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CASA - Australia - Civil Aviation Safety Authority
3149 13 2019-4-1
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Flight distance : 24259 ft

According to the media etc, in Australia, CASA will introduce drone registation in July 2019 for drones equal or above 250gm. Less than $20 per year with a 'free'' 'accreditation' online course. Submissions may have been closed recently. Overseas visitors may/will require a permit to fly here.
It's not final yet, but I thought I should share the changes proposed.... I searched the forums here & did not find anything related - sorry if I repeated the same topic.
Happy flying & best wishes to all.

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DJI Stephen

Hello and good day Sparkz71. Thank you for sharing this very informative links you have shared with us. Great find and thank you for yours support.
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Fatboy Mac
Flight distance : 794311 ft

Hi sparkz71, I put a post ( a few weeks ago under the regional forum/Australia with a link to the survey. A few people viewed it so hopefully some submitted their thoughts on the casa website.
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Flight distance : 24259 ft

Fatboy Mac Posted at 4-3 03:02
Hi sparkz71, I put a post ( a few weeks ago under the regional forum/Australia with a link to the survey. A few people viewed it so hopefully some submitted their thoughts on the casa website.

Thank you Fatboy Mac. You have taught me something new to look for.
I have never clicked on the more>regional menu.
The forums here are sometimes confusing. I get DJI messages from DJI admin in the Spark forum & redirected to the Mavic forum (eg relating to the new smart controller). I just entered CASA into the search box in the Spark forum & assumed it would search everywhere. Now I know, unless I select each forum & search individually, mistakes will occur. Sorry for repeating your topic.
I heard about it on radio - Melbourne 3AW but they failed to explain, even with a CASA representative. One bloke called in & only uses his $50 'toy' chopper inside to chase the cat - why should he pay? They forgot to mention weight, indoor usage & RC club environments.  Just the normal talkback radio with only half the info.
Another bloke called in & said his drone had GPS, sensors & should be exempt. Well, the Boeing 747 Max had all that & still falls from the sky.

My final comment is that CASA require an indelible serial number on the drone. Personally, my Spark serial number has rubbed off below the battery. I hope DJI can improve their printing technology & provide replacement labels if required, otherwise it's going to be hard to comply with the rules.

Thanks again for sharing your other post/link Fatboy Mac.
Happy flying.
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Flight distance : 32031 ft


Yep I was unaware of a regional forum too. The "have your say" closed in February, what is it with these fake government have your says? They release the information in January and give you one month to find it and respond! It also says its been phased in and recreational users wont have to register until Nov. I'm guessing the online video is going to be the same useless rubbish like the Blue card etc, where it's just a way for the government to get money and get your name in a data base, but doesn't teach people anything.
Oh don't quote me on this, but doesnt your serial number come up when you hook your spark to the DJI assistant2? Ah just found a thread and its on the go4 app too.
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Flight distance : 32031 ft


Have you seen this too? The comments are hilarious. The government is going to completely stuff this up the way they do everything else. I notice that everyone in the video of these "trained" pilots is holding the joysticks wrong with their thumbs on them instead of correctly having two fingers "pinching" them for more precise control.

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Flight distance : 24259 ft

RJB1 Posted at 4-4 00:37
Yep I was unaware of a regional forum too. The "have your say" closed in February, what is it with these fake government have your says? They release the information in January and give you one month to find it and respond! It also says its been phased in and recreational users wont have to register until Nov. I'm guessing the online video is going to be the same useless rubbish like the Blue card etc, where it's just a way for the government to get money and get your name in a data base, but doesn't teach people anything.
Oh don't quote me on this, but doesnt your serial number come up when you hook your spark to the DJI assistant2? Ah just found a thread and its on the go4 app too.

I have had a Red Card (Victoria) since 2004.  I never bothered changing to a Blue card.  Regardless, on each site, specific induction is then required. So the card means nothing as everything is repeated on site.

