Looking to get a replacement camera module. The drone got wet, but survived in a fuly working condition, except the camera
I know I can get full gimbal with camera etc, but was curious if anyone knows of JUST the camera module - it incorporates all the lenses and sensor. Something like the attached picture.
OR, if anyone is selling a broken gimbal, then I can recover the camera module from it...
Hi, we're sorry for the mishap that happens on your drone. For this kind of situation, we would recommend contacting our support for you to send out the drone in our unit as we're not recommending our customers to fix the drone on their end due to that it would reflect the warranty of your unit. We're hoping that you could get the best recommendation that you may need to fix this drone. If you wish to contact our support, you may click the link below. Thank you for understanding.
You know, that was the first thing I did! I came here asking in case someone was selling JUST the camera and not the whole unit. Trying not to have to pay 300-350 for a gimbal/camera...
alex_bogdi1988 Posted at 4-11 00:15
You know, that was the first thing I did! I came here asking in case someone was selling JUST the camera and not the whole unit. Trying not to have to pay 300-350 for a gimbal/camera...