying helicopters ... use extreme cautioning if you are out of site.
8. Always think about what you are taking pictures of and in what lighting conditions. ND Filters help a great deal I full sunlight. Don’t leave the filter on when the lighting gets low.
I am constantly searching the web for old abandoned buildings, railyards, boat graveyards, and other interesting locations. These locations usually result in awesome pictures and a safe area to fly , free of people to bother.
Happy safe flying!!!!