No, the serial number in the DJI Go 4 app is for the remote controller, not Spark. I've been fooled by this mistake in the past.
I'll check soon & reply if it available via DJI Assistant. I have to reboot & reinstall drivers from DJI as I just discovered one is missing as it was unsigned during the last update.

CASA will require the serial number to be printed on the drone or available remotely (electronically) during flight when technology permits - similar to ADS-B in private/commercial aircraft.   
Yes, the CASA proposal for drone registration mentions that they would like to know how many drones exist & where they are flying.
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Fatboy Mac
Flight distance : 794311 ft

Sparkz71 Posted at 4-3 23:00
Thank you Fatboy Mac. You have taught me something new to look for.
I have never clicked on the more>regional menu.
The forums here are sometimes confusing. I get DJI messages from DJI admin in the Spark forum & redirected to the Mavic forum (eg relating to the new smart controller). I just entered CASA into the search box in the Spark forum & assumed it would search everywhere. Now I know, unless I select each forum & search individually, mistakes will occur. Sorry for repeating your topic.

Hey Sparkz71, the more posts the better about this as everyone should be aware of the changes. Personally I think it’s a good thing if a) it makes the public trust & have a better understanding of drones. b) stops the small minority of drone pilots doing the wrong thing.
I’m only too happy to have to register myself & my drone if it means I can fly freely & not feel like I’m some sort of drug dealer sneaking around with a bad habit
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Flight distance : 24259 ft

I agree Fatboy Mac 100%.   CASA will not enforce the new rules until November.  Just before anybody gets one as a new Christmas present! ... ation-scheme-update
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Flight distance : 24259 ft

Sparkz71 Posted at 4-4 02:08
I have had a Red Card (Victoria) since 2004.  I never bothered changing to a Blue card.  Regardless, on each site, specific induction is then required. So the card means nothing as everything is repeated on site.

No, the serial number in the DJI Go 4 app is for the remote controller, not Spark. I've been fooled by this mistake in the past.

The serial number can not be recovered via DJI Assistant 2. I even tried debug mode with factory options enabled.  I haven't tried but it maybe recoverable via Wireshark as DJI Assistant has an option about sending the serial number to DJI.
Otherwise it is recorded in the DJI Go 4 App via version < 4.2.12  in plain text during activation. As this only happens once - good luck to have an older version & save the logs (device>dji.go.v4\LOG\CACHE\active\*.txt).
Or it is also recorded on the original packaging - the black box &/or the white box.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 139895 ft
  • >>>

RJB1 Posted at 4-4 01:02
Have you seen this too? The comments are hilarious. The government is going to completely stuff this up the way they do everything else. I notice that everyone in the video of these "trained" pilots is holding the joysticks wrong with their thumbs on them instead of correctly having two fingers "pinching" them for more precise control.

Pinching or Using thumbs are both valid ways to hold the sticks.

It is a personal preference.

I use both Pinching when using a neck strap and thumbs without neck strap.
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Fred F
Flight distance : 4676457 ft

Has anyone got the latest on CASA's final decision and requirements? seeing that it is already mid Jul.

I look under "drone" on CASA website, it seems they still havn't finalised anything, have I missed anything?

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Flight distance : 5922034 ft
  • >>>

Fred F Posted at 7-4 21:57
Has anyone got the latest on CASA's final decision and requirements? seeing that it is already mid Jul.

I look under "drone" on CASA website, it seems they still havn't finalised anything, have I missed anything?

"Drone registration and accreditation scheme
We’re finalising plans for the scheme. No action is required at this time."

It doesn't look like, but a new app:

In the future, we’re excited that the new platform will also:

integrate with our proposed drone registration system
allow licenced operators to submit flight authorisation requests
automate approvals to operate within 3 NM of a controlled aerodrome, where safe to do so
provide the building blocks for a future RPA traffic management system. ... y-app-now-available
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Flight distance : 5922034 ft
  • >>>

Update: Commercial: Nov.2019 / recreational: March 2020

Registration will occur over two phases:
  • commercial drones from November 2019
  • recreational drones from March 2020.

So lets go to Australia, NOW! ;-)
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